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New Blacklist Bill Set To Crush The Internet!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

Another limitation on the first amendment is be proposed. The Fascist are scared of occupy wall street now and want to limit the ability of citizens to communicate.

IT'S ALIVE: New Blacklist Bill Set To Crush The Internet!


It's alive! And it's a nightmare.

The rumors were true: The new Blacklist Bill could effectively destroy YouTube, Twitter, and other sites that rely on user-generated content by making the sites' owners legally responsible for content their users post.

It also includes provisions that would make it a felony to stream unlicensed content -- including cover band performances, karaoke videos, video game play-throughs, and more.

It's a grab-bag of Halloween goodies for a handful of big corporations -- but for us it's Frankenstein's monster, cobbled together from half-born bills, set to suffocate free speech and innovation and terrorize consumers and Internet users.

Will you use the form at right to ask your Congressmember to oppose the legislation?

ALSO: We need to completely overwhelm the social networking sites with info about this legislation so we can bombard Congress with constituent contacts

Public Knowledge Sees Dangers In New Intellectual Property Bill

October 26, 2011

The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

"The new House legislation (HR 3261) is an unwarranted expansion of government power to protect one special interest. The bill would overturn the long-accepted principles and practices of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice and takedown process in favor of a one-sided enforcement mechanism that is far more broad than existing law while not attempting to protect the rights of anyone accused of copyright infringement.

"In addition, anyone who writes about, or links to, a site suspected of infringement could also become a target of government action. The bill also features the now well-known dangers to the engineering of the Internet domain-name system (DNS), endangering Internet security while requiring Internet Service Providers and search engines to take on vast new responsibilities to block access to suspected sites.

"There is no need for a bill this sweeping and this Draconian. There are simple, easily implemented solution on which industry and others agree -- such as cutting off the ability of credit-card companies to fulfill payments to sites that traffic in copyright infringement.

"At a time when Congress and the Obama Administration are trying to cut back on sweeping, overbroad regulation, we are disappointed that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith and his co-sponsors have chosen this means of establishing a vast new regulatory regime over the Internet."



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Damned. Happy not to be American....

I wonder how much more liberties they want to take from you. There are not many left...



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Sometimes the U.S.A. seems like a fascist social laboratory where the tools to oppress us are being invented and experimented on daily basis.
Where the hell is the American Dream?!
In a more hopeful note, the shit has been going for long but at least now a few are starting to take the scales out of their own eyes ;)


ICMag Donor
Chug,chug,chug, wooowooo! All aboard the train to fascist rule is now leaving the station. This is super scary to think that N. Korea, China, Saudi Arabia internet policy will now be the same as us. But .Gov is making the companies enforce the ban so it can not directly be held accountable. Utter bullshit. I like the interwebs and dont want restrictions on this big scary place:) take care and do spread the word if anybody will still listen. NS

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Things are really getting serious in USA.....Bad enough over here in U.K.

I have family over in New York and they are really pissed off.

Good luck in these times.


May your race always be in your favor
This is the kind of crap you get when people keep voting in the repressives. Most of them are convinced the internet is a bunch connected tubes. They don't want the free flow of information to be allowed. Informed voters and people make their own decisions, thats exactly what they don't want. Knowledge is power so we have to stop people from gaining knowledge. So don't watch FAUX news either.


Sometimes the U.S.A. seems like a fascist social laboratory where the tools to oppress us are being invented and experimented on daily basis.
Where the hell is the American Dream?!
In a more hopeful note, the shit has been going for long but at least now a few are starting to take the scales out of their own eyes ;)

That's just it, The American Dream, you can only see it when your asleep.

Smoke Buddy

This is the kind of crap you get when people keep voting in the repressives. Most of them are convinced the internet is a bunch connected tubes. They don't want the free flow of information to be allowed. Informed voters and people make their own decisions, thats exactly what they don't want. Knowledge is power so we have to stop people from gaining knowledge. So don't watch FAUX news either.

Wow. I almost agree with your whole post well, except that little Fox nuggett where you suggest we self limit our sources of news ... I personally watch as many different sources as possible even those I recognize as having a tilt or agenda... like Fox is right leaning big time and MSNBC is basically a public relations channel for current "occupier" ;) of the white house. The problem with limiting yourself on news is that little thing called media bias. To varying degrees the other big news channels absolutely carry water for Obama.. sometimes by OMITING news. Like for instance MSNBC didnt cover the Solyndra scandal until it got to be a 600 pound gorilla and even now they sugar coat as much as possible towards Obama. More importantly for this forum, Fox is the only one that is even taking the federal attack on MMJ seriously. You ever watch Freedom Watch with Napolitano? He has been pounding the administration for you and me. First the BS 2nd amendment is null for MMJ patients then the dispensary situation, nearly daily slamming the government for destroying our rights.. I dont see that on any other cable news channel.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Fox News has some good libertarian talk/ discussion show, not just far right social conservative stuff. Tv hosts like John Stossel and Andrew Napolitano are against any form of government censorship on the internet. They both support legalizing marijuana and ending the war on drugs. I have a hard time watching some of the news shows on Fox, but they're not all bad.


