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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, it’s the stuff in the jar, see the pic at the end. We didn’t buy it, it was leftover from someone we work with and for a long time we never used it until we discovered recipes where you want a spicy lime taste. The provolone was alright, I made elotes before with quesadilla cheese (shredded asadero from sams club) and that was better I think but the woman opened up the bag of quesadilla cheese and thought it smelled bad so into the trash it went lol.
Ive never made poutine before but cheese, fries and gravy cant go wrong with that. Not sure about using cottage cheese, I guess you’d have to squeeze out the water/liquid as much as possible before putting it on the fries? Tell us how that works out. Yeah, unless youre in Wisconsin or some specialty cheese shop I guess cheese curds can be hard to find.

Has the heat wave finally broken? Looks like it’s back in the mid 80’s in socal, that’s fairly normal for Sept right? Here we had tons of rain yesterday and then overnight it dropped to the high 50’s (!). We kept the windows open and woke up to a pretty cold house, around 66 or so. Little chilly but the pupper likes it on the cold side.

Khalil mack has about 3 years left on his contract (till 2024) at around 22-23M/yr, so if he continues to perform that’s a good deal for the bolts. He’ll be almost 34 in 2024 so im not sure his next deal will be as big, then again von miller is almost 34 and he got a 6 yr 20M/yr contract from the bills (but only the first 3 yrs or so are guaranteed).
We’ll see how they really measure up when they face the chiefs on Thursday, mahomes threw for 5 td’s, chiefs ran 66 plays on offense and 33 of them went for 1st downs. I didn’t think the cardinals had a bad defense but jj watt didn’t play because of a calf injury and they couldn’t stop them from marching up and down the field. Maybe bosa mack and james can find a way.

Whole clam meat for 8-9 bucks a lb sounds like a good deal, I know they sell fresh clams there too but the shell is probably a lot of the weight plus you want to make sure you rinse any sand out of them. I used to be into linguine with clam sauce and would order it was fancy Italian restaurants but the last couple times I swear it tasted gritty like there was sand in them, ugh not a pleasant texture at all when eating, should have sent it back.
Not sure I’d make fried clams although DB makes them sound so good, does he eat them with some sort of sauce (hot sauce, marinara, etc?). I’d probably want to make a nice clam chowder with them, need some heavy cream and potatoes, onions, etc. DB, you like clam chowder or is that too rich for you?



In my empire of dirt
you are probably right about the cottage cheese being too soft and wet
it would probably melt away into the gravy, not a bad thing, but not what im looking for
im setting this one on the back burner for now
yeah man, thats the stuff! the mrs loves it
the temps are nicer now after the rain
we had a tropical storm come through the other day and it cooled things down for us
it might get hot again once more before the fall temps, october is the best month in san diego
you will get 80' days but it drops to like the 60s at night
we will see what we get but i am rocking a pretty nice tan so i can do the no shirt thing if need be
the chargers dont deserve nice things! and i dont like their new defense
they are plating on a short week having the thurs night game but i think they will come out swinging
you have to put the clams in a fresh water bath so they expel the sand before you cook them
clams in a shell are a whole nuther thing and i treat those way different
i dont know where they got the clam meat in the asian market but they were nice fat pieces of clam perfect for frying up


In my empire of dirt
what?! $25 for subway and they got your order wrong
/i would call them and be getting free sandwiches
the last time we were there we had a coupon for a bogo footlong 9subways one of those places i only go if i have a coupon)
2 sandwiches for like less than $10 and they were grinding!
for $25 you could have gone to fire house or some kind of deli if they have them around you
i would be kind of pissed too hawk


Horse-toothed Jackass
Patriots did not look good against the Fins, DB, but I think if a couple of plays had gone different the score would have been a lot closer or they might have even won. Jones was stripped by an unblocked rusher and the ball was recovered in the end zone for a TD and I also think he threw a pass into the end zone that should have been def pass interference on Miami. That’s 14 pts right there, game could have been a 14-13 or 20-13 new England victory.
But patriots always have a hard time at Miami (even brady won less than half his games there), and their offense like u said earlier is pretty rough. Ever since brady left they’ve been scratching for points, defense is great at keeping the score low but putting points on the board is a struggle. They said jones has back spasms, not sure if they can give him a muscle relaxer during games (lol) but maybe he wont miss any games.
Tartar sauce on seafood is always a win, I do like hot sauce as well if I want something less creamy.

