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Nirvana AK48 - 210W CFL Grow

Hella THC

Hey virago :wave:

Still looking great, man. Keep this up, and you're going to be too baked to give us a smoke report. Of course if you just shared it with me after harvest, it would lessen the burden of being remarkably stoned. I'm willing to take one for the team :D jokes




Hey virago :wave:

Still looking great, man. Keep this up, and you're going to be too baked to give us a smoke report. Of course if you just shared it with me after harvest, it would lessen the burden of being remarkably stoned. I'm willing to take one for the team :D jokes



:laughing::laughing: Id love to burn one with ya hella! Thanks for the props

Ok I made a run to Home DePot today and bought two sheets of 3/4" MDF and had them make some cuts for me. The overall box is going to be 4'W x 2'D x 4'T. The veg side will be 16"W x 2'D x Unknown height, flower side will be 3'W x 2'D x 4'T. My question is what to use for a light. Id love to use a 400W in the flower chamber but I'm just not sure if thats too much. It will be in a cooltube thats independently cooled. Ill use a modified stanley for exhaust of the veg/flower rooms through a scrubber. Does this sound alright for you folks? Please let me know. Peace

Hella THC

After a lot of talk about this same subject in one of my threads, I don't think it's the best idea to use the 400w. You could probably do it, just so long as it's independently cooled like you say, as well as having the cab itself vented, but people have had lots of complaints about hot spots. I would go with a 250w. You can always supplement with CFLs.

You better hit me back about that joint! :D


- Hella


Im pretty much set on the 400W. I have all the panels painted with 2 coats of flat white. I need to make 2 cuts today and they box will be ready for assembly. Im still working out details on ventilation though RE: Intake. I probably wont start construction until tomorrow. Ill post pics when I get started. Peace -virago420


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Pics look great.Goodluck with the 400 , the outcome could be well worth it,if it all works.Definitely dont skimp on ventilation with this one


Fuzz420 - Thanks man. I think the 400 will work fine. I run AC in the room anyway if temps do become an issue. Id like to do away with the AC though. Ill try it, if its too hot Ill just switch to a 250.

Vlad - Looks good bro. Id like to eventually be perpetual.

Crafty - Thanks man!

The final dimensions on the cab are 30"W x 2'D x 4'H for the flower chamber, the mom/clone chamber will be 15 3/4"W x 2'D x 30"H, electrical chamber 15 3/4"W x 2'D x 17"H.

Okay Ive made a bit of progress on the new cab. Here is where I stand as of tonight

It will probably be at least a couple of weeks before the box is finished. If not longer, funds are very limited right now. Peace


your going to have an inferno in thier with a 400. If i was sticking a 150 in their id be giving serious thoughts about heat output and how id properly eliminate it, i liked your first grow, very mindful and thoughtout, good luck to u.
Ya HID's put out so much heat, that over watering is often a medication. I was just noticing these CFL's I put into a light fixture. Very yellow, compared to a blue 6400k (I think that is it's rating, maybe it was 6500K). I am very impressed at what these do at the wattage you listed.

I have 500 watts, when a box arrives. Warm and cool 125 CFL's, very small pots, with basic organic miracle grow soil...a bit of perlite and just a touch of some full spectrum nutes...having it sat around, thinking something about fungus cultures and bacteria.

Anyhow great plants
Wow! You're putting a 400 watter in a NGB style box? I won't say it can't be done but might be an overkill. Do you plan on using cool tube? My tube really does wonders wiht 150W hps.


After lots of thinking and many opinions from others Ive decided to go with a 250W HPS. The 400 will just be too much for the box. And yes the light will be in a cooltube. Ill let you all know how the build is coming when there is some more progress. Thanks for looking out folks. Peace


Couldnt help myself, heres a few more!




There ya go folks. Peace

Those are some nice frosty buds! :yeahthats Watching this thread...:lurk:

Good luck with the cab build, make sure you test the temps before growing in there as they will get much hotter with the plants taking up space. :) Hopefully the cooltube will make a big difference... have to get one of those when I can afford it. :frown:

My current space is 2' x 2' x 7' 1/2" and even with 1 plant ( though it does take up the whole 2'x 2' space and has like 50 tops) and using a 250 hps with 2 circulation fans, a 275cfm rvk fan and a humidifier my temps get up to 85 degrees after the lights been on for over 1hr.


After lots of thinking and many opinions from others Ive decided to go with a 250W HPS. The 400 will just be too much for the box. And yes the light will be in a cooltube. Ill let you all know how the build is coming when there is some more progress. Thanks for looking out folks. Peace
Good plan.

With 250W and a 2ft by 2.5ft cab: you're looking at 50W per square foot. The 400W would give you a hell of a time cooling.

If you haven't: considering checking out the CMH thread. A 250W magnetic HPS ballast will run both the HPS and a CMH lamp.

Great results from the CFLs though. You'll love HID ;)

-Q :rasta:


Hi Virago420

Saw your thread and had to read it through.The light u started off with
I'm growing in a modified dresser with 210 watts of CFLs (5x42) 14,000 lumens.
Is it corect of me to understand it as if its 5 lights with 42W each?
I had to ask since the first pic´s in this thread is impressive.


Yes thats correct. All of the pictures of plants in this thread were grown under 5 42W CFL's. Ill update the thread later today when I have some time. Today is the end of week 6 flower. From here on out Im going to start flushing. Peace


Update time! Here are the end of week 6 flower pics. I hope you enjoy!


Plant 1


Plant 2


Plant 3

And a budshot

There ya go folks. Peace

Edit: Heres a shot of them from July 16th when they were sickly little plants.


Heres where I am with the cab build. Started on the wiring today. Tomorrow I want to finish the wiring and install the lighting in the veg chamber. Im going to have the veg chamber lights independently cooled and above a plexiglass sheild. Peace
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