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NEW.BOG Preservation Project.


ICMag Donor
Looking forward to watching BOG's beans living on another year... They're quite a special breed.... :yummy:
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hey south wind and lou good to know that you both ok and i hope you are doing better southwind... ive been away for a while now last time i knew lou was jsut starting to mess with bogs genetics to try and preserve it and southwind wasnt doing too good im glad your both still in the mix and doing your thing i wish i could help in someway you both may not know me but ive been aroudn for a while if you ever need anything just send out a pm ill be lurking here like always.... -=]

good luck and be safe guys....


Active member
I did Lifesaver before..and was a sweet plant.

I was moving stuff outdoors and found some seeds!!

BogBubble !! wOOT !! :jump: Only if I have Time :joint:


TNTBudSticker said:
Only if I have Time :joint:

Hey send em to me ill be sure to make some time. LoL, hope everyone is well. :wave: Broke my digital camera into tiny pieces but my lifesavers f2's are turning out great. Been having a few problems with some nute lockout, just moved to a new location and never thought to check the tap water. Well ive found the culprit....


But anyhow, working through these issues the best that I can, and so for i've found some interesting phenos. One looks similiar to the bogbubble, one is heavy on the bluberry smell, and one smells like straight up candy and is soooo sticky already at week 4. Plus ended up with a fat stemmed male that smells phenomemal (only lifesaver plant ive grown to ever stink up my house, considering I havent had to use a Cfilter with the saver yet). Got a few others going but they havent shown anything special yet. Should have another cam around harvest to post pics! :joint:

(Before 12/12 and the camera break)​


Seed Time

Seed Time

Greetings all;

Hope all of you are doing well.

Here are some seeds for the Preservation Project.

Currently I am bring back to life all the plants that had to wait until my health was well enough to permit sustained attention to them.

We have 4 phenos of Sour Bubble BX3, 1 outstanding Lifesaver, LSD, 2 different phenos of Bogglegum and I will be starting in the coming days, more ORIGINAL LIFESAVER seeds to do another run of Lifesaver Seeds and preserve it. I hope this summer to also get Bogbubble rolling and Bogglegum seeds, Lifestar, SBBX4 and Blue Moon Rocks.

Getting the Clones back into full healthy growth is first priority right now.

I am going to start seeds of the crosses to determine their faithfullness to the originals also.

And so we begin....


Active member
SOOOOOO HAPPY to see this day come!!!!!!! :headbange

Excellent work there....Southwind!

I'm really glad that you are feeling better....as that is the most important thing!!!!

How do you like the BX4....compared to the BX3? Is there a marked difference?

Great to hear that your back to your garden!

Be safe.

Brneydbvr. :rasta:






Well actually I only had ONE BX4 and it was MALE so, I took the opportunity to cross it to SBBX3 ..so I have not had a BX4 female to compare flowers to SBBX3....

But now the Project has SBBX MALE X SBBX3 FEMALE, this is of 3 different SBBX3 Phenos wo I hope that some test grows "out there" so to speak will show us how these fare.

My health is up and down, the down and up..ouch..but I am trying to stay in there as getting BOG genes preserved is , I feel , of paramount importance..I would like to see people growing it for some time to come..

besides Sour Bubble is truly special and that Bubble gummy Bog bubble and Bogglegum is so sweet..

and the power of Lifesaver is truly someting special.



Active member
:woohoo: So glad to see things are coming along southwind!

Also glad to hear you've been at least well enough to tend to the garden. I hope your health takes a steeper turn uphill soon.

Let me know if there's anything I can do :smoke:
Wow bog preservation, great idea. I tried some bogglegum when i was way younger and it blew me away. Now it seems impossible to get genuine Bog genetics.....
As soon as i get 50 posts i will PM you southwind to see if i can help. Thanks for preserving these genes!

Care Free 1

Active member
Hello Southwind,

I am a big fan of BOG genetics, and a fan of yours for keeping the good stuff going.

