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New Growth Yellows in my Hydro Hut?


i cant explain what you two do
im not there, nor, can i verify said process were completed......... likewise for me, with you. we have no way of proving this.

poison by vinyl fumes doesnt sit well with me simply becuase any harmful vapors would be exhausted in an good enviornment, yes or no? is this an absurd statement???
what im having trouble grasping is this:
i know you took the plants out of the 'enviornment' and they got better. barring that piece of evidence supporting your cause (too many other factors other than vinyl tent. try other lighting setups? try other venting setups? did we THOROUGHLY clean the tent as per instructions, BEFORE we set it up?
im assuming you both have, cuz i know both of ya know what youre doing. but for the casual observer, we have no way of proving it. we can say, but we cant prove. only take one and others word as bond, per se.)

but barring that argument......

wouldnt a good MJ growing enviornment be able to remove ANY and ALL harmful air BEFORE the MJ got tainted? yes or no?

i would think so, in a well tuned enviornment.
is THAT an outrageous comment as well? or am i totally of base?

look, i know your plants got better when you took them out but, (1) they dont look POISONED to me..... and (2) there no way to conclude it was simply the vinyl fumes that caused it, without doing any other tests, short of removing the plants. no extra cleaning of surfaces? mylar/other reflective material between vinyl and plants(to see if that 'chokes these fumes you refer to?'???? no rearranging lights? ventilation???

something is missing for this puzzle to be complete, for me.
still too many other more reasonable options to be explored further, and, all my tents purr like kittens, so i cant do said negative tests in my arena........

i would absolutely LOVE to hear what you guys comments are.........

great debate!
im glad there are still members here that know how to keep it civil.
debating is a great way to get to the root problems.
and hopefully, it can be attained here, but, i need more proof than simply 'removing the plant and it got better'

that would appease the simple minded looking for the quick answer but for us nerdy pot smokin scientist types in the crowd.....

we dont buy it./......

but were still waiting to be sold.

what else you guys got for me to ponder?????

i do know that you two are in the minority

out of all the grows posted here alone, let alone all the posts containing them on other site.....i would safely say that posts pertaining to yellowing plants POSSIBLY caused by the tent itself are SAFELY in the monority.

cant explain to you guys what happened. i wish i had an answer for you guys. but, from MY experiences, and from what IVE seen, tents are not the cause.

PROVE its the vinyl and like BS says, ill EAT my tents.


gimme something to work with here!


Active member
wouldnt a good MJ growing enviornment be able to remove ANY and ALL harmful air BEFORE the MJ got tainted? yes or no?

Yes but not all...read 'sealed room'

i know you took the plants out of the 'enviornment' and they got better. barring that piece of evidence supporting your cause (too many other factors other than vinyl tent. try other lighting setups? try other venting setups? did we THOROUGHLY clean the tent as per instructions, BEFORE we set it up?

What I had done, was taken plants I know to be healthy.. ie:

I put into the hut...using the same foods, under the same type of cfl lighting...and no other variable were put into place....

so why did that plant look like this

a few days later??

and then why did it revert to looking like this

only after being removed from the hut....

What is your motive for posting in this thread... I understand that you are having successful grows in your tents...kudos.... some of us aren't.....

I'm trying to deduce as best I can, why this would be happening... no nute changes, no light changes, the only variable I've introduced to numerous healthy plants, has been the hydrohut, and 100% of said plants are showing the same problems I was seeing early when I first put the thing up....

and tell me again why venting is such a big deal with these tents??? I put plants in a drywall box with no venting and I can turn out some stellar buds...

I put plants in a hydrohut with no venting and they go to shit while in veg...

something about the huts is making the air quality piss poor... that'd be the only concrete reason for their (HH.com) page long FAQ at the website on venting....

if temps are in check, and c02 is being supplemented...why do I have to vent...

I've had numerous 'sealed rooms' where I didn't have any air moving in or out of the room, with the exception of a circulating fan, and the gas I was injecting... why am I able to produce buds, but can barely grow a leaf in the hut....


