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New Growth Yellows in my Hydro Hut?



KillerQueen you did not state all the details, so I'm curious if those are all the steps you have taken and if you have the plants in there now or are waiting to put them in? Did you use completely new plants to put in the washed down Hut, or did you put the old plants back in? I've washed them and washed in alcohol, but I'm waiting till my cuttings are ready to transplant to place a tester back in the Hut. This is the new Hut they sent me as well, so I just rinsed it down as a precaution.



New member
The plants in the Huts were in another garden for over a week where they recovered fresh green growth. Since putting them back in the Huts, the new growth is yellowing again. Not quite as quick or as bad as before, but still yellowing.


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
caljim said:
I contacted the people at hydro hut by email few days ago. They seemed sorry for the problem, but offered no resolution. When I pressed him for a new poles/hut he got pretty pissed but said one would be on the way this week...., I will keep you posted. :badday:

HH said tracking numbers for the new hut would be in my email today...so far no numbers...will continue to keep you updated as to if he is sending a replacement. :nono:


Dr. Doolittle
Ya, that just proves that most of if not all peeps who own these the huts just keep off gassing, has to be a chemical that is in the vinyl that is normally not used possibly.

That sucks for all you HH owners....... cannabishound has given a great alternative to HH, I think he called it a sunhut?
He posted a link I think in this thread if not the other thread.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
well my replacement arrived yesterday, its a 3x3 way to big for me, is it wrong of me to sell it and recoup some expenses??????, from the first one and loss of time and plants????? great customer service from hydrohut though. they did exactly what they said they were going to do.. if i ever need a hut in the future, like a long time from now when they get this whole problem straightend out i will def buy from them again.

this is from the hydro hut website faq. notice the bold.......


When setting up a HydroHut, why is the canvas difficult to get over the frame?

The HydroHut canvas is made to fit very snuggly over the frame so there isn’t an inward or outward bulge in the canvas if using positive or negative pressure methods. Unzip all zippers first, every zipper gets unzipped all the way before pulling the canvas over the frame. The frame should be sitting squarely in the bottom of the canvas before starting. The directions show this step. The canvas must be inched over the frame evenly. Pull some over the top on the left, then the same amount on the right, go back to the left, do a little more, then the right etc.

Why does my new HydroHut smell like new plastic?

The inside of the HydroHut is made of poly-urethane plastic. This plastic is chemically inert and doesn’t off-gas. When plastic is new, it has a plastic smell due to organic matter left over from the production process, much the same as a plastic garden hose or plastic bottle. A solid poly-urethane plastic doesn’t off-gas, a poly-urethane foam or liquid poly-urethane can off-gas. It is highly recommended that you wipe down the inside walls of your HydroHut with paper towels and water. This simple process will remove most organic matter left on the plastic from the production process. Washing the walls lightly and letting the HydroHut air-out a bit before using it will help with the new plastic smell.

I’ve been growing forever and know what I’m doing, why do I need more air movement in the HydroHut than in a normal, house room grow area?

Growing in an all plastic environment is not the same as growing in a room in a house. Atmospheric values, temperature and humidity act differently in an all plastic environment. A room in a house will absorb moisture and heat differently than a wall of plastic. Passively cooling the HydroHut is a very bad idea! Intake and exhaust vent holes are in the HydroHut for a good reason. Taking advantage of these ventable ducts is a priority. Using a blower to force air into a HydroHut but letting the air find its own way out has proven to be very problematic. Even if you’re in a cooler, ocean side town and have never needed forced-air intake and exhaust before, when growing in a HydroHut, it is highly recommended that you employ the use of intake and exhaust blowers.

Not using ducting doesn’t work well. The air that is forced into the HydroHut will passively find its way out and then find its way right back into the HydroHut. This is far from an ideal situation and can cause major air quality problems. Fresh air from outside should be forced through a duct by way of an adequately sized blower and then into the HydroHut. Exhaust air should be forced out of the HydroHut through a charcoal filter, either pelletized charcoal carbon or a charcoal fiber filter and an exhaust blower of adequate size. Using an axial fan (computer fan) to exhaust your HydroHut is wrong and inadequate! Even if you live in a cooler environment and are used to using minimal fans and blowers, growing in a HydroHut is different and as such must be treated differently. Exhaust air should be ducted out of the room, not into the same room that houses the HydroHut! A charcoal filter should be INSIDE the HydroHut to absorb any organic molecules that can be a detriment to your plants. If you have one or more HydroHuts inside of one room and plan on using one charcoal filter in the main room instead of a smaller charcoal filter inside of each HydroHut, then you run the risk of having air-quality problems in each HydroHut. This is being repeated because it is of paramount importance.

I live in a cooler environment and have never needed to air-cool my lighting system. Why do I need to air-cool the lighting system in my HydroHut?

