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Nirvana Master Kush, Reveg & Clones. One big ol' Cluster Fuck!



Simplest edible recipie that I use is:
1cup whole milk
1cup water
3.5 grams of dank (whatever amount you want, hash, kief, etc..)
gold coffee filter.

Boil the water and milk combined, rolling boil, not foaming over the top, add grinded herb, boil for 22 minutes or until reduced by half back to the original 1 cup of whole milk.
The trick, is constant stirring for the entire time that it's a rolling boil w/ everything in it. Once done, strain through filter, remove plant.
Add choc, mix, drink down hot.
Don't make any plans for about 12 hours lol.

Be sure to consume this on an empty stomach, like for breakfast first thing in the morning. May take like 30ish minutes to hit, then look out. You are going to the moon, you may not need to smoke any the rest of the day.


i am waiting to purchase some bubble bags i have about 2 lbs of trim and popcorn,,,to use up,,,but bho sounds good from all accounts i have read,,,peace


Hope you dont mind I throw a recipe in here - since you're talking about bho (oil)

Super simple - double boiler (glass dish on top of slightly boiling water) - throw a stick of butter in the dish - add as much oil as you want.
Then add that to any recipe and bake at 375 - I made cookies and they turned out good. :smile:


i am waiting to purchase some bubble bags i have about 2 lbs of trim and popcorn,,,to use up,,,but bho sounds good from all accounts i have read,,,peace

They are expensive huh? I got some like I said, but they are not the right size, super glad they were free I guess. Now I am looking at an extractor for the BHO, for me it's gonna be a better investment.

Hope you dont mind I throw a recipe in here - since you're talking about bho (oil)

Super simple - double boiler (glass dish on top of slightly boiling water) - throw a stick of butter in the dish - add as much oil as you want.
Then add that to any recipe and bake at 375 - I made cookies and they turned out good. :smile:

Hell yeah.


HEy all, just hitting this thread up, no new news, nothing in flower yet. Those 3 KS clones are recovering and they will be sent in in about a week and a half. Hopefully, most of my cuts will have roots by then, and I can plant them into cups and get them out of the flower room, and convert it back to a flower area. I have a spot picked out to put my bubble cloner in the original nursery.

It's gonna be tricky flowering through the summer. With 1 lamp on, it's consistently between 80-85*F. I could knock my home thermostat back down to 67*F, that would keep my room at a good temp, and allow my tent to be within range, but shit, that's expensive! Looks like my best bet is going to be 1 lamp at a time through the summer, or until it cools off. Now I have to find my other timer.


Well, the flower room is the flower room again, got the lights, hoods, and glass cleaned up, just need to get the rest of the room cleaned up today. The 3 Kansas clones are chillin' under 800 watts of HPS, I am still undecided about running both at the same time. Getting ready to water the 3 clones again today as well. Gonna give them a dose of veg nutes, (PBPGrow), Calmag, LK, some ST, and that's about it I suppose. Not too much, just 10ml/gallon of grow, and the regular 5ml/gallon Calmag, and 10ml/gallon of the LK. Glad to have gotten them repotted into the bags, nice not have to water every other day. I gave up on the 15 KS clones in my bubbler, they won't be making it into flower. I am going to take more cuts off the mum and try to root them in a glass of water, we'll see how that goes I guess. Got the mandala youngsters moved back into my normal veg area, still need to make some room for my mum, and don't know how well that'll work. Anyways that's it I guess. Once I officially flip, I will post some new pics. It looks like I will be training these 3 clones, they should get some excellent light coverage since it's just the 3 of them. This round, I will likely be pot stacking w/ these bags, just cutting off the bottom 1/3 or so, and then stacking it into a 3 gallon bag w/ fresh FFOF probably about 30 days or so into flower. Gonna go alot lighter this go round like I said earlier, trying to get into the habit now before I start the mandala stuff in here.

