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New more aggressive airport patdowns...tighty whitey method still valid?

In light of recent reports of more intrusive airport patdowns from those TSA ****s, I wanted to know if anyone has recently (i.e. in the past week or two) traveled on a domestic US flight with a small personal stash.

Many people have reported the success of the tightey whitey method and I would like to try to use it for the first time. However, this new policy is making me very nervous. From what I have read they no longer brush against you with the back of the hand but apply pressure until they "meet resistance" from your penis, testicles, vagina, buttocks, or breast.

These searches are only implemented if you set off a metal detector, refuse a NUDE-O-SCAN, or are otherwise "suspicious". I will most definitely refuse to be scanned.

For those who don't know, the tighty whitey method involves wearing two pairs of tight fitting underwear and placing your small stash in there. It has worked for many people in the recent past, but can anyone weigh in on the validity of this method now?

Reference: http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2010-10-29-tsa-pat-downs_N.htm


Do you really need to smoke that badly? It is NOT worth it, airports are fucked these days. Thank the terrorists for that. There is no way I would ever attempt something as stupid as bringing weed on a plane and I doubt many people would disagree with me here.
I'm aware of the risks and I already thank the terrorists (domestic and foreign) for them.

But the question was..."Does anyone have experience with traveling on a domestic flight with a stash?"


haven't for a few years. but when i did, i just crammed it into the ol shaving kit in the checked baggage. never a problem - but that was then...

tsa is not stopping anything terrorist, it is just soothing the sheeple...

soon they will have to bend us over a fence to ah... cavity search for safety! yeah... that's it...

"say! how did you like the feel of that bulge willis? i worked it up standing in line waiting for your touch, you savage...


The whole body imager situation just sucks all around. Even if you're not a weed smoker its awful. You get a choice between someone looking at your crotch or someone feeling your crotch? Wtf is that? Its completely degrading.


Active member
whats wrong with putting it in your sock under your foot? if you wanna wear 2 pair of undies just stick it up by your balls before you put on your tight panties.


New member
you can stick it where ever you want , NOTHING gets past the x ray machine. if the airport your traveling from has those x ray machines it is best to grind it up vac seal it and check that shit. ive done it a thousand times with no problems , knock on wood.


Active member
I've never flown with weed, I'm too scared. But I've been flying domestic a lot recently, and I don't see any reason why you couldn't hide a small personal stash. That said I have not encountered the body scan, and I never set off the metal detector. I've been patted down once, after security, right before boarding the plain, it wasn't pleasant, but not intrusive enough to find a well placed sack under your sack.

Do you know if the airport/airports in question, use the x-ray body scan. I've yet to see one.
I've never flown with weed, I'm too scared. But I've been flying domestic a lot recently, and I don't see any reason why you couldn't hide a small personal stash. That said I have not encountered the body scan, and I never set off the metal detector. I've been patted down once, after security, right before boarding the plain, it wasn't pleasant, but not intrusive enough to find a well placed sack under your sack.

Do you know if the airport/airports in question, use the x-ray body scan. I've yet to see one.

I figured that their old patdown protocol was not so bad. Brushing you with the back of the hand and not groping your twig and berries.

This new procedure is likely to be different. I'm just wondering if they will use enough pressure to hear a crinkle of a baggie or feel a soft area where the contraband is. Sounds like it would need to be tucked into the taint area, surely they don't rub you down there.

An airport I will go through does have nude-scanners.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Do you really need to smoke that badly? It is NOT worth it, airports are fucked these days. Thank the terrorists for that. There is no way I would ever attempt something as stupid as bringing weed on a plane and I doubt many people would disagree with me here.

At Denver International Airport they already have those full body X-Ray scanners. They look like some shit straight out of the x-files or minority report. They wanted me to go through them and I refused and cited the fact they are untested and could possibly cause cancer or some other serious effect. If you refuse to go through the full body x-ray then a pat down is required.

I'm done flying. Shit is getting fucking ridiculous. I hated it to begin with, now they treat you like your going to prison when you get on a plane. Whats the point? How many "terrorists" do you think they will really stop? Hell after 9/11 everyone and thier grandma is waiting for some shit to go down on an airplane to fuck up some terrorists. I know ive heard at least 1 or 2 reports of some shady shit going down on a plane and people jumped all over it and squashed it with no problem.

Cant we just throw a few bomb sniffing dogs in the airport? Do I really need to wait in line for hours because everyones EVERYTHING needs to be removed and x-rayed? Fucking americans have gone from being some of the toughest motherfuckers on the planet to being some nanny-needing, hand-sanatizing, safety for safety's sake pussies....what the fuck happend?


