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New Cloning Method. Only takes 3 to 5 day.



very few times have i every seen a cutting looking this good......IN SOIL!!! not even 3 days old.
Well I've never heard of anyone doing this before.
It's funny what people come up with when they don't realize what is not possible.:tongue: (or think isn't possible)
I like the way you think zero.kewl!
I believe this is a much bigger deal than it currently seems.

I bet if you combine this method with air-layering you could really be on to something.


so how is every ones experments going? and yes this is root grafting 101.i may try this some day when i have the time or need for it. but its not cloning. and there has been some mad skills shown on this thread. props to every one who has cotributed to this grafting class/experment.it does work and will work and yes it will become one with the grafted root as well as grow its own but the genetic structure does not change. no matter what root cuttings you graft it to the top is the top and the bottom is the bottom. i grew up on the farms and still live here on them. ive read the books and understand how it works well. any way good luck every one who is proticapating


Found an old Jorge Cervantes article from 1999 (CC) discussing Spainish outdoor growers. One of the growers was using a Mexican sativa that was known to have a massive root system, and he was grafting a indica/sativa cross to the mexi-roots. Exactly what I was proposing in my earlier post. So, it looks like grafting a sativa root to an indica stem may help growers in an arid region, like Spain.


so how is every ones experments going? and yes this is root grafting 101.i may try this some day when i have the time or need for it. but its not cloning. and there has been some mad skills shown on this thread. props to every one who has cotributed to this grafting class/experment.it does work and will work and yes it will become one with the grafted root as well as grow its own but the genetic structure does not change. no matter what root cuttings you graft it to the top is the top and the bottom is the bottom. i grew up on the farms and still live here on them. ive read the books and understand how it works well. any way good luck every one who is proticapating
Isnt a clone a genetic duplicate? I may have my terms confused


I slept on it and the drought risistant experiment probably would not work.????????????? Looks like you should spend less time giving your GF head and more time being stupid and drunk n high like me. :) no really tho im not dissing thats just me i talk to sum of my best budz that way. stick around long Enough ill probly toss in a your gay or 2. lol
I agree, especially with the part quest mentioned about transpiration being at least as important in arid environments. Sativa and indica root structures do vary enough to make a difference though.


In all those posts and the last one I used terms like probably,may,possibly.
They have been doing this method with apples for 2,000 years. Practically every apple you have ever eaten has been propagated this way.

True Johnny Appleseed covered the land with mostly unedible apples grown from seed, but they were great for hard cider!! Grafting is the only way to propagate the consistent apple.

The grafting of apple trees to mature root stock is quite different than grafting a single root to a fresh clone. I agree its similiar but the purpose is entirely different.


In all those posts and the last one I used terms like probably,may,possibly. Umm we are talking about experimenting correct?

Is that enough "more" for you or are you still drunk, high and without a woman?

lol yes yes and i am married so ... yea? .... fag


Quit dogging on him quest, you know an illiterate cant pick up a woman!! :) Just kidding zero

its my illiteracy that makes me a genius ;-).. have you read my post on altering light cycles to make 2 to 3 times bigger colas...bigger cola... (btw i was alittle wrong on the post (it took me another 4 grows to figure out the right amount... id go back and fix it but they closed it.. i piss alot of people off. bobby black ended up reading it and talking to me about it so that made my day :) if you want to know how ill tell you. but in a pm. i dont want that whole thing started again.