If you do not air-cool your lighting system inside the HydroHut, you run the risk of making your charcoal filter completely ineffective. Heat and humidity greatly reduce the effectiveness of activated charcoal. Again, HEAT AND HUMIDITY hurt your ability to filter (absorb) organic molecules. Having a charcoal filter inside the HydroHut is necessary, but if that filter is four inches from a burning hot lighting system, the filter will be almost useless. Even if you are piping in air conditioned cool air into your HydroHut, the micro climate around the filter will be changed for the worse by the heat being emitted from your lighting system. Air-cool your lighting system with an adequately sized blower and ducting. Duct this hot air out of the HydroHut and out of the room in which the HydroHut is sitting. Recirculating used air again and again is a recipe for disaster.

The HydroHut is watertight, what do I care if I spill some water inside?

Research on used HydroHuts it has shown that sitting water between the first and second water-proof floors was left to dry out on its own. Being sloppy with your watering will only hurt you in the end. If you water with a garden hose or watering can and frequently miss your pots and get water on the inside wall of the HydroHut, that water will run down and sit in between the two water-proof floors. Sitting water will eventually cause the frame to rust, even if the frame is powder-coated or dipped in a stainless solution. Furthermore, sitting water mixed with organics will cause the organics to grow molds. A warm body of water sitting between two layers of plastic will attract bugs, molds and can even lead to a bacteria build up. Please be conscious of where you are putting your excess water.
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Active member
uhm....according to the material safety data sheet... alcohol, whether it be rubbing or iso, can cause major problems...

here is a cut/paste directly from the msds....

INHALATION: Exposure to over 400 ppm may cause headache, nasal and respiratory irritation, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea,
possible unconsciousness, and even asphyxiation.
INGESTION: Can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal irritation.
EYE CONTACT: Liquid or vapor may cause irritation, blurred vision, and redness.
SKIN CONTACT: May cause irritation, defatting of skin, and dermatitis.

Now... what hydrohut@gmail told me was to heat my tent, and zip it up while getting inside to wipe it down...

well....if the plastic is gassing off...not only are you subjecting yourself to these possibly toxic vapors, but that of the alcohol too...

STUPID STUPID STUPID advice from hydrohut@gmail...

I will not be putting up the replacement they sent for me to pick up...I am demanding full credit with nothing else as an option...they couldn't get it right the first time, and to suggest these 'cleaning' methods is just insane.......


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
i love it.. fill room with hazardous vapor and close it and step inside.... maybe this is hydrohuts way of getting rid of the complainers???? if there is no one left.. who will complain??? really really dumb advise.. and i will def not be putting up the new one. sad sad sad.. sorry that everyone had to go through all this crap.. such a waste of time and energy.
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
MynameStitch said:
Ya, that just proves that most of if not all peeps who own these the huts just keep off gassing, has to be a chemical that is in the vinyl that is normally not used possibly.

That sucks for all you HH owners....... cannabishound has given a great alternative to HH, I think he called it a sunhut?
He posted a link I think in this thread if not the other thread.

Also try the BudBox if you're in Europe - they're of a better quality than most tents I've seen (and I use two myself).


New member
I too have all my plants killed by Hydrohut. We have a 2x4. Everything we put into it was killed. We thought it was maybe the lights, the new buckets we were using for hydro, the soil we used in soil grows, heat, bad nutes everything.

We've been following these threads, joined, but took a while to get cleared I guess.

Months of watching my meds die. over and over again. I don't think the owner of the company understands what a bad place this has put some people in. I'm not exactly sure he cares either. I hope he does, but I doubt it.


New member
Hi all,

My quest to solve my problem of violent yellowing is not resolved. I will explain you what I tried :

First : I cover all the inside faces of my box with some plastic film and covered it again with mylar to protect the atmosphere of the grow box of the plastic of the box. - > same yelowing.
Second : I change the box to an other room of my house - > same yellowing.
Third : I tried to put my hps in an empty room wihtout box : - > same yellowing.

My plants under neons (mother and scrog) are in perfect health, strong and green.

If i take a beautiful green plant and put it under hps, here's the result after 24 h :

and 48 h later :

Question : is it possible that kind of yellowing is caused by the HPS light? Due to a bad electric installation in the house, a lack of voltage in the line....etc...etc, make the hps not work perfectly?

One thing is strange with my HPS, is the light flicker a little and that with both of my hps lights (i have 2 ballast and 5 lights hps 400 w). This flickering can make the plant react badly?

I know this is a litlle fanciful but I tried everything to have beatiful plant since 3 years and I had many times this yellowing problem. in last september i bought a GROWBOX, thinking that can help me but the problem is bigger in this growbox. So the only way still possible is the light. I will try with one envirolite 300w (grow), I will receive it tommorow. Hope it can helps me.

Thanks in advance to all for help.

