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New Blacklist Bill Set To Crush The Internet!


You nailed!. It was just the opposite when Bush was in charge and the republicans had the majority in congress. I also watch/read as many news sources as possible. Anyone that says faux is biased and cnn is not is brain dead.
Two internal memos from two separate years past leaked from Fox News have shown that every day the reporters get instructions from the very top of the organization regarding the precise way in which they're to spin the news to the right that day. How many more fucking coffin nails do we really need on this issue?

(if you want an example, the first one said focus on footage that makes us look like Iraqis greet us as liberators)
Edit at below: what can I say? I like to preach.


Two internal memos from two separate years past leaked from Fox News have shown that every day the reporters get instructions from the very top of the organization regarding the precise way in which they're to spin the news to the right that day. How many more fucking coffin nails do we really need on this issue?

(if you want an example, the first one said focus on footage that makes us look like Iraqis greet us as liberators)

Preacher your preaching to the choir. Did you not read my post. What you think cnn or npr do not get their marching orders too? Please spare me.


Rubbing my glands together
There is no "news" in the US. It's cheer leading on tv for or against one party or the other. Has been for a long time. You can't keep the sheeple herded in their collective corrals by telling them the shepherds are really wolves.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Nah they're all biased and it's all yellow journalism.

correct. they have to fill 24 hours a day of air time, and be shocking enough to grab people's attention.

As George Carlin said. "It's all Bullshit and it's all bad for you."

I like to seek out first hand accounts of news from regular people that are just saying what happened as they saw it first hand.

Guest 88950

instead of bitching 'bout politicians n news bias GO be on the news @ one of the Occupy movements...............make signs protesting 'whatever point' and stand behind every news camera conducting an interview..............people should oust every incumbent in Washington @ the polls next election cycle as a way to send a message to the New govt that they are there for the People..........not the corporations.

ending the 501c4, pac/super pac scam...........the one in which there is NO DISCLOSURE on its doners and ammt donated is essentially a legit $$$ laundering scheme...........hmmmmmmmmmm........maybe some possibilities in forming one for the purpose of Advocating Medical Cannabis & one for Advocating the Legalization of Cannabis............& i could be its Biggest anonymous doner........i could run it also...... taking a nice salary....all legal

...........end of medicated ramble

on to finish my bowl of Cataract Kush & BHO
Can't stand FOX news lately, but unlike the rest of them, they aren't FULL TIME stenographers for incoming democrat party press releases (many if not HALF of dems which also support this bill). On the bright side, it is just a bill at this point and there are a LOT of crazy ass bills that never go anywhere. And it does seem to only pertain to intilecual property theft, which BTW is supposed to be owner enforced. Another bright point is, this term of congress seems pretty deadlocked on getting much done. And then there's the fact that it will not only NOT work, it will spawn a whole new industry of offshore workarounds.

On the not so bright side, the same people who demanded the feds have the power control of their health and welfare, are the ones who gave them the power to do shit like this. You can't bitch that they should take care of you from cradle to grave, then moan about the power you gave them over every aspect of your life.


Can't stand FOX news lately, but unlike the rest of them, they aren't FULL TIME stenographers for incoming democrat party press releases (many if not HALF of dems which also support this bill). On the bright side, it is just a bill at this point and there are a LOT of crazy ass bills that never go anywhere. And it does seem to only pertain to intilecual property theft, which BTW is supposed to be owner enforced. Another bright point is, this term of congress seems pretty deadlocked on getting much done. And then there's the fact that it will not only NOT work, it will spawn a whole new industry of offshore workarounds.

On the not so bright side, the same people who demanded the feds have the power control of their health and welfare, are the ones who gave them the power to do shit like this. You can't bitch that they should take care of you from cradle to grave, then moan about the power you gave them over every aspect of your life.

This does have the ring of truth. Partisanship can be a good thing.


Active member
I, personally, am for internet censorship.

There's too many websites that advocate marijuana use and, believe it or not, actually encourage users to GROW THEIR OWN!

This will lead to the collapse of Western Civilization (caps) and addicted children dying in the streets leaving America ripe for a Communist take-over.

It's time to end this scourge on society.
Call or write your Congressmen today!


Active member
I, personally, am for internet censorship.

There's too many websites that advocate marijuana use and, believe it or not, actually encourage users to GROW THEIR OWN!

This will lead to the collapse of Western Civilization (caps) and addicted children dying in the streets leaving America ripe for a Communist take-over.

It's time to end this scourge on society.
Call or write your Congressmen today!

wow!!!!!!!!i really dont want what ur smoking lol

a well informed society is a free society and cing as the internet is just about the only place for REAL info i dont believe censoring it would be helping anything.

oh and i still havent seen where 1 person has died from smoking herb or that it is addictive so that argument is kinda lame sonds like a statement big brother(gov) would use.

the scourge on society are those that are try to take our personal libertys away not someone growing a plant that in all respects is harmless.

stay free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


Active member
In my opinion anyone who goes against the constitution is commiting treason and should be treated for such. I dont care if your a politition or a worker bee if you dont work for our rights as humans you dont deserve your rights either. Politions making empty promises should be charged for treason. Our prisons shouldnt be filled with non violent people who follow our founding fathers paths by growing marijuana..Our prisons should be filled with polititions who lie,minipulate, and commit aweful acts against our constitutional protected rights. Anyone who violates someones freedoms or causes harm should be delt with period. Our polititions continue to cause more harm than any nuclear bomb ever could and yet we as americans allow them to continue living like kings. Welcome to the new world of slavary

The day we arrest the first politition for treason will be the first day towards a true free world.
True that brother! Anytime the bastards act for outsiders instead of the people here in the USA who vote & employ them .. TREASON should be the charge! monkey5


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
until we stop the endless amounts of money in washington legislation like this is all we will see.. special interest killing freedom. Its pretty simple


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
wow!!!!!!!!i really dont want what ur smoking lol

a well informed society is a free society and cing as the internet is just about the only place for REAL info i dont believe censoring it would be helping anything.

oh and i still havent seen where 1 person has died from smoking herb or that it is addictive so that argument is kinda lame sonds like a statement big brother(gov) would use.

the scourge on society are those that are try to take our personal libertys away not someone growing a plant that in all respects is harmless.

stay free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

i think i smelled a shit ton of sarcasm with that last guys post lol


Active member
Here you are men & women...a way to enjoy your freedoms! This is why they do not want us to have freedom:http: //freekeene.com/ .. take a look at Cop Block post "Inside the mind of a cop" video .. my favorite web site! You will find a bunch of good stuff here..nose around! Start by clicking on the "Cop Block" web link! Lol.. monkey5