Glad to see you are up to the task, and best wishes in keeping your project going. I cant wait to see some of the results, and with your knowledge and talent those results should be amazing.

Care Free 1


Active member
Southwind you are indeed a kind soul......:jump: :woohoo:

Glad to see the ressurection of the BOG.....bless all the people who maintain these strains.....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:




WOW. What great responses from new folks and from veterans whom I respect..very much..

My aim is to someday see others growing the outcome ..depending on how people like Gypsy, JLP, Babbabud, and all the good folks here at IC want it to happen [in other words within the rules]

I hope we can all enjoy these genetics and am applying all my skill to ensuring
that the crossings are exact and protected from accidents, and using the best progeny and most representative of the strain to continue breeding the originals and also a mixed pool to preserve all the traits possible.
[Mixed within 'type' like SBBX3 to all other SBBX3 available and then more targeted crossings for superior representative specimens]

fingers crossed..and THANKS TO ALL AGAIN.



I still have three lifesaver phenos in the flavor chamber, along with various lifesaver crosses. The only thing I've smoked to date more potent than my lemon lifesaver is deep chunk. Not bubba s1, not williams wonder, not lemon g or a dozen other "elites". Nothing but the deep chunk. Lifesaver wins 99 out of 100 hands down.

I think I will cross the deep chunk and lifesaver... whats the stuff you spray on a branch to make it male?


Active member
I'm excited to hear about the crosses that you have made and are making!

Those BX3 x BX4 and the Lifesaver x Lifesaver sound very nice....

I can't wait to see some of them grown out!!

Thank you again Southwind..... Just for doing what you do.

Take it easy...my friend.

Brneydbvr. :rasta:



Great to see u doing better SW and the continuation of the bog genes I see is going good to.I am also glad to see others as motivated as me to keep these genes alive in somewhat of an original form. :headbange
I can help to any extent needed for the cause. :joint:


strainwhore said:
I think I will cross the deep chunk and lifesaver... whats the stuff you spray on a branch to make it male?

I think you might be talking about collodial silver (sp?). The pollen used is supposed to only make female seeds.

:wave: Hey SouthWind glad to see you around.
Wow, good to see that BOG is still alive.

I remember he was (or at least his genes) ALL the rage back in the OG days, a real nice guy too, what I wouldn't have given to visit the farmhouse...

I was so disappointed to see BOG was available anymore when I went to re-enter the "grow ur own" game, and it's even better to see that folks are making an effort to keep the strains alive, rather than just give birth to a bunch of popular, but extremely muddied F2s and so forth.

BOG lifesaver and Bogglegum would be my two favorites to have around, this is what it's all about right here folks, no money, no profit, just the cause.

Why buy trash compacted non-cured junk when you can grow it yourself. All the true bad from marijuana is from the commercialization, and it is great to see folks with true gems looking to spread them and preserve them rather than just make serious coin with knockoffs and a whole lot less effort.

Oh and to the above post about collodial silver, you can look in the "growroom equipment" forum, there is a guide on how to make your own, it's pretty damn easy, just involves simple materials, and an infomercial silver coin.


I thought that there was a spray you could get that made a branch turn male. So that the beans weren't female only or prone to herm??? I thought it was called Cl0ne or something goofy like that......


The product is called - CL-ONE. It contains compounds that act as an ethylene inhibitor to force male flowers without stress that causes hermaphroditic traits to be passed along... supposedly.

I'm having trouble locating where to purchase this product... anyone?


Happy 4/20 Southwind and all!

I''ve been trying to taste BOG for a while now...
:nono: :spank:

a couple of years ago, I ordered a pack of SBbx3 from Gypsy.
...loooooong story short, 8 of 8 have been male... still got 2...

I just finished 2 not long ago. (#s 7 & 8). Both male.
I was growing some NRS WR at the time, so I collected some pollen and made these "Sour Rhino"

...yet to test 'em tho...

...still waiting to taste BOG...


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