As far as last round goes, kind of an update. The flowers are really starting to cure up finally, just stopped getting the chlorophyll smell when they open. Well, at least all but 1. The flowers from the keeper that I have, literally smelled dank and peppery as soon as they were cut, and that bouquet has just gotten better in the jars. Jars are done breathing, and cure is now in full effect. The big herm bitch bush and her clones are interesting. Last round they were lemon flavored. That flavor hasn't come out in the smoke yet, but it's getting there. The bouquet is cool, it is unmistakebly w/out a doubt...
smells like fresh peaches. No shit. Didn't smell like this last time. It is very subtle, and soft aroma, and the only detectable aroma as far as I can tell. At first I didn't realize what it smelled like, but yeah, just like a peach. It's wierd that it doesn't translate to the smoke at all though, oh well.
So that's it, sorry for the lack of action around these parts, just kind of a slow turn around for me, but I am getting there. The Hashberry and Satori are what I am stoked about, can't wait to flower some of them!
I bet those three clones couldn't be happier under all that light. Not much you can cheaply do about summer temps, so just hope the genetics you've got can handle the heat I suppose. And I try to get as much air movement as I can get from my fans. My temps are going to approach 90 at times, so I'll see.


temps can be a problem i live in an old house,, so no central air but i have an ac in the room and with a 9x5x7 1/2 foot room with a 1000 watts, with the outside temps at 80 and no other air conditioning on in the house i can keep my room at 76 degrees 2 1/2 feet from the 400 and the 600 watt lights,,,if it hits 90 or above i might have trouble but i also have both lights with open reflectors so if heat does become an issue i will hook up the air cool hood for my 600 that should aleviate any temperature problem,,,and those lil 6 inch clip on fans hooked up on your reflector blowing on your bulbs help a lot more than what you think they would,,,
well good luck this round bro,hope all goes smoothly for you,,,,peace


Eh yeah, those clones are loving life at the moment. I think I am gonna have to just cut back to running 400watts through the summer, not such a big deal I guess, I will try to sneak in the extra 400 from time to time when I can. Oh eh 90* holy shit man! I was watching my temps today w/ both on, and it got to 85* and I said fuck that and turned it off. That gets me back to 80 or under sustained. Peaking at 82. Man good luck w/ your run, hope that you have favorable conditions and your temps don't get too high too often, shit, I hope that for me to. One of these days I will have to go all out and get the A.C. unit just for the grow. Ah dreams..lol


Da da da daaaaaaaa....

Da da da daaaaaaaa....

Well, tomorrow, 9pm, marks the official DAY 1 of Flower for the 3 clones. Moved mom back into the nursery, tied her up a bit. You will like'em BHJ, I am not scrogging them, but I am training them as if I had a scrog, kinda, well at the moment anyway, at least until it get all fuckulated and goes nutz. I will get some pics up as soon as I get the room cleaned up and nice again, it's a pit at the moment. I really don't know what to expect out of these clones, probably not gonna get a whole lot outta them, but I hope to have some hashberry and satori to put in behind them here in a month or so, maybe sooner. Hell, they are vegging pretty quick, little monsters. I may have to take "Faith Clones" and send the seeds in and get a batch of Pure Power Plant cracked. I say "Faith Clones" because, you just never know, I may not get any to take? Then? Re-veg? I will if I have to but I don't want to and that's not a for sure thing either. And it takes longer. But we'll see, maybe my Kansas stuff is just a bitch to clone and the mandala stuff I will have better luck with. Guess we're gonna find out. But regardless, no reason not to get the PPP going. Got 6 more KS clones in water now, keeping my fingers crossed! Love to put them in too. Well that's it, pictures tomorrow hopefully here and of the nursery area.


Day 1 Flower

Day 1 Flower

Well, first light after the first dark, that makes this day 1 again folks. Nirvana Master Kush clones, 3 of them, topped, trained, and ready to roll. Just a few pics, not too much to see, hopefully I can keep these girls under control.

That's pretty much it for now. I will post some pics when something more profound happens.


Alrighty here we go then. I wonder if I will have any of this batch left by the time I get these 3 cut, dry, and cured! EEk I hope so we'll see. On deck are Hashberry and Satori. Then.....maybe PPP we'll see. I was planning on taking it slow w/ the mandala stuff, but I may have to dump a few into the flower room early and clone later or reveg, otherwise I won't have enough room in my veg area to have any clones going. We'll see, fuck it, maybe I will just throw the clones in as soon as they go in the dirt. We'll see no plan really just gonna wing it and try to stay busy. I may take a cut or two of a hashberry that has some side branching going and stick it in here and sex it I guess, that way when I confirm it's a male I can be a little more negletful of it I guess. Got a perfect spot to collect some pollen when the time comes. Should be fun.