Im thinking you need a cheese that doesn’t really melt to substitute for curds, Pop. Cheese curds are resistant to melting. They say fresh mozzarella is a decent sub for curds since it doesn’t melt as well as aged mozz because of its high moisture content; the aged mozz that is shredded and put on pizza of course melts well.
Also if you have any Indian food in your local groceries or an Indian grocery store you can buy paneer cheese which is also a fresh cheese that is very resistant to melting.
Plus im sure SD is a big enough city where they have specialty cheese stores that should carry curds. Doesn’t Cali have a decent dairy industry, in the central part? I think they produce more milk than Wisconsin even. Curds are considered a byproduct of making cheese.
Or you can order curds from this place in CA: www.achadinha.com
‘Only’ $14 for 6oz, minimum order of $70 plus flat rate shipping of $20 (that’s like $90 for 2lbs of curds lol - that would probably be like $12 in a wisconsin grocery).

FDS indeed Pop but im thinking the chargers will play the chiefs tough. Last season they won at each other’s stadium and that was with the chargers having a bottom 3 run defense. But having no Keenan allen is an issue, he had a TD in each of their games last year. Maybe their improved defense will make up for it, KC is favored by 3.5 on Thursday.

I agree with Pop, subway is way too expensive for what you get now, it was acceptable at $5 for a footlong back in the day but even with inflation paying 10+ for a crappy sub is highway robbery. You should download their smartphone app, they have a current deal where you buy one sub and get one half off: promo code is BOGO50, can input that in the app when you check out.
If you get free food at subway you can pack on a lot of weight, this youtube who does restaurant eating competitions said he worked there in high school and wanted to put on a bunch of weight for football (he was an offensive lineman) and would eat 3 footlongs every shift, think he said he got fired for that eventually haha.

Here’s some enchiladas suizas I bought at a place where they had a special, $2 each. Beef and cheese and corn tortillas cooked in some rich tomato sauce, very good.
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In my empire of dirt
oh man, thos suizas looks grinding baba! i havent had them in a red sauce, the ones we get are usually ina white sauce
our cheese game is strong in cali but its mostly cheddar and stuff like that
paneer is easy to get here but does it have the flavor that cheese curds ewould bring?
im sure i can find a spot locally to try out some real poutine and then work my way up from there
keenan was one of the big owies this past weekend; the real deal is dak! going down for 5 games
i agree that the chargers defense has been upgraded and the longer mack can stay on the field the better for them
so i watched a couple of this guys videos
hes actually pretty cool and i like his $20 challenge; but most of the videos i saw looked old, like from 5y ago
could you do the a lot of same thing fornow for $20?! i think not (he said they were like $6 ea?)
and whats this about a breakfast sandwich?! @subway
/man, im sleeping at the wheel here
i like ham and cheese and egg
i have never thought of a breakfast sub from subway but might have to try one, one of these days


Well-known member
WTF? &6 footlongs!??!! I think my mom's was like $9 for a six inch or something and it was just a turkey sandwich.i ordered a California club and that was it.$23 and change.i think they inflate the price cause they know they are the only game in town except jimmy johns and they are even worse.i only wanted subway cause I'm tired of greasy fast food.all I really have is a freezer otherwise I'd just make my own damn sandwich.

Shit 4 subs is nothing to Randy santel.thats a joke.hes probably got world records.whats really a joke his how little he paid for them.now I'm even more pissed.

Can't wait for the bears and Packers game.lol Packers get auto capped and bears doesn't.i hope the bears beat their smug asses.


In my empire of dirt
good question doob!
in honor or our man hawk im saying we get sandwiches, not not just any sandwich

doob you have to fill us in on this, what do you know about these spuckies?
i think the mrs has mentioned revere and if she wasnt busy doing normal people stuff i would go and bother her
/pop walks out half naked with pipe in mouth abd drink in hand; ends up jabbering about random stuff for the next 15m


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, ive never had them before but from what ive read online theyre supposed to be in a white sauce, suizas means swiss in Spanish and I guess there were swiss immigrants in Mexico who cooked enchiladas in a Mexican crema/sour cream sauce.
I think paneer is mild tasting, like ricotta, when it’s in Indian dishes probably most of the flavor comes from the sauce it’s in.
In Canada they sell poutine at the costco’s there, for a quick serve place it’s supposedly pretty good. You ever been to Canada? It’s only a quick 21 hour drive up the coast haha.

Keenan allen has already been ruled out for tomorrow night, and the chiefs kicker has also been ruled out (hurt his ankle at the cardinals stadium because they laid down new turf and it supposedly has a little ‘loose’). That was a big blow to dallas’s hopes this season, they were already looking like azz vs the bucs and now their franchise QB had thumb surgery after getting hit by a defender on his throwing hand. Cooper rush will start and he won a game vs the Vikings last year when dak was out with a calf injury. He had a 300yd 2td game so pretty good but the Vikings were pretty bad on D last year, now they face the bengals.

