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New Neighbor is a Grow House!


Active member
Are you that cop that moved in next to that other dude?

If you're in a medical state, you're not the only one who can grow weed legally. They may be legal too. And if you're in California, the odds just went up. I never peer into my neighbors house for fear they may see me looking in. That could be why they closed the shades. They saw you scoping out their house. As for the dank smelly weed, it could have been a flashback or strong memory.

like i said in my previous post, when i open my door front door and turn around i have absolutely no choice but to look at a window htat looks directly into their house and like i said, dudes left the same light on and no furniture except a bs futon thingy.

theres no way its a flashback or memory, i can walk the block and as soona s i get near my house and the neighbors i smell it and it aint my house. its a locally isolated flashback, that my friends and neighbors also seem to be experiencing.

im medical, this much of an odor can only draw attention. if hes medical ill take him to the hydrostore and let him use my wholesale discount and get him a carbon scurbber for 20% off. if hes not then ill get him a patient to grow for and then well go to the hydro store lol. I can deal with the metal halide glow, i have saltwater tanks and have a blue glow to my house during the day (i open my blinds and you can see my tank).

the majority of the time they have come to the house is at night. and its not too inconspicuous to be getting your mail at 330am and just happen to bump into the neighbor. hope i see them soon cause im definately gonna make an introduction cause that smells gotta go (not them dont give a crap that their growing just want them to use a scrubber)


IF you just cannot let the urge to fix it pass on by, get some black foam pipe insulation. Use rubber gloves and sneak over there and plug the light leaks with foam...that will fix it and if they notice,they will know someone unknown is watching their back for them...otherwise, stay away.


Natalie J. Puffington
Since you asked, Sito007, :) but the rest of the story isn't that interesting:

I walked back by a few hrs. after leaving the apple/note; and the plants weren't on the balcony anymore. Several weeks went by and I never heard or saw anything else; (walking by often, of course, just to check, lol.)
Then, about 2-3 mos. later I saw about 6 (??) more small mj plants soaking up sun on the balcony, again!! :nono: I couldn't believe it, since they had been warned that they were visible on the balcony; especially considering how stiff the penalties are for growing there, (even if it is only a few plants.)
:chin: Which made me wonder if maybe they didn't see the note. Perhaps they just put them out there while they do other work in the grow room though, (while cleaning the room or doing construction...which, imo, is not a great idea.)

I moved a short time later, so I don't know what ever happened after that. I hope that they didn't get busted!! But, it was def. up there, as *one* of the strangest things I saw while living in the subs. btwn. DC and B'more.

Maybe I would have had better luck w/ a granny apple. :bigeye:


Active member
i say mind your own business as a street smart person. as a grower id say i would want to know when im slipping. leave a note to sound like "dont freak or be alarmed this is a neighborhood of old hippies who all blaze we have all tried playing with lights and gardens whn we were young also and love to see young pepole share the passion at some point in there lifes but stay safe and we can help keep leo far away from all of us invest in some panda and scrubbers now take this joint or bud enclosed as a welcome to the neighborhood stay safe and grow in peace"

now as for the rest of you dicks on the site that sound like your rooting that the guys get busted or robbed are repulsive and deserve any bad karma that comes your way. for fucks sake i dont want to see anyone busted.(well not for growing)as far as the cars go that dont make them thugs punks or anything. im sure if they came in booming being loud and doing dumb stuff he would have alot more complaints. they might be family guys with young kids growing remote to keep it away from there family.
as for the guy who started the thred man you got to back up you are doing and thinking some way bad stuff i was a martial arts instructor and would take on multiple pepole with out a worry but i would deserve to get shot if i was peeking over fences and going on porches wtf are you thinking man i dont care how tough you are a phone call, a trigger, or a couple hundred dollars to some cracked out or strung out fean can have lots of bad things happen. dont put yourself in a fight if ya dont have to. i mean its obvious you have been watching them for a while like a hawk and you cought them slippin with the light one time bad mess up on there part. buckets bad, but you shouldnt have even known about that smell well what can i say dumb just hope they dont get cought. mabey they should join ic since obviously some of you talking smack in here have never ever slipped even a lil like having a small crack in your curtin and a door gettin opended for a second lite leak or say ill leave thoese buckets till tomrrow ill wash them then. cause god for bid if ya did. some pepole think ya deserve to get busted wtf

maybe people should start reading my replies..... i already know how easy it would be to take me out, i was in the army shooting somebody isnt a foreign concept. but im also a peace lover. This is not a one time slipup.

i agree w u tho there have been some crazy answers that were in no way productive or helpful that only served as negativity.

I dont want these guys to get busted, i dont think anyone should be in jail for a plant. What you people dont seem to grasp is that my neighborhood is a neighborhood of good people and quite a few are also medical growers. its not a one time mistake this guys making, the combination of the obvious light under the garage and the odor are a flashing red light for any passer by that is as shady as some people on here and would actually steal all their shit.