HB 356
SAT 1235

Ok so tonight I moved Hashberry 3,5,and 6 into the flower tent. That leaves HB1,2,and 4 in the veg area. I have moved Satori 1,2,3,and 5 into the flower tent as well leaving Satori 6 in the veg area.
Basically, not expecting anything eventful out of this, going to sex these and remove males to prepare for their sausage fest. Leave the females and take clones from the ones that I can and let the seeds finish flowering, maybe a re-veg if I have something special and can't get my clones to work out eh he he he. So that's what's new, will get pictures soon. I also topped all the plants, their first dark cycle will be later this morning, then their official Day 1 starts tomorrow night. So these seeds are just slightly behind the 3 KS clones I have stretched out. Everyone will get water tomorrow, all are due, getting light. I have been doing better about really waiting until the plants tell me to water. I have a bad habit of watering everyone at once, even if they don't quite need it just because I am lazy basically. It just so happens they are all just about ready for water, w/ the exception of a couple, I will just make them wait. Since I have these girls in here, I will try to use the less is more approach that MM recommends, even w/ the KS clones. I do need to get a few things, but not anything right away. All is good I guess. Once these plants show sex, I will re-pot the females w/ the KS clones. My thinking is to take these 1g bags and cut the bottom out and stack it right on a 3 gallon full of fresh tasty FFOF. I don't think they are root bound by at all now, but this way I give them plenty of room and they get to use much more fresh dirt than they would if I repot them, seems like I get like an inch of fresh all the way around and just a few in the bottoms, this would give the girls a full 5 gallons each, should they need it. You know what, scratch that I may just repot/stack them into 2 gallon bags instead, that gives them the full 3, more than my clones had last round, significantly. We'll see how that works. Eventually I am trying to get my flowers to finish relativiely small, in the smallest container that I can. That's kind of what I am working to anyway. So that's it, I probably will not spend any time on the Mandala stuff here in this thread, keep it about the Nirvana Master Kush, not alot of threads for that, that I found. But you may see a pic here and there. I will put the Mandala stuff into the Mandala forum. And of course the veg area is where all the magic will happen. There I will cover everything I have in veg. So that's it, try to get some pics up soon.


Alrighty here we go then. I wonder if I will have any of this batch left by the time I get these 3 cut, dry, and cured! EEk I hope so we'll see. On deck are Hashberry and Satori. Then.....maybe PPP we'll see. I was planning on taking it slow w/ the mandala stuff, but I may have to dump a few into the flower room early and clone later or reveg, otherwise I won't have enough room in my veg area to have any clones going. We'll see, fuck it, maybe I will just throw the clones in as soon as they go in the dirt. We'll see no plan really just gonna wing it and try to stay busy. I may take a cut or two of a hashberry that has some side branching going and stick it in here and sex it I guess, that way when I confirm it's a male I can be a little more negletful of it I guess. Got a perfect spot to collect some pollen when the time comes. Should be fun.

this next harvest might be the first one i have pot from the last harvset,,,,but i am a pothead so who knows,,,peace


Yah, I am being pretty optimistic hoping that I have some left, who knows it'll be close. Sounds like we are both in the same boat there. Good luck to ya here's to both of us not running out before our next round is finished!


Flower Day 4

Flower Day 4

Well, hit the KS clones w/ 5ml/gallon PBPGrow as well as calmag and LK. I was pretty busy w/ some other stuff tonight, sorry no pics, but the battery is charged and ready, so probably tomorrow night as I will have nothing to do w/ the plants. Did get some house cleaning done in the flower room as well, still got some to go though.
KS clones are fine, I am training main branches pretty aggresively, and have tried to keep the under canopy growth trimmed up.
Next round they will get just plain ROw/Calmag and that's about it, maybe some LK as well. Made a discovery tonight, all my clones I ran last round, little to know roots. Pulled the dirt outta the pots, and was pretty surprised by the lack or root systems on them. Explains the shit yield, now I need to figure out why? The 5 gallon buckets on the other hand, holy shit. THose were something else. I am loving these clones at the moment. They were trich'd and getting sexy while they were in there veggin' before I flipped them. Not flowering or anything, just a lovely ready to rumble lady. Pics will be neat. I like training plants, these I am only messing with for a couple of weeks, just main branches, no sideshoots (training), if these behave as the last clone and original mum did, they won't actually stretch much, we'll see. If they do decide to take off I got sometin' for dem.:laughing:


Flower Day 4

Flower Day 4

Well, don't know what I was thinking, got a bit ahead of myself, today is day 4. Anyways here are some pictures of the "Kansas" clones. Nothing too exciting yet.



i abused my next round bro,,,lots of bending,,,had to get the space filled with tops,,,peace

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