New member
It is important that we all understand that the current situation isn't the fault of the terrorists. It is the fault of us, the USA. We are the ones all over the world telling people how to live, imposing our will, with force, on others. Not surprisingly people generally don't like that and will react. The "terrorists" are not the ones who implemented these knee jerk airport security policies. It was the morons of the Bush administration, trying to show they were effective, who, had they been paying attention to the world around them might have prevented the event in the first place, I am with BiG H3rB Tr3E, screw flying.


"Fucking americans have gone from being some of the toughest motherfuckers on the planet to being some nanny-needing, hand-sanatizing, safety for safety's sake pussies....what the fuck happend? "

Well said BHT!!! my man! peace
"Fucking americans have gone from being some of the toughest motherfuckers on the planet to being some nanny-needing, hand-sanatizing, safety for safety's sake pussies....what the fuck happend? "

Idiots and their lawyers coming together to form an unholy union of ridiculous lawsuits and emotional suffering.


Active member
Fucking americans have gone from being some of the toughest motherfuckers on the planet to being some nanny-needing, hand-sanatizing, safety for safety's sake pussies....what the fuck happend?
im on my lollerskates sippin some lmaonade on the way to the roflcoaster. you dont actually believe that do you? way before 9/11 there were drug/bomb etc sniffing dogs, after 9/11 there were those machines they swab your luggage with then a spectrometer checks the swab for anything illegal, now we have, no drug sniffing/bomb detecting dogs, at O'Hare theres a fucking beagle, that sniffs people coming through customs for "fruit" lol, they dont use the spectrometer anymore, they dont even swab your bag, they only use the swab after a pat down, and they test it in a liquid solution kit. this is all just one big ruse to get americans to take it up the ass and get used to loving it.


I refuse the body scanner every time, i dont give a reason, i dont have to. i just tell em i aint going through that shit and some douchebag comes and lightly rubs me with the back of his hand. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT GOING TO FIND ANYTHING?? they dont even rub your legs up and down like the cops do. they arent looking for any goddamn terrorists or anyone else. why would security get weaker after 9/11 than it was before? this is the trap that americans have fallen into. there are camera's all over the place and terror alerts on orange to keep you on your toes and make you think everyone and everything is a possible enemy and forces are in place to intercept them.


They dont need all that security because americans are 90% done being trained, they dont even need police anymore, you all just police yourselves. like sheep automatically fall back in line when they see the german shepherd, the dog doesnt even need to bark or run after a while. just the sheep seeing the dog says GET IN LINE AND STRAIGHTEN UP.

fuck that shit, im not going gently into that sweet death. im gonna fight every fucking inch of the way.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
For those who don't know, the tighty whitey method involves wearing two pairs of tight fitting underwear and placing your small stash in there. It has worked for many people in the recent past, but can anyone weigh in on the validity of this method now?

Sry to go off course a bit, but you got the technique all wrong :smoke: Only one pair of tightey whitey are needed, the fly is also a "pocket" going back some distance more. Stash is held snug against the "taint". :yes: Good luck with your endeavor, i have flown recently and feel like i could have pulled the trick off. To scared to actually try it though...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
idont fly alot but what happened to putting shit in your sock under your feet so you can just walk on it...? may be crushed but itll smoke... may be a bad idea for all i know i just know they dont have you taking off you socks....
Well it seems risky, but its not to hard. I've read those xray body scanners are in very few airports. I flew 3 weeks ago, brought some canna lolipops from the dispensary in my bag with some sour patch kids. No prob there had some meds for the trip at least. Probably could have brought some nugs but thought the candy was way more stealth.


Active member
I have never flown without herb, but these new machines, which will soon be everywhere, and will replace metal detectors, have to make me rethink my strategy. No more putting it down my pants. It has to be vacuum sealed and checked. Double vacuum seal it with quality bags, not the junk they sell in the supermarket. I just put a quarter ounce per bag, so it seals well and it is small. All stems are removed first. I don't grind up the herb though. The vacuum sealing compresses it well enough, so you still have nice nugs when you arrive. Have done this many times, including through customs. Just don't go to any muslim countries, where they might execute you. Can't imagine why a stoner would want to go to one anyway.
The government & TSA are completely out of control now, as they must give jobs to idiots who are otherwise unemployable. I personally witnessed them going berserk in customs when my electric toothbrush went off, as if they didn't know exactly what it was. That's how they justify their jobs. They are clowns drunk with power.
Watch this video, and you will be shocked. At least you should be.
They are molesting women and children.



they're concentrating all their efforts on finding bombs weapons and explosives they arent looking for a few grams of pot. really though why risk it? are you that hooked that youd rather risk getting arrested just to get high?