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
short of doing some kind of air test in and out of the tent, it is hard to belive i will give you that. ive also owned a 4x4 hyrdo hut that i never had one since problem with. so its not all hydrohuts, not the older ones anyways, i do however feel there is "something" wrong with these huts. the reason my plants are not dieing, in the same room is becasue the lights and fans have been off, not exhausting into my clean room. i took the plants out of the tent and turned off the lights and fans, if thers nothing in there why run the lights? in theory you are correct in your notion that a well ventilated system would not poison plants. but i can tell you i have tried everything while the plants were in the hut to fix them and nothing to avail. the shear fact that hydrohut is replacing these huts no ? asked should say something to the fact that there is something wrong with these huts.

again i can take a plant from a small tiny unventilated closet thats growing nice and green and healthy put it in the HH and ... bam.. near death... now.. ive seen it happen in 2 types of soil, and 2 separate hydro occasions. how can 3 diffrent types show the same def when placed inside the hut from being previously healthy? the constant factor in this equasion is the tent plain and simple.. while yours may not be effected, doesnt mean that its not happening elsewhere.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
(puts on conspiracy hat)
its a conspiracy put in placy by leo to weed out grow operations, simply by killing plants, im sure people that grow tomatoes are not having problems. they are in kahoots with HH that way when people send for replacements they can catch people in the act.

(end hat)

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
wouldnt a good MJ growing enviornment be able to remove ANY and ALL harmful air BEFORE the MJ got tainted? yes or no?

In my opinion, no.

If the tent is constantly producing this harmful gas, then it is constantly in the air, no matter how fast it is removed or how much of it is is diluted by the intake of fresh air from outside the tent. Especially considering it likely comes from the floor of the hut too, and thus some would always be floating over the plants from below on its' way to the scrubber/exhaust above.

One could argue the PPM would be reduced enough to be a non-factor, but without knowing what the offensive substance is, it seems unfair to make that conclusion.

Also, the vinyl could be off-gassing on both sides, as the outside cloth part of the cover is certainly not air-tight, and then the intake air would be tainted too, unless you get it from outside the house.

i do know that you two are in the minority

out of all the grows posted here alone, let alone all the posts containing them on other site.....i would safely say that posts pertaining to yellowing plants POSSIBLY caused by the tent itself are SAFELY in the monority.

I have to disagree with that, although I would love to be wrong. I have yet to see a single case where anyone was able to solve this specific hut-toxicity problem without removing the plants from the hut.

Drop some links on us where people have fixed this problem hubcap, as Berry & Endo are not in the minority.. Their story is identical to everyone else with the bad huts. I'm new, so whatever, but what you're saying to those guys is like telling a professional footballer that he just forgot how to dribble when in fact his shoe is broken. Maybe you don't see his broken shoe, and maybe your shoes are fine, but you look like a fool.

look, i know your plants got better when you took them out but, (1) they dont look POISONED to me..... and (2) there no way to conclude it was simply the vinyl fumes that caused it, without doing any other tests, short of removing the plants. no extra cleaning of surfaces? mylar/other reflective material between vinyl and plants(to see if that 'chokes these fumes you refer to?'???? no rearranging lights? ventilation???

You may be taking the term "poisoned" a bit too literally.. The symptoms are clear; leaves yellow in the manor of a sulfur deficiency, growth slows or comes to a halt, and eventually leaves go white and die off. These together indicate a form of poisoning. Perhaps you're looking for something more dramatic - but this is where the ventilation comes into play.. While it doesn't solve it completely, it makes for a long slow death instead of a fast one.

Lots of us, myself included, have washed the tent and the poles without resolving the problem. Roll back a page or 2 for my long post about what all I've done personally. For the record, the ventilation in my 4x4 hut is straight - 450cfm vortex for the light and another speed controled one at about 250cfm for the scrubber, plus a 6 inch inline fan for intake.

I'm not sure it is vinyl off-gassing though. I don't know what it is exactly, but, based on my experiments over the past couple of months, and those I've seen reported here and elsewhere, I believe it to be caused by the hut cover. My personal theory is that the vinyl on a recent batch was made incorrectly, and my backup theory is that a chemical residue was left on the correctly made vinyl.

Anyways hubcap, I think you're trying to help, but you should go back to the beginning of this thread and see how Stitch played the devil's advocate on this issue without being condescending.

OK I can't write anymore.. Hope that is enough for you to ponder :wave:
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Dr. Doolittle

One EPA study found that vinyl shower curtains can cause elevated levels of dangerous air toxins, which can persist for more than a month.

hub cap, vinyl off gasing is toxic to plants, I read somewhere on a thread and did some research on this a little bit.
I got enough information on the matter to know what everyone was talking about and it was true.