That dude randy has been doing these eating videos for like 10 yrs now, you should see the really old ones he was way more in shape. I could choke down maybe 2 footlongs if you gave me an hour or more but not 4 double meat ones in 22 minutes haha. Like Hawk said his capacity is pretty impressive, he beats about 98% of the restaurant challenges he attempts. That video was also from 2017 so yeah, they probably had a deal for $6 footlongs back then, not the regular price around here is $8-9, plus they have some fancier subs that are 10-11 now.
He says he’s a ‘professional’ eater, not a ‘competitive’ eater, so he doesn’t do contests against other people like the nathans 4th of July hot dog eating contest. It’s strictly restaurant challenges, like can you eat enough food to feed 6 or more people in 30-60 minutes? The people that do competitive eating, the best ones at least, can eat twice as fast as him and twice as much (15 or more lbs, his max is around 8-9 lbs in one sitting). Theyre ridiculous, they actually don’t do much chewing, take a huge bite, chew once or twice and swallow it down. That would choke a normal person lol.

Im telling you Hawk, you should use smartphone apps, you have access to more deals and can input coupon codes for subway. I’m posting a pic of some of our local subway coupons, you can see if they work in your area. Nice thing is with an app you can customize your sandwiches how you want and you can order ahead and they’ll be ready for pickup when you get there.
You have a freezer but no fridge? Like a chest freezer? Yeah, that can be hard to cook with that, even defrosting stuff would be a pain since it’s best to defrost stuff in a fridge.
Packers are favored by 7 at home on Sunday night vs the bears. I feel like a traitor but I think they may cover the spread, the bears win last week seemed fluky with the terrible field conditions, plus the pack get their #1 WR back. And their D is no joke, they didn’t cover justin Jefferson in the 1st half at all but mostly shut down the Vikings offense in the 2nd.

Here’s a breakfast pizza I picked up from Walmart ($8), it’s got eggs and sausage and cheese on a crust with country gravy instead of pizza sauce. It was alright, crust was kind thick and chewy, I added some slices of polish sausage to it too to amp up the meat content. Would I get it again? Probably not, eggs on pizza is an acquired taste, but it was fun to try.

breakfast pizza1.jpg
breakfast pizza 2.jpg

Here’s some subway coupons for you, they have codes in the corner of each one, see if they work at your local one if you use an app.



In my empire of dirt
that looks a lot like our subway coupons, does it have a flip side with the buy one get one free deal?
thats what we got but the other deals are pretty good too
it also looks like the local market is slinging burger beef or something like that in the ad below
i noticed that too, how the guy took huge bites and then went in for 2nd and third bites in the same mouth full
thats crazy! and he seemed to keep up a decent pace
i guess there are a lot of people like him who dont compete, there was this one chick who used to do those eating challenges, like kirra kilo or something like that
the funny thing is, two people who ive seen eat more food than you could imagine were btoh really small chicks
i had this cousin overseas who could eat like you would not believe
then there is the mrs
she is a remorseless eating machine and goes into her food, foOD, FOOD modes where she will eat everything in sight
/thats why i love her!
is that a take and bake breakfast pizza there baba? eggs can get rubbery when cooked not right
i like adding the polish sausage! but its hard to go wrong with polish sausage


Well-known member
Hey thanks baba! I don't see why they wouldn't work.ill download the app now.yeah,I've watched a bunch of Randi's videos.the guy goes all over the world doing food challenges.pretty impressive.

Damn pops! Those subs look like fire!


Horse-toothed Jackass
I didn’t take a look at the other side and I threw away the coupons after taking a pic. I know the BOGO free code is always “FREEFOOTLONG”, you can input that into the app when you have two regular footlongs in your cart and if it works it’ll make the cheaper one free.

Actually randy isn’t that great for taking huge bites and swallowing, most of the time he’ll take several regular or even smaller bites and then chew a bit and swallow. The real pros don’t seem to have a gag reflex, they can swallow a big bites of food with barely any chewing. It also depends on the food too, stuff that’s very loose or moist like burritos (chopped up meat, sauces, etc) or biscuits and gravy he’ll take big bites of but stuff with a lot of bread or a big steak or burger patty he’ll try to break up first with many smaller bites so he doesn’t have to chew as much before swallowing. It’s a strategy, he goes into it on his website.
Hawk is right, dude has been to a bunch of countries doing food challenges, he’s been to a lot of Europe, to Ukraine, a lot of Asian counties including india, been to Australia and new Zealand. I don’t think he’s been to Africa yet or south America so that’s probably on his list. His girlfriend is actually that katina eats kilos girl, I think that’s who you’ve seen before.
Most pro eaters are skinny, or normal size, it’s all about stomach capacity and stretching which doesn’t have much to do with actual body size. Randy says having a big gut is actually a disadvantage because there’s a ‘zone of fat’ around your belly making stretching harder, when he’s skinnier he performs better than when he’s too fat.