People stop with the negativity, there is no need to say what you would do and try to prove how badass you are. make a rational comment and leave all your personal petty bs aside peoples. If you think im nosy maybe you should sit and do some soul searching before replying. If you notice something is wrong and you choose to ignore it thats your own problem. If error is fixable ill try, if its a situation i dont wanna touch im not. But im at the stage where im trying to discern if these guys are gangsters, idiots whose mommys got them lexus' and saw too many episodes of Weeds and wanna make a go of it, or whatever.

If your neighbor was trashy and their trashy house is lowering you and the rest of your neighborhoods property values are you still not gonna say something because its "nosy". anybody that says they wouldnt say anything has either never owned a house or is a hypocrite.


if your neighbors house was on fire and you wouldnt put it out cause u dont wanna be a nosy neighbor, dont move next to me


no wuckin furries!
i havnt replied since my 1st post and only just read a little since then...

all these ppl say "mind your own business "....think of it another way...a guy here gets on and says" ive been busted" most ppl get on and say ahhhh nooo ya poor bastard do you know how it happened?....he says no not really but there was a small light leak...BINGO thats what got ya busted...you should have fixed it..

then we come to this thread....OP sees a light leak...does he wait with the pop corn and watch the bust go down? or like you when you read someone here gets busted wish there was a time machine and go back and say" fix your light leak" BINGO the guy dosnt get busted...

maybe most of us aint dumb asses and look after our shit?...these guys aint....

.......a note that dosnt supply them with info of who sent is going to scare them? but help them....and then OP can use that pop corn for a good movie????? some of us would help the old lady across the road...some would watch her fall in the middle of traffic...i know which person i would rather be...

do what you feel you should do OP...HH. =]-~


I'm waitin' for the climax/anti-climax
...a note is sent....and some ICMag'er posts a thread. I got this strange note under my door the other night...?

This thought courtesy of SkunkMix of some KIND...;) lol


Be thankful it's not BATMAN next door....!


i would do what i want would someone do to me, and that would be help me with a note, it would scare me a little bit but itwill make me fix those light leaks and smell


Active member
I have read this entire thread and I am amazed. If you are legal what do you care? Or are you one of those guys that wants to grow, but no one else can. Are you afraid of competition? How do you know they are not legal? Like some of the peeps say, how can they be growing only showing up once a month? I agree with MYOFB.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
if you are always in your home , then why do you have the intelligrow set up? ....

how do you know they do not have a license to grow?

if in fact they ARE operating without a license, and are by chance causing a scene, then im sure they will be dealt with accordingly... ( if you can see that light, and smell that ganja, then im sure rippers and LEO can see it just as clearly- no I don't think that they will confuse your house with theirs and come get you-assuming that you are playing your cards right)

until then, i think you need to just focus your time and energy on the business you are running...
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i cant even believe u were thinking of scaring them??? they have us much right to do what there doing as u bro leave it be, medical growers i tell ya man, what your allowed to do it but not the illegal guys sounds like a rat too me.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
i cant even believe u were thinking of scaring them??? they have us much right to do what there doing as u bro leave it be, medical growers i tell ya man, what your allowed to do it but not the illegal guys sounds like a rat too me.

he never said that 'their not allowed', he noticed a light/odor leak and is contemplating ways to deal with the situation.

I think a lot of you are misinterpreting his intentions, he isn't saying that they shouldn't be growing. In fact it is just the opposite if I understand correctly. He planned on suggesting to them to fix their problems so they COULD grow. I don't think he wants to see them get arrested or be ripped.


he never said that 'their not allowed', he noticed a light/odor leak and is contemplating ways to deal with the situation.

I think a lot of you are misinterpreting his intentions, he isn't saying that they shouldn't be growing. In fact it is just the opposite if I understand correctly. He planned on suggesting to them to fix their problems so they COULD grow. I don't think he wants to see them get arrested or be ripped.

he is consiously KEEPING a key to their house!!! now imagine your who he's talking about. how do you feel knowing some non friend, bro, relative, whatever, has a key you didn't give out to YOUR house/grow. your trippin'

look sneak i'll solve this for you in a way that keeps you from gettting fucked up. martial arts. lol. next time you see the guy(s) take him his key . explain how and why you have it and know that you needed to give it to them/him, but just kept forgetting to. explain how you thought about leaving it but since it was the key to the house after all, you didn't just want to leave it. next after you exchange pleasentries, say by the way just wanted to point out the obvious...... what the fuck??? how much trouble does that take? seriously. just another clue, has anybody noticed that hid lights are bright and good weed smells. i think the guy knows so i'm pretty sure sneaks words won't be a problem for him or the neighbor.



Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I forgot about the key, and I agree he shouldn't have it. Though it gives him a good excuse to talk to them.
Let's just assume for a moment here that he does approach the guy and give him the key and then mention the light leaks and smell. Later down the road say oh I don't know... like two weeks or something the guy gets robbed or busted. Hmmmm...let's see...who knew? Oh yeah that fucktard from next door. Did he rat them out? Maybe not. Does the guy know that? Probably not. I'd shoot you for damn sure just to be safe if it was me.

Mind your own fucking business. Can't stress that enough.