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never read my rights.. what to do?


Active member
They must have locked relic up the next day at 3 when he said he had intervention whatever that is. He hasn't posted since this post.

Hope everything works out relic. It sucks having stuff hanging over your head and worrying about the law coming for you.

Best of luck relic.

Probably started ranting about "not being read my rights", so they did.


Active member
Lol out of all the times I've been arrested not once has a cop read me my rights.guilty until proven innocent

"Read your rights" is from Baretta or Starsky and Hutch. I've also never seen a search warrant, even though my house has twice been burglarize and vandalized by cops.


Active member
If they tried to charge you with a crime, couldnt a lawyer get you off because of that Mellow?
Judge ruled they had probable cause, I appealed but, I did two of the five years sentence before the 3rd district California reversed with instructions to the judge.

mack 10

Well-known member
If you get arrested don't say anything no matter what. Anything you tell them in your defense will not help you as it will be ruled hearsay if your lawyer even brings it up in court. Anything you say will only be analyzed and used to prove your guilt. Let em go on what they got and give them no extra.

Get a lawyer that will defend you and negotiate the best deal possible, if necessary, at this point. Good luck.



Most crown prosecutors are rookies or hacks that decided to take the government doll over a huge paying job hustling as a attorney... Probably for a reason...

IMO STFU and hire a lawyer that gets more in a month than the crowns lawyer in a year, and let him show to the court how many laws the police broke during their investigation, and hope your not totally fuct in your day to day...

Should be easy out if just weed... Probably different in some spots though cause I haven't got roasted 20+ times that shits crazy!