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New more aggressive airport patdowns...tighty whitey method still valid?


I recently went on a guy trip to Reno and the day before the trip, fedex'd a small box to the care of myself at the hotel, noting on the shipping advice that I was a hotel guest checking in the following day. It was waiting for me at check in, no questions asked. I paid cash for the shipment (no trace), and I could have always denied knowledge if something went wrong. That's my advice becuase I had the same concern and it worked like a charm.

This is the best method for sure! every time im going somewhere to visit people who are pot smokers I just mail them however much I need.

I put the weed in an appropriate sized ziplock bag and suck the air out... then I vacuum seal it, and hide it inside the package cleverly and send it off.

When Im going to see people who dont smoke, then I just take edibles/tincture

with the security ramped up from 9/11, plus extra security through the holidays I would definitely not take weed through a security check point. Pre 9/11 i think i heard of someone taking their medical marijuana through security and getting in a bit of trouble, but no tickets of fines. If you have a medical card and you get caught and act totally innocent, and are going to a medical marijuana state, you might get off with a warning, maybe a fine... but no medical card caught at a major airport I think would be bad news! you would without a doubt have half your day wasted, a fine, and maybe they would arrest you, maybe hold you for 24 hours... Doesnt sound worth taking weed through a check point to me!
I'm tempted if I have to fly again (I won't if I don't have to), to refuse the naked xray machine and when they start yelling Opt Out, to start yelling it myself and stripping naked in front of everyone. And when they go for my ass or my pussy to just spread em and show everyone I've got nothing up in there. But that might end up with me in a mental ward b/c obviously no sane person would dare to really rebel against them. This stuff makes me soooooooooooo mad. They literally have grown men (and how many of them are pervs, don't you wonder) shoving their hands up women and girls vajajays. And what's with the TSA saying that they might have to MODIFY the rules for people who have relgious problems (such as Muslims).


Terrorism is winning if Americans have to subject themselves to this level of degradation to get on an airplane. Where are our voices? We should be the ones telling them what we will live with. I'd rather take a chance on flying with a terrorist than watch millions of my fellow Americans have to be embarrassed in by these ...grr bad words here..

Tie it in the corner, attach a string to it, stick it up there.. Once you arrive at your destination pull out your shit weed.

Try to pat that down. =)


prison wallet ??

it only took 2 pages for someone to suggest the only tried and true method of hiding weed when flying. most airports have the x-ray machines these days and they can only penetrate to the flesh level.

you have to use your prison wallet. :wave: i didn't say it would be easy.. just the only sure way...


Rabbi Reefer

I'd rather not fly at all versus going the prison wallet route.


Active member
say no to shitty weed. last time i flew i ground it up put in baggie than an envelope. also had another envelope with travel itenary and such. i held it in my hands while being searched. got right through. but i got balls of steel

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