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Nevilles Haze X Everything....

Figure Id post this closeup here..
this is from the chem's sis x NH seed pack. Doesn't look like any other..VERY lanky, so tall I snapped the top foot or 2 over (On purpose, to get it under the lamps) a month ago, and it didn't flinch. Its very airy, not foxtaily, just airy. Big calyxes, seems to be nute sensitive--the leaves fold and curl when fed at the same rate as the others...but it doesn't seem to affect bud growth (maybe the N is making the buds airy...hmm). It does seem to be trying to thicken up a bit with age.
It has been a frosty girl far faster than the rest. Smells fruitier than the wet-book/Frankie-leaning smell of the others..has kind of a baked cake/muffin smell. LOL
Anyhow, thanks for the great variety in these packs. I still have a bunch of the orig. beans, and should get quite a few beans off these and other x's with the male I had in there.
I love this stuff. :)


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day BL

Mid - late flower less and less N .
The boys over in Holland mix their own nutes . An N solution and a PK . And gradually drop out the N all together a couple of weeks before they start their flushing . Seems to drive the long flowering Haze towards finishing a bit more . Little less fox tailing .

Yara brand N = Calcinit . PK= Kristalon .
If you search here the posts of a guy by the name of Mc Haze he lays out the recipe . Tried and true for 20 yrs or more for hazes .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Active member
Sounds like your girl has heavy influence from the NH..... probably a 90daze flower or so. I'd just drop out the N and keep feeding her till the buds slow down.

But I'm sure slip will be in soon....I mean I'm surprised he ain't here yet .....too busy w trimming that beast....need a extra set of scissors? :)

Slip Kid

Ah! I'm lazy and use the same mix from week two until flush, I don't remove the micro from the 6/9 formula at all. Actually since most of what I'm running has a sour d component I really need that micro in there because the leaves on the buds will go more yellow than they already do and they're a pain to trim out....At the same time my Lucifer's and well basically all plants without much sour d don't do the yellow bud leaf thing but they certainly don't do it with the micro. I also try and wait as long as I can to flush because with the sours the yellows come fast.
It doesn't bother me much but it makes the flowers look a bit beat up when in reality they're near perfect, a few small yellow tips with no green smoke is better, I think!:) My big Lucifer BX's have yellow fans but not yellow single blade leaves inside the buds, same with the others I've had this run. Something in the sour makes it go yellow faster than most.:tumbleweed:
Thank you all for the comments. I will check out Mc haze's fertilizer recipe... I mix my own bloom boost (a Moab copy), but mainly use GH micro and bloom at 6/9. The leaves began full circle curls at a couple weeks in flower. I too am lazy... So the whole lot-hazes, skunks, OG, ETC gets the same feed. If I like the smoke and keep her, I will treat her better.
I ended up with 4 phenos. One monster bud ho, this airy resin Laden one, the stocky leafy bud one, and a small foxtail one. Foxtail has good resin production, has a metallic 'squink' smell that makes my teeth hurt. Lol. The big bud ho and the leafy girl smell like an old library/wet books/perfume incense. My house smells so weird... :D
I think they are around 48 days in flower.
I will try to get pics of all 4 so that the haze lovers will have a reference. It's not easy with everything tied up to the walls and ceiling!
Once again, thank you all for the input and the knowledge and experience in breeding and growing. Haze is all new to me...
heres the small one that has the metallic smell. Its in a very small hempy, maybe 2 fistfuls of coco. The rez is probably 3 or 4 OZ. Just enough to make it thru the night.
Slight tip burn, never flushed. I can believe this thing is alive and doing well! Its going to produce well for the small tub. :) Another winner from the pack of seeds.

Slip Kid

Here's some of my Early Pearl X Mullum S5 seedlings with some OG trees in the background. I flipped these a week ago due to time restraints on the length of this grow.:)

Slip Kid

I finally started taking down my Lucifer BX plants, branch by branch. It's close to day 90 and they're still drinking hard and growing pretty well despite being on plain water for 2 weeks.:)

Slip Kid

This is the main cola from the earliest plant. She's a hefty one and has a deep orange odor. the samples I've smoked from early branches have been pretty damn good, I'm really stoked with this stock to say the least.:woohoo:


Well-known member
Figure Id post this closeup here..
this is from the chem's sis x NH seed pack. Doesn't look like any other..VERY lanky, so tall I snapped the top foot or 2 over (On purpose, to get it under the lamps) a month ago, and it didn't flinch. Its very airy, not foxtaily, just airy. Big calyxes, seems to be nute sensitive--the leaves fold and curl when fed at the same rate as the others...but it doesn't seem to affect bud growth (maybe the N is making the buds airy...hmm). It does seem to be trying to thicken up a bit with age.
It has been a frosty girl far faster than the rest. Smells fruitier than the wet-book/Frankie-leaning smell of the others..has kind of a baked cake/muffin smell. LOL
Anyhow, thanks for the great variety in these packs. I still have a bunch of the orig. beans, and should get quite a few beans off these and other x's with the male I had in there.
I love this stuff. :)

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I had a pheno like that pop up from my CC x NH I called it the nevs pheno

Long, narrow colas that smell like church incense, so smell differed though

This was her around 70, she needed 90 something
I tried to get some pics. for the record. I should have started a new thread I guess, but its nice to have all the stuff related to these x's in Slip's thread. LOL





ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I for one, appreciate having as many of the various Nev off-spring plants posted up here.
It makes for a more community-minded thread, and along w/ Slip's effusive personality and master-grower status, makes this such a popular thread.
I didn't clone any of these. I have seeds in the making. Plan on re vegging for clones.
I need clones ASAP. Wonder if I could pull of rooting some lower buds... Problem is, with all the light, the branches are all pretty much big buds.
Ugh, might be worth a shot..
Any bright ideas anyone?

Slip Kid

Take the lowest, smallest flowered branch. They'll root up fast but will take awhile to re-veg into a normal pattern of growth. Most everybody does it when they forget to take cuts and find a good plant they'd like to run again. These SFV OG cuts were taken and rooted after about 14 days of flower.
I kept the light, a 600 in a cooltube on the roof, fairly far away(3 ft). It took a long time for these to start growing normally then I took reg cuts. I think I may have kept the lamp a bit too high but I know like a Chem D these don't like to be 12" from a blazing lamp but it's my first run with this clone. I have several much larger more vigorous specimens in another room. These are the original clones taken during flowering, grown to about 2ft and flipped. Could be my bulb is burned out a bit but I'll still have a few decent flowers!!:tiphat:

Slip Kid

All of the sour bx clones I ran under the T5's are dried and packed away. I had some very high quality flowers from these clones with T5 light only.

Slip Kid

I ended up with 12 females of my Early Pearl X MullumS5's. I went through yesterday and picked a male for use in the future. This one that I picked is typical of most of the 23 I had, very stocky, tight intermodal distance and jumbo fans. They all showed sex clearly at 12 days of 12/12. There was only one male that shot above the rest and one female that shows a more sativa/ tropical growth pattern. I still have one plant to up pot. All 12 have 3 gal pots of pure coco.

Slip Kid

Some more sour bx from one of my favorite plants. This chunk came from one of the big spears I pulled down last week. I break them down as much as possible to be sure I didn't miss any rot or mildew.:) These have such a great smell but like I said earlier, you wouldn't call it sour but you can tell they're closely related.