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NiteTiger Returns


Active member


unbelievable, nite...

glad you are staying positive. :bashhead:

how are you & the family holding up?

if you need to talk, shoot me a PM.

best wishes to you and the family for the holiday, NiteTiger.

p.s. can you share your tincture with us?

i appreciate it.



Welcome back NT, that totally sucks what happened, just seems like some bad luck but ya know now you can hope on the good luck to come your way and it usually does after a while. I hope you continue to grow, and I hope your family is doing very well. Keep high hopes and positive feelings, even when your hurting bro. Peace


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Heya Guys! :wave:

I'm touched by all your support :friends:

Things are actually improving at a much better pace than I ever expected. I'm firmly convinced now that the pain clinic treatments were putting pressure on the injury, and keeping it from healing.

May just be the tincture, which is amazing medicine, I seriously think a very high percentage of my future grows will be made into tincture. Amazingly effective. Coupla tablespoons, and I'm medicated for a good 8 - 12 hours, with a good batch holding on for 14 hours. Pain not gone, but buried deep

The way I made this batch of tincture was using Everclear and sugary trim from the last grow that I'd forgotten about in the back of the freezer :biglaugh:

Hell, I even found some bud I'd forgotten about :D

You know you're a grower when you just find random shit like that :smoker:

To make it, I just put the Everclear and trim in a bowl, and stir it lightly for 5-10 minutes. Then I filter it through a coffee strainer back into the bottle. I put the bottle in a pan of boiling water, and boil off the alcohol to about 15-25% of the original volume.

Also, I'm getting the new garden growing as we speak. I did some prep work to the space and installed two 15 amp outlets yesterday. Today I'm going to work on getting the floor prepped and the scrubber and lights in. Then I just have to get the panda poly tacked in, and I'm ready for a burn in.

Once I get the buildout done, I'll get a new thread up and link it here. Not doing a buildout thread this time though.


Keep the positive outlook NT...You seem to help a lot of people out, I am sure the favors will be returned in full...Good luck in 09' my friend..
Hey NT, while you may not know me well, I've been reading along with you for a time now, and I'm glad to hear you're doing a little better and back to business. All the best!

Damn NiteTiger!
I've always been lurkin' y'r threads but had to post some words of encouragement..
Not good to read about all y'r troubles but it's very good to read about you doing better.
Ya better write that tincture recipe down and guard it with y'r life huh, Liquid Gold that is!!!
I'm wishin you and yours all the best.
Back to :lurk: I go :D
:wave: Low


Active member
hi nitetiger,

Thanks for sharing. I am planning on preparing some tincture which ive been considering for a long time. I was wondering which everclear you used , 151 or 190 proof? Also about how long does it take to kick in? Im assuming its probably different from edibles (cannabutter), perhaps quicker since its alcohol?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hey Highlow, didn't see you stop in :D Thanks for your positive vibes!

Robot - I have only 1 kind of Everclear available here in my state, that's the one that is 95% PGA. It's got the warning on it that says you should not drink it without mixing it with something non-alcoholic :D I guess that would be your 190 proof. As far as how long it takes, it will kick in in about 15min, with full effects landing after you eat. So I take it before breakfast. If I've got something to do (like my son's attendance review board for school, grrrr) I'll take the tincture, and hold off on breakfast until after. After that, you can bolus it by eating.


Active member
Thanks for responding. It was your mentioniong of your tincture that has rekindled my curiousity. Ill have to wait couple weeks for the everclear to get delivered since its not available in my state.


in the thick of it
glad to hear you're back on your feet NT. Best wishes to you in the new year, turn it around and keep fighting the good fight.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Hey guys, finally got to an hotspot I can be at fairly regularly, so it's time for me to return again :biglaugh:

As an update, my back is better, thanks to a wonderful member here, and I've pulled one harvest and am pulling another this week, thanks to another great member.

Those are the ups, the downs are that we're being evicted because we can't make the rent, haven't had the garbage picked up in three weeks because we can't afford it, and I'm out of baby formula. Oh, and the insurance company offered $2k on my ceiling collapse and back injury :badday:

I should write a country song :D

At least we all have our health, and each other, so with that we'll make it through what we have to get through.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Don't think I'm not there IGT, I'm just very limited in the people I could do that with- 1.

Big D

Its good to hear from you! Keep your chin up brother. I'll be sending the good vibes your way. Keep in touch if not just to rant... we love hearing from you!



i feel you with the baby formula needs man... i hope you get top dollar from your harvest. sounds like you could use it.
and fuck all you people that are of the opinion he should be giving his hard work away.

if you want to write a country song 3 chords is all you need... G, C, & D.

hope some aloha comes your way.


Grower of fine herbs...
Good to see your still around NT, with all that shit going down I hope that things are starting to go your way! Anyway keep your head up and push through the BS and you will make it, your spirit is indomitable!


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