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NFL 2014

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How boring can a game get? Zero/zero is as bad as it gets.
I knew as soon as I posted that, there would be scoring. I'm watching b-ball, Knicks beating Cavs, somehow.
Carolina can't do anything.

Well, bet New Orleans in the second half, as it was pick 'em, surprisingly. I was shocked when I saw the odds.
Second half is the way to go in these type games, as N.O. showed their superiority before halftime.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Uh, just watching Patriots-Bears, it s halftime, looks like a massacre.

yeah im glad i was working and didnt watch it. just very disappointing. but what can you do? :dunno:

this is the last time im starting cam newton. ugh. everyone said he would take a step back statistically this year having lost steve smith, and having broken a rib in the preseason. and yeah, he's had 1 good game out of 8 so far. just ugh.


Color me gone
quiet sunday around here this week......Well I think there are 3 really good games I am looking foward to Denver vs NE, Steeler vs Ravens, and arizona vs dallas. I Think Dallas would be in trouble either way today with or without Romo, Bruce Arians to me is coach of the year so far and Zona IMO are not overrated but a really good team. I think Arians just loads up the box today and makes Brandon Weeden beat them and not let the only thing dallas has going for them right now which is T.O.P and running the ball

I am excited for the Denver vs NE most for obvious reasons, I'll also being taking action on this game as well. I personally think NE is gonna win this game outright, I am sure Belicheck is watching the Jets Denever game over and over and gonna use a similar type attack as Rex did. When you can make Peyton Manning move his feet in the pocket he becomes mortal, he cant throw on the run at all or even throw well unless he is standing thier like a statue and thats why the Jets played them so tight, I expect Belicheck to try and do the same things, if Peyton gets to sit their and throw he'll just torch them like anyone else. Not sure how the weather is gonna be game time but if it comes down to the run game I'd say the Broncos have the advantage. Peyton Manning has played 49% of his career game outdoors as opposed to Brady who as played 92% of his career games outdoors, another reason Peyton is nothing but Tom Brady's bitch when you compare their careers, Peyton doesn't play well outdoors especially in cold whether, imagine how different Peyton's numbers would be if he didn't play in a dome all those years and imagine how much better Brady's numbers would be if he had Peytons comfy career. Give me NE+3 at home.


Ok I had to throw this out there !!!!

Major props to Mark Ingram for coming back strong as hell off that hand injury. Seems like hell be dominating like the first couple weeks.

FANTASY COME UP OF THE YEAR !!! picked him up at week 3



Color me gone
Im also taking Miami -3
steelers pk
and very tempted but not sure to take the 14 point dog Raiders, sucn an insanely high spread for NFL, this is a college line IMO.

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone

Uk Broncos fan here watching the Arizona game then denver after

Any Americans in uk watching sky sports ? Do you rate the commentary ?



how bout them cardinals
somebodys got to beat them
guess the niners at home, the seahawk at home and maybe the rams


Active member
Hey everyone

Uk Broncos fan here watching the Arizona game then denver after

Any Americans in uk watching sky sports ? Do you rate the commentary ?


I watch Skysports on my streams. I prefer English announcers, and the commercials are way less obnoxious.
English are more civilized. Americans have become loud and crass.

Gardening Angel

Active member
I watch Skysports on my streams. I prefer English announcers, and the commercials are way less obnoxious.
English are more civilized. Americans have become loud and crass.

Hey retrogrow

Thanks for the info
I was curious about the difference
I know commercials are big business in the states not so much in the uk but the breaks have got longer in the last few years



Horse-toothed Jackass
Who would have thought Arizona would be West champ? Seahawks or 49ers, everyone said.
still, some more football left to be played.

sounds like you won most of your bets, otto, but disagree with you on peyton vs brady. i think brady's had a better team and coaches than manning most of those years. also, denver plays outdoors. he's done pretty well these last 2.5 years. im pretty sure peyton would have done well most anywhere. is he better than brady? i think hes more forceful than brady, as far as controlling the offense. he calls his own plays still, right?
theyre both great players though, the greatest qb's of this generation. maybe you stick favre in there, rodgers, brees, roethlisberger, their careers overlapped. but manning and brady were the standard at their position for over a decade, any team would be lucky to have them.


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49ers made a huge mistake letting Alex Smith go. They are on the way down now, losing to the Rams @ home. Seahawks are on the downside also. Arizona moving up, Kansas City moving up, as well as Dolphins. San Diego slumping badly. Who could have predicted this stuff? No one.
Comparing Manning and Brady is like comparing Mickey Mantle & Willie Mays. They are all great. Brady has the advantage of having the best coach in football, and having Revis on defense. I was shocked to see Pats getting 6.5 points in the second half. These games where teams are evenly matched, I will only bet @ the half, like Steelers/Ravens tonight. It's a tossup, so why guess, when I can wait until half time and have more information?


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Well, my site is down, and have been unable to get anything in. Just as I was clicking on Pittsburgh, it went down. At that point, I knew they would win.


Active member
ahaha usc qb's blow !!!!! fucking hate mark sanchez. Was more impressed with Maclin holy fuck seems to be favored by both qbs.


Amazing!!! Sanchez had 2 TDs. I can't believe it. He is better than Geno Smith, though. The Jets actually found a worse QB! I don't know how they do it, year after year, decade after decade. They chose Blair Thomas over Emmitt Smith.


Amazing!!! Sanchez had 2 TDs. I can't believe it. He is better than Geno Smith, though. The Jets actually found a worse QB! I don't know how they do it, year after year, decade after decade. They chose Blair Thomas over Emmitt Smith.

ahaha right not a huge jets fan but Im interested to see how vick will do this upcoming week wonder if hell settle down and start getting comfy. Chris Ivory isnt a bad rb. either if him and vic can get their legs moving then it could be fun to watch this team for once.

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