A plant has stomas on there leaves and when a toxic gas or air is around the plant and is not getting enough air flow or even with enough air flow if the odor is constantly coming out reguardless of how much air is present the stomas close up and photosynthesis shuts down and reguardless of how much nutrients or love and care you give them, the plant will not be able to use it due to photosynthesis shutting down.

IT's like having food in front of you but you can't use it, because you got no stomach to eat the food.
It's impossible.
So by removing the plants the stomas open back up and there photosyntehsis returns allowing the plant to absorb it's nutrients properly and go on as function.

Everyone who has had a faulty HH has removed there plants and they got better when they were having an issue with yellowing on the top or middle part of the plant. THat is high odds and too many people having this issue for the HUTS to NOT be the problem.

It certainly does raise one's eyebrow and considering the fact poles did not help for many, let alone many set there huts outside for months opened up in the outdoors with still no luck.

Some products off-gas (or out-gas) quickly while others off-gas over many years, depending on the chemical compounds it took to make it. Considering the fact it was made in CHIna you can bet any body part it was cheapend up, so weather they skipped a process or used a different compound to make it which resulting in much slower off gas times is not known yet. So without the poles being the problem there is and only one thing really to look at and it's already known vinyl off gassing is toxic to plants and considering the fact the huts are made of vinyl you have your answer pretty clear.

First give this a read:


If it's that toxic to us even in off gassing, what does it make you think what it can do to plants?

Individual compounds in vinyl flooring typically do not have high
VOC emissions, but off-gassing can occur depending on the particular combination of
chemicals used. The choice of adhesives is important in reducing risks to occupants from
Vinyl is seldom recycled and is more commonly land-filled, creating
a large soild waste stream.
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New member
"Everyone who has had a faulty HH has removed there plants and they got better when they were having an issue with yellowing on the top or middle part of the plant. THat is high odds and too many people having this issue for the HUTS to NOT be the problem."

"When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes


i see everyones input and i thank you for the time to do so.
i have no motive. im no salesman trust me. i, like all of you, want to get to the bottom of this.

like someone stated above...its not all the huts.

that leads me to believe, since they are all built with the same materiales, then everyone who uses said tents would have f-d up plants. thats not an unfair or uneducated assumption, is it?

maybe whomever mentioned that is getting warmer???

i think im just going to respectfully disagree, simply, becuase, this thread was, obviously opened by someone whom has had probs and most people who have posted in it share the same probs. but i DO see everyones point. remove plants,,,,,they get better. i see, totally, why one would assume the housing to be suspect. its natural since other grows have been successfully run. i can totally see and respect that position.
im just going to take all of the info provided, digest and take it to heart, and respectfully disagree.
and stick to this gun until someone rolls in the Abrams to CONVINCE me its the bad air from vinyl tents causing it.

if it was the tents vinyl, and all tents are made the same way, then everyone who uses said tent would have screwy plants. and that simply isnt the case. that would lead me to believe that its not a structural issue....unless, of course, someone can convince me otherwise....

justus. not to sound rude....but....
sherlock holmes quotes get us no closer to factual statements.

.....of said people, youve mentioned that have taken the plants out....
how many of those actually took the extra step and tested other variable factors of said enviornment. im willing to be not too many....
taking em out of a tent and seeing them get healthy would make 95% of growers assume its the tent (and in some instances, id include myself in them as well) so im willing to bet there aint to many out there actually HAVE tested other factors of their grow. if there ARE any, weve got a thread FULL of people wanting to see your data. bring it on.

again, might sound rude, for that i apologize, but, im just getting frustrated trying to figure out how everyone can simply assume its the vinyl without doing any other changes?
these 'odds' you refer to....
these tents have been out for some time now, and have gotten fair time to be tested by us sportsters. if these tents have such a high ratio of shitty grows we'd be seeing MUCH more than 5 threads about it, no? (and we wouldnt still see people recommending them) there would be a thread opened every week about how shitty they are and that, simply, isnt the case. so the odds, imo, arent as high as you think they are. just the view from where im sittin.

has anyone out there done actual TESTS on this or are we all slaves to speculation, as usual, in our beloved sport?
*shakes head* *shrugs shoulders*

aww screw it. imma gawn ta hit me bong. loaded with killing fields, so, maybe, thats why im being so clueless.

thanks for taking the time folks to offer up your thoughts.
i appreciate it fully.

good debate.


