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URDWC feeding+PPM+PH questions...


Hi all,

I have been using DWC for long time and now I have ventured a little bit to URDWC.
6" Vortex fan + Carbon filter
1x 600W dual spec + 2x 100W custom LED
4x 400L Air pumps
10 x 16" air stones
1x recirculating 2500 L/h pump(30min ON - 30min OFF)
Air temperature 23 C
Water temperature 21 C

Early I had a root slime which I have sorted out but now I do have PH problems.?

I have 3 x 50L tanks so roughly 120-130L of water in them.
On Monday I will mix food for them:
Advanced nutrients A&B = 300ml of each A&B so in total 600ml
Carbo load = 30g
Bud-XL = 130ml
NO PH down at all

2 hours later my PH is sitting at 6.15 and PPM= 874

11 hours later my PH is sitting at 6.25 and PPM= 867
I'm not adding any PH down.

PPM =867
PH = 6.25
NO PH DOWN added

PPM = 867
PH = 6.15
NO PH DOWN added

PPM = 867
PH = 6.00
NO PH DOWN added

PPM = 867
PH = 5.8
NO PH DOWN added

PPM = 867
PH = 5.4
NO PH DOWN added

PPM = 867
PH = 5.4
NO PH DOWN added

They are drinking 4L a day which I'm topping up with 24h old water with NO PH DOWN in it at all.
After PH reaches 5.4 I can't bring it up unless I add 30-40ml of PH UP but very next day PH is back to 5.4 - 5.5 :-(
Roots are healthy and tanks are light proofed.

My PPM remains unchanged for whole week. WHY ?
My PH is dropping after 4 days and I can't bring it up. WHY ?

In my DWC system PH is always going up and PPM down so I know when to change food for them or another sign is PH is down and PPM is down=food needs to be chnaged.
In URDWC PPM is constantly same and PH is never going UP it goes only down.

Can they eat 600ml of food in just 4 days ??? :-0

Can somebody help me out with this please ?
Thank you very much


Active member
No experience with UCDWC... lots with DWC.

Tell me more about the root slime you fixed. Rotting roots will generally drop pH. UC designs are more prone to issues within the system than DWC, more places for things to hide and grow, so to speak.

The other place to look at is your water source. Do you have any idea what's in it, as in having it tested?

Was this the same water you used for DWC and how did the pH act with your way of doing hydro in DWC?

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


No experience with UCDWC... lots with DWC.

Tell me more about the root slime you fixed. Rotting roots will generally drop pH. UC designs are more prone to issues within the system than DWC, more places for things to hide and grow, so to speak.

The other place to look at is your water source. Do you have any idea what's in it, as in having it tested?

Was this the same water you used for DWC and how did the pH act with your way of doing hydro in DWC?

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Many thanks for your reply :)

I still have DWC running beside RDWC.

DWC = same nutes, same water, same care but no issues what so ever :)

RDWC- after first two weeks I have noticed root slime(PH sky rocketed in mutter of hours) = everything was taken apart and cleaned, roots cleaned and lots of H2O2 for 2-3 weeks. Since that I'm using Atazyme to keep roots happy. There is no slime on roots at all. I can't say if there is any other bacteria or not at the moment :-(

I have added some H2O2 last week just as a precaution.

I have 5 plants in 3 tanks, can they eat 600ml of food in just 4 days ?

In DWC dropped ph is lack of food or some sort of root issue. So I have been changing food after 5-6 days but problem is still same.


Active member
Off hand I'd say you still have stuff growing in your 'system'.

That's the quickest way to have the pH drop... doesn't sound like it's out of control or anything...

Anyway... as your plants eat the nutes, the pH should be rising... not dropping. So it's not a matter of the plants eating food.


Anyone with more UC experience care to chime in here? lol

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Pulling up a seat. But I am confused. I see in begining you say URDWC and At end you call it a RDWC. The RDWC is Recirc deep water correct? What is the URDWC then? I am not a expert, but have you considered cutting back on your Nutes? (50%) And perhaps add Rhizo and Cannazym untill your girls are back in fighting shape? Just because the leaves don't look bad dont mean she is not in trouble. You stated your top up water is 24 hours old. What kind of water is this? Tap? Ro? RODI? All but RODI adds Nutes to your system. After fighting slime your girls will take up less nutes. They just dont have the roots to go all coyote wild on the water. I say take it slow. Clean up your system, maybe add UV to kill the unwanted bac. Perhaps post in the bad girl section (Cannabis Infirmary ) Just my 2 C hope it gets sorted quickly.

Gruetoo :plant grow:


Just running my own UC system, so i have no personal experience...

That said, ive been following Ghettogro and a few other experienced players in the system, and the one thing in common is the EWC Tea

Ghetto Started with DM zone ( sterilized ) Then moved to the Tea...

Food for thought, check it out..

Google Heisenberg tea


Ok I have the answer. Stick with dwc and forget about rdwc. Plain and simple, I have tried the uc several times and I don't like much about it. In my experience shit just hits the fan fast in rdwc for absolutely no reason at all . ph drop, root rot, water temps and not to mention the abortion of cleaning the thing !


Active member
Might just be the inherent nature of pH, which is the concentration of the H+ (simply a proton for equations but actually H30+). If pH, which is the -log[H], increases than the H+ ion will attach to an anion, i.e. Cl-. This will cause your testers to show a lower ppm because when the pH increases from 6.15 - 6.25. .


Ok I have the answer. Stick with dwc and forget about rdwc. Plain and simple, I have tried the uc several times and I don't like much about it. In my experience shit just hits the fan fast in rdwc for absolutely no reason at all . ph drop, root rot, water temps and not to mention the abortion of cleaning the thing !

Mind elaborating on your troubles?

Sterile / or Bennies?

Water temps ? did you have a chiller?


No real troubles for me I simply do not like rdwc . Tried a lot of systems and find that I am not a fan of multiple plant systems, ie;(anything connected). I like the idea of control of each plant. As far as my post I was just answering the original ppm ph questions that were talked about in the first post . However while successful harvest of multiple runs with rdwc and an occasional diminished yield run with chiller 1/4 hp, gen hydro nutes, temps between 75_80 & water temps 68 -72 I have found that even favorable conditions can have unexplainable negative results. Just my 2cents though


I'm rocking uc dwc right now for the first time with amazing results...I had to shell out a boatload of cash for the chiller though. I also bought a pump with a integrated uv light. I will post pictures in my gallery in the upcoming weeks. temp is 61 degrees Fahrenheit for me and I feel very comfortable with my system. Lots of bubbles, low temps and uvlight equals great results.