It was a take and bake pizza, I think all the toppings were pre-cooked. I didn’t notice the eggs being especially rubbery but youre right, you get those frozen breakfast sandwiches and heat them up they tend to have rubbery eggs. It was a nice idea but I feel like if you wanted a really good breakfast pizza you would have to get a fresh made one from a restaurant, not a take and bake. I think breakfast pizzas are more of a thing in the UK, not so much the US.

Those sandwiches do look fire, and DB is right, they were all like $15 lol, I think a cheese one was $10. Still, might be worth it if you compare it to subway for $8 without a coupon, they looked like footlongs too and had way more meat and cheese, much better quality too of course.

Well chargers lost to the chiefs tonite, they led by 10 early before chiefs came back to tie it up and then took a lead when Herbert threw an int returned for a TD. Then he hurt his ribs on a sack, made a valiant effort but ultimately lost by 3. Still they covered the spread (chiefs favored by 4-4.5). Im enjoying the football so far, even watching more college than I used to so Saturdays are full of football for me. Ill probably get sick of it before long though haha.


In my empire of dirt
the chargers game was pretty action packed for such a low scoring game
derwin james was on fire and absolutely slammed kelce! on one hit

have the ruled on herberts health yet? it looked like he was pretty banged up at the end of the game and i thought they were stupid for leaving him in
so far this has beena great start to the season and i cant wait for things to really start rocking and rolling
yeah man, those sandwiches look bomb!
with the way they are packed i would actually make two meals out of them
/pops is actually a baby bites eater according to the mrs; i eat a lot of small meals, more like snacks
that guy actually mentioned in one of his videos about the difference between dipping and dunking, a common competative eaters technique
dunking your break in water makes it go down easier, but sounds disgusting!
ever eat a wet sandwich?
dipping is great, adding flavor to each bite
yeah thats the chick!
what do you mean you are off milk doob? do you drink milk often?
i cant drink milk at all or i will die!
i can eat cheese and eat things like yogurt and a little ice cream but sometimes its a gamble brah
/lactose intolerant! rules

hit the beat now!
/this one comes courtesy of the mrs


Well-known member
I'm allergic to dairy but I eat eat all the time.i just get eczema.just read a story about an 18 year old college student from Cambridge that took a drink from his friends pinacoloda or whatever it was and ended up dying from an allergic reaction.pretty sad.was gonna be a doctor.he should of known better if he was gonna be a doctor


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, chargers D did a pretty good job of holding down the KC offense, mahomes only had a couple TD passes vs the 5 he threw last week vs AZ.
Derwin did pick up kelce and slam him to the ground to prevent him from getting into the end zone, kelce did jump into him a bit trying to score but yeah, he’s basically linebacker size (6’3 220lbs) so he can take on TE’s and RB’s head on and stop them in their tracks.
Herbert has some sort of intercostal muscle injury, it’s the connective tissue between his ribs. Very painful but can be managed with pain medicine, they’ll probably give him an injection next week so he can play. Just make sure it’s not that same team doctor who punctured tyrod’s lung 2 years ago, leading to herbert’s first start.
Im guessing Herbert felt he could go back in the game but ur right, that’s ur franchise QB right there, a top 5 QB, seems shortsighted to leave him out there when he’s clearly in pain, but so long as he didn’t flex his left side he seemed to be able to throw, even if it was all arm, couldn’t really get his core into it.

Yeah, $15 for a sandwich that would feed you for 2 meals is kinda worth it. Eating like 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 big ones is a bodybuilder diet, a good way to give your body enough calories to fuel your muscles but not so much to start storing it as fat.

Randy says he hates dunking bread in water, thinks it’s disgusting too but he’ll do it if he’s really pressed for time. A pro move for these contests is to dunk pizza crusts in a bowl of pizza or marinara sauce and let them soak while you finish all the inside parts, then at the end the crusts are nice and soft and much easier to chew.

So lactose gives you skin rashes, Hawk? You don’t get gassy from dairy? I think gluten allergic people (celiac disease) sometimes have that dermatitis condition, looking like a rash or eczema on their knees or elbows, etc. Lactose free milk is pretty common. Does cheese and ice cream also cause it? Like Pop said, they usually have less lactose than milk.


Well-known member
Yeah I used to get rashes.now that I'm older it pretty much makes me itchy and gives me dandruff and makes my psoriasis flair up but so does beer so it's moot.i had to drink goat milk as an infant.almost everything has dairy in it.my psoriasis is what bothers me these days.

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