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New Thai Sticks?????

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k

I was involved in flea markets thru the '70s early '80s, my guy in Brooklyn (Pat) supplied me w/a lot of goods 'hot off the docks', leather jackets, women's panties (a huge seller for me), car stereo's etc. On one trip out to Brooklyn he tells me that his son has some Thai sticks for sale if I'm interested :nono: do fish fuck in water???:dunno: of course I was interested.

Just for starters my buddy Pat was nearing 60, in '79 I was 23, our only common interest was making $$$$ @ flea markets, different markets so we never competed against each other.

Pat comes back from a different room than the one we always transacted in w/a big box, I can smell the Thai's arrival from 20 feet away, he opens the box top and the loosely wrapped big plastic bag inside, the sticks looked right (tight small sticky sativa buds on sticks) and smelled heavenly. Back in those days I always travelled with weed & a pipe so I went out to my ride to grab it, came back in and sampled a bit, the old fart Pat even took a couple of tokes, it was right on.

Pat always dealt cheap & this was no exception, I can't recall the price per # but I do remember taking 5#s of it that night. Put all my legit (& contraband) purchases into the back of my El Camino and got out of Brooklyn, took the long way home to miss any toll booths. My wife thought I was nuts but she was a stoner too, I'm sure she gave away a bunch to her gf's over time, but I cleared a profit by the time I'd sold 2#s.

those genuine '70s sticks and 'shrooms was a wonderful way to spend the night, when I was able to break away for a weekend Marianne & I would go down to Atlantic City, get stoned & tripp'n and then wear the buzz off chillin' on our balcony & the bedroom; we'd hit the Casino floor after midnight, have a few complimentary drinks and play some craps & blackjack.

I do not think the real thai sticks had more than 2 grams on them. I think they were between $10 and $15 a piece, when bud was $40 to $50 an ounce, and hash was $5 to $10 a gram.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Yes, in the 1970's, when we first got thai stick, it was rumoured to be opiated.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
In the 70s I was blessed to be at the right spot at the right time and was part of a Thai Stick distribution operation in the Northwest. Thanks to the Air Force's Military Airlift Command (MAC), phone book sized parcels of Thai Sticks were transported from Southeast Asia (at taxpayer dollars..hehehehe) to McChord Airforce Base a couple times each month before being broken down. These were the real deal, instead of being wound with a thread/string, they were wound with strands of hemp and bundled in packs of 20 or so (again using the hemp string).

The fake/bootleg Thai Sticks were wound with a thin thread (usually red) and were "crumbly". These were sometimes dipped with ???? but the real deal was never dipped. Of course the stick was the giveaway--real Thai Sticks were wrapped around a stick that was actually a splintery "split" made from a plant branch (cannabis?)--not a machined wooden skewer. Fake ones usually had "machined" stick in addition to the thin thread.

Oh yeah, the kilo sized phonebooks were packaged in various wrappings but always had a piece of paper (label of sorts) with a bird on it...sometimes with numbers written on it. It was their "calling card".

Ahhh those were crazy days back then....

As to opiated weed, yep, there were OJs (opiate dipped joints). A machined rolled joint (similar to a cigarette with a filter) was damped with liquid opiate solution, then while the cigarette paper was still damp, it was rolled in "shake". End product was a cigarette looking joint, with filter, with a slight discoloration (from opiate solution) along the bottom 2/3 of the joint...with crumbs of shake attached to where the opiate solution was. OJs...they fucked you up and were abundant in Southeast Asia!
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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
The Thaigars/cannagars are re-creation/marketing. Takes days to burn, most are overloaded with hash and concentrate. Even with the air hole from the removed stick, I think Leira estimates a ten hour burn on his 12g. He has a good looking product, everyone else makes green poo-gars.

I very much appreciate the stories shared here. You guys are an invaluable source of wisdom and history, I can not overstate that.


cravin morehead

Active member
I think the canna cigars are a cool idea and will make some of my own for sure. however I don't care what they contain, they cannot ever match up to real Thai sticks... I feel a name change is in order for those things. these kids today...

I always heard about em but i was born in the early 70's so i kinda missed that oppurtunity sadly. I did get to try REAL DEAL golden south american buds. Dont know where exactly down there it was grown but it was that " sunshine in a bag" stuff and all you could buy were lids. ( thats a reg sandwich baggy full with the lid flopped over the top! I have yet to try ANYTHING close to the HAPPY/EXCITED. Buzz that stuff gave you. I wont lie ive had nightmares about all the seeds i threw away as a teenager now that i see the potentials of these varietals! Thai sticks though? Shit man just to fucken try a real one would be bucket list! REAL TALK!


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
BTW...the actual Thai bud was long and skinny, so the words: fat, dense, stacked and tight are words that DO NOT describe the actual bud wound around the stick. Which means one would also find stems and the occasional seed after unwinding the fibrous string. Prices varied as did the actual weight/thickness of each stick, but bulk transactions were determined by weight.

