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New more aggressive airport patdowns...tighty whitey method still valid?


Rabbi Reefer

I'm flying this weekend, and fully expect to opt-out.
I never carry anything, so no worries.

I really object to the enhanced pat down, but I'm going to go through with one if need be so I can know 1st hand just how bad it is.

This will be the last time I fly until the TSA lightens up.

The TSA is claiming that they've found all sorts of contraband, but they don't elaborate, and I can't find any press of TSA finds.


Active member
Man, all of these folks in here talking about how "foolproof" their shipping methods are...didn't ya'll get the memo? It ain't "if," it's "when," and if you're shipping, that "when" is gonna come a whole lot sooner and a whole lot harder. Don't be cocky or one day soon you might find that you no longer have anything to be cocky about. And THAT's coming from somebody who has more experience in the realm than anybody who's posted thus far judging strictly by numbers. :tiphat:

Rabbi Reefer



I still think you can pull off the "tant" method. I would go for hash vs nugs now a days, a dime size piece of hash could last you 5days. I have made probably 40 trips with a oz in my tant,, last trip was right before halloween.

Mailing, eeehhh, while everyone has their methods, its semi luck of the draw, look at it this way, if you get caught mailing, for whatever reason or amount you could be in some serious shit . If you get caught with weed in the airport, not so much.

best friend bought those "smelly proof" bags for a trip to Hawaii, and didnt know they are made for some sort of metal, so after tripping the detector a couple times they got pulled into the back room, pretty much just said I have weed. TSA called SF police, police came and checked their cards, and said have a good trip. Let her take the weed. She called me 5 mins after freakin out. This was about 6 months ago thou before they started finger banging you, so I dunno I would just got with a tiny piece of hash

Rabbi Reefer

I still think you can pull off the "tant" method. I would go for hash vs nugs now a days, a dime size piece of hash could last you 5days. I have made probably 40 trips with a oz in my tant,, last trip was right before halloween.

Mailing, eeehhh, while everyone has their methods, its semi luck of the draw, look at it this way, if you get caught mailing, for whatever reason or amount you could be in some serious shit . If you get caught with weed in the airport, not so much.

best friend bought those "smelly proof" bags for a trip to Hawaii, and didnt know they are made for some sort of metal, so after tripping the detector a couple times they got pulled into the back room, pretty much just said I have weed. TSA called SF police, police came and checked their cards, and said have a good trip. Let her take the weed. She called me 5 mins after freakin out. This was about 6 months ago thou before they started finger banging you, so I dunno I would just got with a tiny piece of hash

A small ball of hash is PERFECT. Let the TSA guy think it's a dingleberry!


Active member
Just flew out of SFO today, they totally scanned the shit out of me, had to walk through the rotating x ray machine.. even had one leg pat down after I forgot my phone in my pocket.. but I wasn't carrying any illicits.. nor will I try to on planes again now.. They are cracking down hard, especially for the holidays. and +1 more package safely delivered today, 2.2lbs :joint:

sorry if I offended anyone out there in weed world with my advice and freaking out earlier upon hearing something that could get people arrested. it's really solid advice I present and you can't argue anything about it besides fuckin cuttin into how I spell shit, and the illegality of shipping, that's real low self esteem there on your part, I suggest this to HELP people and enlighten through personal experience and knowledge, and you suggest shit to bring people down, because your ego gets offended @ how right and confident I am.. Maybe that's where you need to improve. and DUH, of course, when you play with fire, you are going to get burnt. that's why I wear my fireman suit, and try to help others GET THEIRS ON. got it? If you post a reply to this, I really don't think you do.

Rabbi Reefer

I think that this photo alone shows you why it's not a good idea to fly with or WITHOUT smokables....

We as a people need to stop acting like cattle.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Well, you've been fortunate. Do you use United States Postal Service?
If so, it's a federal offense. They do employ people, & dogs to check packages. If you are talking Fed Ex or UPS, all packages go through hub cities, where they go down conveyer belts. They have dogs sniffing. They are actively looking for drugs. If it's a small amount & vacuum sealed, you are probably relatively safe, however there still is that chance. If it's international, then you are talking customs, and they can & do open packages. I feel safer carrying it with me.
Just sayin'......

I got alot of friends who work UPS and they tell me there never dogs in the hub. They said the only time theyve found weed was while throwing the boxes from conveyors to conveyors or conveyors to trucks. (and they kick the shit out of packages and toss em with force). between like 6 doods i know that work the hub, collectively theyve only found 3 packages of mj and most of em have worked there almost 10 years. even though they say that boxes come through everyday smelling like weed (usally like 10-20 pkgs). the biggest find was 40lbs that broke open. and everytime they found weed it was just single sealed vaccum bags or turkey bags just stuffed into a box. no trying to hide it or conceal it at all...

I next day it with UPS in a small package (4" x 6") i usually put some herb inside a ziplock and put it into a brand new small mason jar (i usually dont send hash just because its a heavier penalty should it ever come down to that) then i triple vaccum seal the jar and spray cologne in the 2nd and 3rd vaccum bags. and wrap it in with a few shirts and throw in some cds and a birthday card (in hopes that if they open it maybe they wont rifle through it and it looks less suspicious) i never bring more than i need for my trip, usually about 10-20grams. (and i always make sure to only touch the package and contents with absoultely clean hands to avoid any residue smells.

but honestly im done flying commercial. shit has become a joke. and if i fly again commercially. im going to just strip all my clothes off and walk through security butt ass naked...:dance013::dance013: <<maybe ill do the egyptian dance while i walk through...or ferris wheel the johnson as i moonwalk :wave:
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I got alot of friends who work UPS and they tell me there never dogs in the hub. They said the only time theyve found weed was while throwing the boxes from conveyors to conveyors or conveyors to trucks. (and they kick the shit out of packages and toss em with force). between like 6 doods i know that work the hub, collectively theyve only found 3 packages of mj and most of em have worked there almost 10 years. even though they say that boxes come through everyday smelling like weed (usally like 10-20 pkgs). the biggest find was 40lbs that broke open. and everytime they found weed it was just single sealed vaccum bags or turkey bags just stuffed into a box. no trying to hide it or conceal it at all...

