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Nirvana Blue Mystic from seed - C22 cab

kim smith

Hey Budmaster Im still watchin, plants are looking great looks like your gonna get some nice hash or oil from your trim. Watch how old blue starts to put on the weight in the last couple of weeks. With mine I couldnt believe the smell through out the house man there was no getting rid of it, thank god I didnt have to many visitors at flower time lol. Plants are lookin awesome and you will enjoy the smoke, keep us posted.

Blue Mystic from seed

Blue Mystic from seed

Blue Mystic - Day 37 Flower


The lady is sure plumping up real nice... :canabis: yesterday the pH was sitting at 6.0 and the TDS 1120ppm. Today I added one quart of fresh water topoff to the res which brought the TDS down to 1050ppm and pH of 6.2. The buds have starting to plump up much faster in just the last couple of days. I swear she is smelling like some chronic Almost like a blueberry candy, and maybe it's just me but she kinda has a smell like coffee also... :yummy: oh my she smells strong when the cab is opened :smile: Check out these new pics... :joint:



A special recipe....

A special recipe....

I thought I'd share this special technique that hydro growers have been using for years... I have read in the past that many hydro growers use a special sugar trick to help their crops taste more natural and less chemy. I had forgoten until just recently about it and now that I remembered I wanted to keep it here in my journal. I have to give credit to another oldtimer hydro grower that came up with this recipe :wave:

I. 1 oz Citric acid
II. 1 oz Raw sugar
III. 1 quart of warm water
IV. 1 bottle (opaque) to store the muixture in once its mixed and cooled

"You mix the acid into the water until its all desolved and likewise with the sugar, then let it cool and bottle it. Add once per week to the tank throughout the whole grow and flowering process for hydroponics. Add at the rate of 1 ml per litre.

It will get the secondary metabolic pathways opened, the citric acid donates a protein to the raw sugar (Glucose) so the plant can absorb it, we get a symbiotic soup that does wonders for taste and smell in our hydro crops. For the last week of a hydro grow you can use it with just fresh water, it works real well."

So I went on a hunt for the materials and it wasn't to hard at all to find them. I found the raw sugar at my local grocery store and the citric acid at the local wine shop... they also carry it at the health food store

Here's what an ounce of raw sugar looks like... it's quite tasty to :yummy:

So I mixed it all up and the warm mixture is now cooling. I will be implementing it tomorrow and until the end of this grow... I really should have done it the whole grow but I'm just glad I didn't completely forget about it I guess next crop I will be starting to add it earlier... it will be interesting to try the finished product

If you click on the attachment of the closeup bottle of citric acid you will see where it says it's also good for sprouting got a kick outta that... :biglaugh:



i think i would like to try that recipe too, i will keep watching to see.
I have heard of a similar technique Mike but instead of raw sugar use unprocessed blackstrap molasses. It has alot of P and other goodies.
Cool, thanks for the feeding regime. That's helps alot. So you would say the WW are more nute sensitive than the BM? Nice show. Love the pics.


Looking very nice Budmaster!
Im watching the Nirvana Blue Mystic as i might be purchasing it for a special friend.
Looking forward to seeing your results.
Have a good day mate,
rule35sub1, Thanks for the stop :wave: I'll be sure to keep ya posted.

Nugs of Science said:
I have heard of a similar technique Mike but instead of raw sugar use unprocessed blackstrap molasses. It has alot of P and other goodies.

Nugs, Hey it's cool I knew you were talkin to me :smile: anyway I to have heard of the molasses trick but only with soil not hydro... would be interesting to study up on that one. :wave:

Leeroy&Co, Hey fellow toker thanks for stopin by :wave: I was lucky to get an indica pheno and nice blueberry sent with this one lady :canabis: Def worth $15 :joint:

Seems I have sparked some interest in my little experiment... to bad I don't have two of them to try it on. Once I have two mystics two flower I'll have to try with one and not the other to really see the difference. I just added the mixture this morning so we'll see how it goes. It seems she smells alot like blueberry candy of some sort... the smell is most pungent when the lights first go off :canabis:
Blue Mystic from seed

Blue Mystic from seed

Blue Mystic - Day 41/56 Flower


For the last few days the TDS dropped down as far as 840ppm and the pH would go down from 6.2 to 6.0 or so. Today the pH was still 6.2 when I checked and the TDS was rising to 1050ppm. I dumped the res and flushed her out with some fresh pH'd water. I decided I'm gonna keep her on nutes for a few more days and then flush... I may have to go a few days over the recommended flower time which is fine with me, gotta make sure I get all I can get outta her :joint: I mixed up a batch of nutes today the same strength as last time just no kool bloom this time.