***edit....tks for taking tha time ta post the pics BerryC. but my thick skull doesnt allow that to convince me. i dont think i read youve done test on the other variables in your grow tent....have you? lighting? ventilation? covering the vinyl to perhaps block, or limit, these vapors? try to narrow it down in ANY WAY to strictly vinyl or PVC pipes, whathaveyou? outside of removing them and seeing them get healthier???? or were you satisfied by removing them, seeing them get better, and writing the tent off completely?***

edit #2----
heya stitch......can you throw me that link perhaps it will open my darn eyes here.

i can agree that vinyl releases a "smell" which im sure is a result of the process and chems used to make the vinyl. and you could make me believe that high levels of said vapors can and prolly will kill MJ. BUT.....
the problem of PPM and when, exactly, it becomes toxic to MJ comes into play....... why do some have bad plants and some dont when the tents are all made the same with same materiales?? this is what needs to be explained to me, i think.
and im afraid, no one, that I know of, really KNOWS that answer. we speculate. that link would be great if you come across it again
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Dr. Doolittle
why do some have bad plants and some dont when the tents are all made the same with same materiales?? this is what needs to be explained to me, i think.
and im afraid, no one, that I know of, really KNOWS that answer. we speculate. that link would be great if you come across it again

Because, the people who are having the problems are the ones who have purchased ones in the past 6 or a little more months, whatever they have done in the past 6 months have been changed in the process weather it was from the factory or what.
The people who have bought there's in the last 6 months right before the problem but did not have this problem most likely got ones that was made before this crisis happened.

WIth the vinyl smell pPMS and cannabis, we won't find it unless someone has access to a lab and a hydro hut and tests the PPM of the vinyl gas in the hut.

but, I asure you it is the vinyl that is causing the stomas to close up on the plants, which is causing the yellowing you are seeing, it's causing the plant's system to shut down.


New member
hey yall, ive been reading this post for awhile and i conclude and concur the same with stitch. it must have been somethign in the last 6 months of production that changed to cause this because all previous huts were o.k. i personally bought a defective hut (or so i think) and returned it for a newer white poled one. since then i got a 6 inch vortex fan. the plants yellowed with the new hut 2 days ago and are very noticable now but not critical. if it is the ventilation i feel this problem will be alieviated and the new clone i set in there should progress normally, unlike it's mother. also, to rid the argument of fe, mg, or ca deficiencies, i am foliar feeding plants with cal-mag solution. also, to eliminate further doubt, i raised my 400w hps 2ft. the plant was vegged in different environment, moved to old hut, yellowed, returned to veg environment where it recovered, moved back to new hut and yellowed again. pictures are availiable in my profile up until first yellowing, i will try to update soon.
p.s. new plant has been transplanted to inert organic medium.
watering with p.h. 5.8 every other day, r.o. water on the third
humidity is 40-50% temp never above 80
plants are vegged in rockwool with same solution. (have had no problems)
p.p.s. no ventilation in veg room.

next step, if yellowing continues, use hut that has been sitting around for 3 months, scrub it down and retry with healthy clone mother.

we're getting to the bottom of this


Active member
I just find it relatively concluding that everything healthy I throw in there coming from a stuffy sealed closet under cfl lighting...going into an environment that is no different except for the 'tent' variable...

nutes the same
temps the same
lighting the same

and they start to yellow.....

so I pull them out...and put into a similar environment where the only variable removed was the tent.... and they green right back up like clockwork...been done a few times now with a few different strains which I've provided photos of said plants...


Active member
Something for you to think about Hubcap.

Ever heard of a recall??

I know of a few manufacturers of toys, cars, car seats...etc etc I could go on and on...

there is a web-sight that has a list of 'recent' recalled products....

doesn't necessarily mean 'all' of these products are defective, only a certain number...usually they track it down...from a certain date, until they found the problem...

Now...there might have been a change in manufacturing process... so...anyone that bought said product before a change in production, would not have a defective unit...