I next day it with UPS in a small package (4" x 6") i usually put some herb inside a ziplock and put it into a brand new small mason jar (i usually dont send hash just because its a heavier penalty should it ever come down to that) then i triple vaccum seal the jar and spray cologne in the 2nd and 3rd vaccum bags. and wrap it in with a few shirts and throw in some cds and a birthday card (in hopes that if they open it maybe they wont rifle through it and it looks less suspicious) i never bring more than i need for my trip, usually about 10-20grams. (and i always make sure to only touch the package and contents with absoultely clean hands to avoid any residue smells.

but honestly im done flying commercial. shit has become a joke. and if i fly again commercially. im going to just strip all my clothes off and walk through security butt ass naked...:dance013::dance013: <<maybe ill do the egyptian dance while i walk through...or ferris wheel the johnson as i moonwalk :wave:

picture this:

as the passengers sit to take off their shoes, they disrobe entire. walking naked through the tsa, at least they do not have to be groped; it will be plain to all that you are clean. maybe spread your own cheeks and give the tsa a clear view, hemorroids and all.

i know it sounds indelicate, but the whole thing is repugnant, so what's the difference?

I mean really - let's take this to it's logical conclusion and skip the "breaking in" stage. one day of this kind of civil disobedience would probably rearrange their thinking.

...or maybe not. the world is fucking insane and no one seems to notice...


weed fiend
I bet pre-9/11 TSA (scanner) jobs were cool. Now ya have to frisk junk. I've heard of workers going postal but these guys are gonna burn the streets one of these days... soon. jk


if the rest of the 9/11 passengers showed the kind of cajones that the PA crash passengers showed, we wouldn't be here now. No fault given to anyone - hell this was the first time - but now i'm pretty sure the male passengers would step up pretty quick when something went wrong.

because of this, the terrorist thinking has moved on from the "boarding w/box cutter" stage. i'm sure they laugh their asses off when they see a nun getting humiliated in order to stop something that will probably never happen again.

i hope to dog i am never forced to travel by air again. if i am forced to i am not sure that i would bear it very well, and may do something i would regret...:moon:

there's some really good advice here though... i think on domestic flights i would seal it a few times and put it in checked baggage.
It used to be so EZ pre 9/11

1) Remove all metal from person
2) Stuff a qp into every possible cargo pocket
3) Smile as you walk through the metal detector
4) Repeat as necessary


The TSA just cracks me the fuck up! every time i have gone through security always look around at the agents... every time i cant help but realize that they all look like a bunch of pussies who are there to just do there job.

If you want the TSA to be effective you need a team of go getters who look official and who are alert and some pudgy 28 year old, acting like they are at a picnic. last time i brought edibles through the airport I couldnt help notice tsa agents stopping to pop a piece of gum in their mouths and have a quick chat, the guy who was looking through my bag and pulled out my edibles joking around and said these arent aloud on the plane! we chuckled together, and i laughed inside thinking wow these are the people who are supposed to catch terrorists!!!

The only thing I see that this does is humiliate people. Im not sure any one has said this, but i can assure you that most of the male TSA agents who "pat down" any young or attractive female are getting totally turned on by it, and prolly think about it when they masterbate who knows, not trying to be crude, but i mean c'mon people used to say im from the FBI (female body inspector) as a joke, now its for real. That is just plain disgusting, I will make the 5.5 hour drive each way to pick up my sister from college so a TSA agent cant get a rise out of feeling up my sister.

I cant believe this can happen... When does someone step in and draw a line!

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I cant believe this can happen... When does someone step in and draw a line!

When Americans stop being such pussies, until then they will continue to violate our rights.
I'm disgusted by the erosion of our freedom under the guise of public safety. IMO, there are no "terrorists" except for the people in our own government.

edit- I just flew last week. I always fly with herb too. That said, I'm perfectly cool with fly with a package in my underwear. Just rip a fart on the TSA agent if you get patted down, that should lessen their enthusiasm over feeling you up.


New member
I recently went on a guy trip to Reno and the day before the trip, fedex'd a small box to the care of myself at the hotel, noting on the shipping advice that I was a hotel guest checking in the following day. It was waiting for me at check in, no questions asked. I paid cash for the shipment (no trace), and I could have always denied knowledge if something went wrong. That's my advice becuase I had the same concern and it worked like a charm.


I bet pre-9/11 TSA (scanner) jobs were cool.
Lolz. Pre-9/11 TSA jobs included such cool duties as repetitively dunking thinly sliced potatoes in hot oil under golden arches, managing cash in-flow transactions at point of sale establishments for oil companies and overseeing janitorial engineering services for small firms and institutions.

- there was no pre-9/11 TSA silly! Most of those screeners were cooking our food, cleaning our toilets and finding cheap shoes in the right size for us 10 years ago!

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