Grow 0ml/gal
Micro 6.25ml/gal
Bloom 12.5ml/gal
Silicon Supplement 2.5ml/gal

Resulting TDS 910ppm & pH 6.2

The carbon filter is not working completely at 100%... some smell is getting through but not nearly as bad as without it. When I took her outta the cab today I almost choked on her smell :yummy: It's the strongest chronic I've ever smelled, with a blueberry kicker :canabis: Cannabis is so beautiful in flower no wonder it's deemed the plant of life in some cultures Everyday I notice the buds are more swollen than the day before, there are just a few hairs here and there starting to change color but barely noticeable compared to all the white hairs just exploding everywhere. Here's some pics from yesterday :joint:

Blue Mystic from seed

Blue Mystic from seed

Blue Mystic - Day 42/56 Flower


Nugs of Science, Thanks I do the best with what I got so far... my clones will give me much in the future :chin:

kim smith, Thanks for the compliments :wave: Tell me about it everyday I wake up to a blueberry breaksfast in my cab :canabis:

rule35sub1, Thanks for the stop :joint:

She's gettin bigger day by day :yummy: it's an awesome thing watching nature take it's course :canabis: The TDS had dropped by 70ppm since yesterday and pH was also down to 6.0. She smells this good now so I can only imagine how good the buds will be :whip: :joint:

Blue Mystic from seed

Blue Mystic from seed

(Yesterday's report)Blue Mystic - Day 45/56 Flower


Bonzo, Thanks she does smell good. :canabis:

rule35sub1, She's just a tad over 30" now.

I awoke yesterday morning at 4am which is not normal. I had a pain on right side and thought it was just a muscle cramp. I went and put some heat on it for about 15mins. This did not help much as the pain only got worse. It finally was so bad I was screaming because of the pain. I started to panic as I thought it could be my appendix or something. I finally decided there was no other choice but to call 911. :rolleyes:

"911 what is your emergency..." I think I need an ambulance I said. The female operator asked me my situation and I told her. She asked my name, age, and birthdate. She then asked me to veryify me address. I groaned all this out to her trying hard to stay calm. She said hold tight help is on the way. I put some pajamas on and got my coat and wallet... I then had to crawl to get the door unlocked and lay there waiting for what seemed like an eternity. :mad:

The fire guys showed up within about 5 mins and a few of them came in and just asked me what was wrong and told me to lay there and wait for the ambulance. 5 more minutes and the ambulance shows up... they helped me walk to the ambulance and then strapped me to a stretcher. The lady in the ambulance asked me a bunch of questions which were hard to answer in my state. She took my blood pressure and it was like 114 over something and then administered the iv then took another blood pressure reading which was lower 90 over something. She said I my blood pressure was to low to administer meds yet so I had to wait agghhh. :rolleyes:

Finally at the hospital, the doctor was checking me out and asking me to breath... I told him I was about to puke and he yelled at me to breath so I did and then puked over the side of the bed... and hurled. After this the doctor said they were going to give me meds for my pain and nausea, he asked me how much I smoked and drank a day and I told him none at all... He seemed suprised and said you don't smoke cigs, I said nope. He asked what kinda medications I was on and I told him I was on medical mj :canabis: he asked what for and how many times a day and I told him basically what for and a few times a day, he seemed not to care much. So finally a young female nurse came up and told me she was giving me a shot of narcotic pain reliever in my iv so I said good. It helped some but the pain was still pretty bad. About ten minutes later she came back with another shot that she said was a anti-inflamaotry. :eek: When she gave me that one woah I felt like I was floatin on a cloud. Everytime I closed my eyes I would start dreaming I was somewhere else but it was just as if it was real... then someone came along and called my name which startled the heck outta me and brought me awake again. I had xray and CT scan done... after this I was given a couple more shots wheweee I was not in pain anymore. Finally the doctor told me I had a kidney stone and that it should pass normally...

I was glad I didn't need surgery, that's what I was afraid of. Anyway now I'm back home and feeling much better. I decided to take her outta the cab to take the pics as the MH often gives a wierd color to them.

(Todays report)Today is day 46 of flower and I started the final flush. I will flower her anywhere from 56-60 days depending on how she looks. :wave:



Great grow Budmaster... I've got a few BM's sprouting now.

I've really enjoyed your journal.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
My heart goes out to you - I had a stone a couple years ago, and it was the worse pain I ever had. Glad to hear you are doing better... and still lovin your Blue Mystic girls..... -MGJ