Don't know if that's the case...but you made a very bold statement inferring, that since some of us have, what we believe to be, (bad tents) you deduct that all peoples that have tents should have the problem....

just wanna bring to light the possibility that they could have made a bad batch of tents...

keep that in mind....


Berry_Coughin' said:
here are some experiments I've been running....

these are 3 plants (healthy) I put into my 4' x 8' deluxe HH for experimenting....

kksc, schrom, lemon thai

This is what they looked like roughly 10 or so days later.....


I find it interesting how your "Yellowing" looks just like my cuts that I left in the cloner for too long...


Active member
Don't know how many times I need to post this before you will understand what exactly happened... that is a rooted plant there icky...

under cfl fed GH flora micro 6ml/gal micro 9ml/gal bloom phd to 5.8

same cfl lighting, same water, no variable changes other than being put in the tent some 10 days later...

same plant same lighting same feeding regime...removed from the tent...days later...

what is so damn hard to understand that when things go in..they go yellow...when they come out...they get green...
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Berry_Coughin' said:
Don't know how many times I need to post this before you will understand what exactly happened... that is a rooted plant there icky...


what is so damn hard to understand that when things go in..they go yellow...when they come out...they get green...

Well I guess all US people who are NOT having troubles in Hydro Huts WE JUST PURCHASED should just leave this alone...Sounds like you guys have it under control.... :dueling:

Why dont we tone it down a little when some of us are just trying to help.....


Active member
no please... elaborate on your post earlier when you asserted that the yellowing of my planst (which only came to pass when I put the thing in the tent) relates at all to a clone you left in a cloner for too long???

nothing about the two situations are related in the slightest aside from both plants being mj and both are yellowing....

when some of us are just trying to help.....

has your yellow clone turned green...or is it still yellow???

what have you done to it.... feeding regime...under what kind of light...is it even in a hydrohut.... please help me understand how you correlate the two scenarios here......

my only point I was trying to get across.... :deadhorse

was that the only thing I changed was putting the plant in the tent... (yellowed) I noticed the same yellowing I've been noticing since day one...so I pulled it out.... now it's greening back up...

what would you deduce from that ...????
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Bezza nice plants dood

Actually the green leaves remind me of how the Aztec Indians of Mexico believed green (well ok - turquoise) would protect them from harm right, so warriors used green stones to decorate their battle shields!!!!!!!!! isnt that whack?

Here's a turquoise warrior head:

btw just to clarify, "Aztec" refers exclusively to the people of Tenochtitlan (on an island in Lake Texcoco, who called themselves Mexica Tenochca. I like to pronounce it as Mehica Tenochachacha.

Anyone else here into Aztec history?? privmsg me, we'll talk about it, or we can talk about it here if you prefer


Berry_Coughin' said:
no please... elaborate on your post earlier when you asserted that the yellowing of my planst (which only came to pass when I put the thing in the tent) relates at all to a clone you left in a cloner for too long???

nothing about the two situations are related in the slightest aside from both plants being mj and both are yellowing....

seems like you're trying to discredit what I'm trying to do here...

has your yellow clone turned green...or is it still yellow???

what have you done to it.... feeding regime...under what kind of light...is it even in a hydrohut.... please help me understand how you are correlating the two scenarios here......

my only point I was trying to get across.... :deadhorse

was that the only thing I changed was putting the plant in the tent... (yellowed) I noticed the same yellowing I've been noticing since day one...so I pulled it out.... now it's greening back up...

what would you deduce from that ...????

This clone was put into Happy Frog soil mixed with a little Worm castings, and fed with 1tsp/gal EJ Grow and 1/2 tsp/gal Bloom...Put into the hut on the floor(inbetween flowering plants, about 3ft from light)..3 days later they are green...IMO bad environment...Maybe the Hydro Hut just dosent work for some?(Not pointing fingers) Sht give me a few weeks in this Hut, I just might be back in here saying the same things you guys are. But for now, 5 days in, I still have yet to see any yellowing...
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Active member

maybe these 'recalled products' just ..."didn't work for some"

or could it just be slightly plausible... that there was a time where HH had some manufacturing problems, and put out some not so plant friendly tents...

not saying this is the case... but it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility...

just don't write off all of this collaborative info as 'grower error' (not that it couldn't be) because I see that's where this is going.....
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