Active member
geez now im really gunna be a hermit, shit i might as well move into a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER...


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I don't consider myself too eloquent when trying to get an idea or point across, so I apologize here. I took this from Wikipedia.

The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the U.S. federal government. These limitations serve to protect the natural rights of liberty and property including freedoms of religion, speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to keep and bear arms

And also I wonder when the federal government forgot that it was created by the states, and not the other way around?
I don't consider myself too eloquent when trying to get an idea or point across, so I apologize here. I took this from Wikipedia.

The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the U.S. federal government. These limitations serve to protect the natural rights of liberty and property including freedoms of religion, speech, a free press, free assembly, and free association, as well as the right to keep and bear arms

And also I wonder when the federal government forgot that it was created by the states, and not the other way around?

In my opinion anyone who goes against the constitution is commiting treason and should be treated for such. I dont care if your a politition or a worker bee if you dont work for our rights as humans you dont deserve your rights either. Politions making empty promises should be charged for treason. Our prisons shouldnt be filled with non violent people who follow our founding fathers paths by growing marijuana..Our prisons should be filled with polititions who lie,minipulate, and commit aweful acts against our constitutional protected rights. Anyone who violates someones freedoms or causes harm should be delt with period. Our polititions continue to cause more harm than any nuclear bomb ever could and yet we as americans allow them to continue living like kings. Welcome to the new world of slavary

The day we arrest the first politition for treason will be the first day towards a true free world.


Yeah they keep on trying to ram this type of shit thru about every 2 months. I have signed a bunch of them to be stopped. So far they haven't passed one of these but there must be alot of cash being given to the Politicians because after one is voted down it seems that another is brought back up. The telecoms really want to have a tier system so that they can rape us of some more money. Basically they want control. They will keep on pushing until their bought off cronies get one of these thru or I can see them attaching it as a rider on another bill.


Registered User
Damned. Happy not to be American....

I wonder how much more liberties they want to take from you. There are not many left...


it's not so bad... u get used to having to show id when buying toilet paper from the walmart, the only state approved retailer in the near future... although signing the affidavit that i will not do anything unlawful with the paper is a bit much... still, you get used it... even the camera in the toilet itself to make sure you don't flush down any incriminating evidence that might be used against you in a crime yet to be named... not that big of a deal... ho hum


Active member
ICMag Donor
Damned. Happy not to be American....

I wonder how much more liberties they want to take from you. There are not many left...


titoon, i doubt it will be long till we hear similar things here in europe... there have been talks to censor internet for time

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
In my opinion anyone who goes against the constitution is commiting treason and should be treated for such. I dont care if your a politition or a worker bee if you dont work for our rights as humans you dont deserve your rights either. Politions making empty promises should be charged for treason. Our prisons shouldnt be filled with non violent people who follow our founding fathers paths by growing marijuana..Our prisons should be filled with polititions who lie,minipulate, and commit aweful acts against our constitutional protected rights. Anyone who violates someones freedoms or causes harm should be delt with period. Our polititions continue to cause more harm than any nuclear bomb ever could and yet we as americans allow them to continue living like kings. Welcome to the new world of slavary

The day we arrest the first politition for treason will be the first day towards a true free world.

Right on!


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
It's not that easy Hash lol...we have to do something about the 17th amendment...and probably a lot of other stuff..fuck


hell ya

hell ya

Now finally were all getting on the same page. Its the ellected officals that are fucking us adding on big payments to themself on the end of bills just so everyone wants to pass it... why do they get full time benifits for doing an easy part time job. Did u know congress and the senate both keep reciving there wages even after they leave office.and they get it for life. And they only half to be elected once. Wow the money that can be saved just there. But we need to keep spreading the word around about how we fill, instead of bending over taken it. Fuck These AssHoles.


Wow. I almost agree with your whole post well, except that little Fox nuggett where you suggest we self limit our sources of news ... I personally watch as many different sources as possible even those I recognize as having a tilt or agenda... like Fox is right leaning big time and MSNBC is basically a public relations channel for current "occupier" of the white house. The problem with limiting yourself on news is that little thing called media bias. To varying degrees the other big news channels absolutely carry water for Obama.. sometimes by OMITING news. Like for instance MSNBC didnt cover the Solyndra scandal until it got to be a 600 pound gorilla and even now they sugar coat as much as possible towards Obama. More importantly for this forum, Fox is the only one that is even taking the federal attack on MMJ seriously. You ever watch Freedom Watch with Napolitano? He has been pounding the administration for you and me. First the BS 2nd amendment is null for MMJ patients then the dispensary situation, nearly daily slamming the government for destroying our rights.. I dont see that on any other cable news channel.

You nailed!. It was just the opposite when Bush was in charge and the republicans had the majority in congress. I also watch/read as many news sources as possible. Anyone that says faux is biased and cnn is not is brain dead.