I cry today--when I think about all those "Thai Stick" seeds we tossed after breaking open the phonebook parcels. It was normal to find a few dozen seeds on the table after breaking down a phonebook. Three-four years of fun, a few shipments each month....I guestimate a few hundred seeds. Crying shame!!!

Oh well, it's ancient history now.


BTW...the actual Thai bud was long and skinny, so the words: fat, dense, stacked and tight are words that DO NOT describe the actual bud wound around the stick. Which means one would also find stems and the occasional seed after unwinding the fibrous string. Prices varied as did the actual weight/thickness of each stick, but bulk transactions were determined by weight.

I cry today--when I think about all those "Thai Stick" seeds we tossed after breaking open the phonebook parcels. It was normal to find a few dozen seeds on the table after breaking down a phonebook. Three-four years of fun, a few shipments each month....I guestimate a few hundred seeds. Crying shame!!!

Oh well, it's ancient history now.

That's sad brother I could imagine how it must feel now knowing how rare that strain is now I imagine it must be stressful amongst all of you that enjoyed the original thai stick and chucked their seeds away not caring we are all guilty b of that even tho mine weren't thai bud more like Mexican brick who knows wtf that is. I seen these cannagars/thai sticks on ig and thought wtf this is interesting especially with the sift n oil in there that would knock me the fuck out lol


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
DocTim I remember getting 1/2 kilos of blond hash in muslin bags with a stylized bird sometimes within a circle stamped on the bag in either red or blue ink. Man that was good hash....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Hey Doc!!!




The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
That's sad brother I could imagine how it must feel now knowing how rare that strain is now I imagine it must be stressful amongst all of you that enjoyed the original thai stick and chucked their seeds away not caring we are all guilty b of that even tho mine weren't thai bud more like Mexican brick who knows wtf that is. I seen these cannagars/thai sticks on ig and thought wtf this is interesting especially with the sift n oil in there that would knock me the fuck out lol

LOL...it is all about getting old! When you need all the digits on your hand and feet to count the things that---by today's standards are super valuable--but were tossed out with reckless abandon during a yesteryear, you kinda stop crying.

And I promise to not talk about the 5 precious Cambodia Ganja seeds that my ex-girl friend (who is now my wife) tossed out by mistake. Back in those days, I stored my "fresh ground herb" in those plastic 35mm film pop top canisters and when she needed an empty one, she did not think it would be a problem to empty one that had just a few seeds....ahh, what I would do to wind back the clock.

We talk about a "lost generation"...I say there are tons of seed stories like mine where, unwittingly we purposely caused "lost genetics"....to be forever lost.

Oh well, sa la vie!


Well-known member
We talk about a "lost generation"...I say there are tons of seed stories like mine where, unwittingly we purposely caused "lost genetics"....to be forever lost.

Oh well, sa la vie!
Back in the day I saved a whole bunch of redbud seeds, from the good stuff. Planted a few rows at a friend’s farm and none of them even came close to finishing. Not really thinking at the time I pitched the rest of them, who knew…(face plant).
The new cannagar trend seems to fuse the idea of Thai sticks , Malawi Cobbs(in the style of a certain ICMAG member) , and fan leaf wrapped cannabis cigars. It's all just shitty marketing for the rich and also novice smokers in legal markets.

The thing that gets me is the green leaf used to wrap. When does anyone smoke green leaf cigars? Proper flushing, harvesting and curing are necessary for cigar leaves.

If anyone's interested, watch any of the numerous
Cigar rolling videos on youtube. If replI cared properly with cannabis, you could end up with a really amazing smoking experience.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Agree Weed, fan leaf is something I don't smoke--even when I am "out" (which is another discussion altogether--when I say I am "out", does that mean I have already scrapped the powder from seeds and stems and eyeballing the goo in the bong?...or does it mean I am down to my last gram/ounce/pound?)....so why would I want to smoke a fancy blunt wrapped in something that is incredibly concentrated with everything but THC? Cough cough cough...compared to a pristine bud--isn't a cannabis leaf loaded with tar & carcinogenic compounds along with chemicals, pesticides and ???? (remember plants sprayed in veg do not have flower structures).
If you were to prepare cannabis leaves for smoking, it would be very similar to making tobacco leaves palatable. In tobacco, the plant is allowed to flower, most of the farms I saw in NC would leave the flowers intact and allow the plant to go completely yellow/tan. This is cigarette tobacco mostly but cigar varietys are darker. Some farms cut the flowers off before letting the leaves "flush".

These leaves are Harvested, tied to sticks and hung/cured in very humid conditions. This is what gives tobacco that leathery type feel.

There's obviously more to it but as someone who recently quit tobacco products, I would love to see a cannabis cigar done right.

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