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New Feature! - IC Experience

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Active member
I've just installed a new feature called IC Experience. It is a more advanced karma type system that looks at all your contributions to the icmag website and assigns point values to each. Everyone gets a rating which you can view by going to Site Menu/IC Experience.

In addition in everyone's profiles there is now an Experience feature that shows each persons IC experience tally.

Those who are at the top of various ranks get an award - a medal next to their names. We will be adding more awards soon.

But the best feature is a store that we will implement that will allow ppl who accumulate points to "redeem" their points for other things. Also we may set it up so that promotions (to senior member or even supporter) will be automatic if you get enough points. We don't have that setup yet.

You can also view someone's experience by clicking on their name in a thread.

The IC Experience will likely require some more tweaking before it's right.

Enjoy this new feature and let me know if you have any problems or questions about it. :)


Posts from the toker's den and the political forums don't count do they?


All fun and games!

Don't know about putting them in any order really, but the top bunch of pages is what I'd view as a fair cross section of the most helpful/skillful/influential members.. but then there are members who have really made a difference for people that are miles down..

I wasn't as embarrassingly far down as I thought I'd be! Woop.

Are DogBoy, Clarence and YummyBud really the only three with negative rep? Or does everyone else who ends up with negative rep turn it off? :nanana:


To Have More ... Desire Less
sweet.......so im a 3rd level magic user...whatdoidonow??????:yoinks:
hahaha....justjok'in....kewl new feature....should present endless hours of entertainment.......

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
so if and when i crack the top 10, do i get a free hour with a hooker?
thats how it all plays out in my head :D


Active member
Glad you're liking it. :)

I should mention that a few features are not yet in the overall count. The reviews, videos, & strainguide aren't included yet. We can also manually add points and awards for other contributions - that is the miscellaneous column.

Awards: People are welcome to suggest new categories for awards (the medal type).

For instance we could have a photography award for the most images posted. Unfortunately the program doesn't award for quality of posts....


My little pony.. my little pony
Super coolio .. now Connie Rice is going to have to use two hands to describe my e-peen.



Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
The feature sounds great skip, Thanks from shaunmulok and mellomel
Cant wait to get accumulate some points


Awards: People are welcome to suggest new categories for awards (the medal type).

For instance we could have a photography award for the most images posted. Unfortunately the program doesn't award for quality of posts....

There should definitely be an award for the second most active person on the site..... whoever that could be... lol


Active member
definitely a photography award...

macro award...

dry sift award...

FMCD award...

most use of these.... award...


Big D

How many points or what award do I get if I post a picture of my ASS!
Or maybe I could get more for a thread dedicated to my ASS.
Or maybe you wanna give me the points not to.

Don't mind me, I really want to get high, but I can't....
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