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New member

ok, here's some pictures but i want to notice that the problems is the same if I put plant under hps but not in a box.

here's my mothers, under neons, no problems

her's a picture of what I have actually in my growbox (picture taken the 10 jan 08), now these plant are more yellow and weak.

here's a picture of a skunk plant under hps in my grow box (10 dec 07) 3 weeks of grow :

my scrog under neons :

I tried different soil, different ph for the water, with the hps, i had everytime problems of yellowing, burning...under neons, everyhting is ok. When I bought the GROWBOX and use it the first time with the hps, the problems of yellowing, weakening are more violent inside the box.

thanks for help,



I just want to add some hope to things here. If everyone having problems could just post their hut details in this thread HERE

More details can be found there.


Dr. Doolittle
You may be having the same problem type as hydro hut people are, I know your not using a hut, but a growbox, but still I have not heard peeps have problems with the growbox yet, but considering if it's made from the same factory or a different one if the HH president is telling the truth; then it could possibly be a problem soon.

Have your plants gotten better and the yellowing come back to them when removed from the box?

HPS is not causing that at all, if so it would be bleached white , not yellow, let alone it would not be showing from the petioles outwards rather than the whole leaf being affected at once.
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Sundance said:
Incidentally - Forgetting the fact that Hydro Hut was first to think of, make and market these huts, and that others have very pretty much copied his product and tried to squash them ... Fact is, as Resina pointed out

Thats wrong, the homebox is the 1st one ad has been out uyears...-this has been what l2006 earliest that i heard of if not 2007.....
looking at the facts it looks like its been sent off to china to be made cheap and the materials used have turned out to be unsuitable.
this is similar to the 1st vertical "grow kettle" made of plastic to come out of holland, they were made of the wrong plastic, had fumes and killed clones quickly, you get a similar problem if you use the wrong material to make the res for your system from..
The newest budboxes are out now...budbox have improved a lot oer the past 2 years now theyre much more light and air tight, and the newest version ha silver reflective insides. Secret Jardin a french company also make one called the dark room-in sizes from a 60X60X140cm up to 240X240X240cm good vent ports and electrical ports. they also make cheaper version called the dark room street edition but i asked bout these and the shop said they glow in the dark-not at all light proof(not the normal dark room, the "Street Edition") all their tents have silver reflective insides.... ..
Hydrogarden has a few different sizes for their tents with extra aircooling vent ports, Theres a lot of cheapo no name grow tents on ebay now...watch out for them because they will have these problems likely as not being the cheap knockoff shit made for pennies in china.


Sammet said:
I have a budbox XL and recently just bought a budbox mini, I have no problems in my tents. Sounds to me like poor ventilation and pH causing all sorts of problems.

The only way the tent can be to blame is if it is a ventilation problem. Otherwise it must be down to human error (lighting/timers/watering/feeding) or your water pH or soil problems. :wave:

ive used these tents as well with no 'vinyl rubber coating poisoning' or whatever you all are calling it.

even used em out of the box no wash at all.

its a myth. while vinyl fumes CAN be toxic...
if your ventilation system in there is worth ANYTHING at all those fumes will be exhausted before the plants get poisoned anyways. imo anyways, but im not a master breeder so some will simply dismiss my statement as a grower who doesnt know what hes talking about. but ill tell you after using these things extensively, ive NEVER had a plant yellow cuz of 'vinyl fumes.'
a simple adjustment in the feeding and plants greened up any, and every, time.

ime thats a bunch of rubbish.
ive used a few of these tents and even used em out of box un-pre-cleaned/washed. No problems AT ALL.
and i know im not alone.....



Active member
well you wanna me to send you mine, and you can try to get something healthy to turn out of it.... then I'll eat my feet....


sure thing mate.
ive got no prob with that. ive used many ...all to success. cleaned or not.

im a firm believer in the fact that vinyl is NOT the cause. and i certainly stand by that statement.

ventilation and a THOROUGH cleaning would be what I would do first BEFORE id blame the tent. id also look a few other places. in fact, vinyl poisoning would be the absolute last diagnosis if NOTHING else fixes yellow plants. which, in MY experiences with these tents, vinyl has NEVER been the culprit.

ive never had such a problem and ive used a half dozen of these things.

i, personally, think its rubbish. from MY experiences anyways. but, berry coughin' im no scientist and i , very well, COULD be wrong.....

if my plants were yellow....
they were deficient. becuase of MY doing. not the tents.
just sharing my experiences.

and if youre serious about trading tents, so am i.
ill stand by my statement. maybe we can be the two to put this thoerm to bed????
as long as i dont cost me an arm and a leg to ship it to where it needs to be, im totally game.

whatta ya say matey?



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
can you then explain to me if it was ventilation, can you expain to me why my plants get BETTER when i take them from the spacious comfy hut and put them into a closet less than half the size with no fan and 0 ventilation.. my plants still miraculously come back to life. if its not the hut and its the ventilation why would my closet not die too?


Active member
here are some experiments I've been running....

these are 3 plants (healthy) I put into my 4' x 8' deluxe HH for experimenting....

kksc, schrom, lemon thai

This is what they looked like roughly 10 or so days later.....

and here they are after I removed them from the tent.....

So .... just kinda funny, anything I put in there goes to shit...and EVERYTHING, I've pulled out has came back....