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what will happen to the price of marijuana in Colorado when it's (state) legal?


Active member
some of these guys are freemasons. they're never going to go to jail under the current system so they don't care if it's legal or not.

let them talk. let them think they've got a chance. save your words for people who won't sell you down the river.


Active member
Good luck making a million bucks. That is unless you already have a million bucks to pay all the ridiculous license fees and to fit into their zoning criteria. Did you not just see how only the richest of folks were able to keep a dispensary once amend. 20 was flipped inside out , basically re writen , and growers turned on by the very people that they made rich. You will probably be one of the ones that are crying once the feds come and shut shit down wondering why, it is "legal" after all..lol It is illegal federally, so now Colorado is an outlaw state? This will not pass. Rightfully so, it is a scam. Just a way to regulate more and put the bucks in big corporations hands, ever heard of wal mart? Living in the shadows? You actually in CO? What will this change? You gonna be in the spotlight,bro? Smoking it up as you drive along the road, waiving at pigs and growing fields in your frontyard? This is a joke man I wish you would realize how politics and government actually worked, they do not, ever change things for the better of the people, it is always in the name of money and power, ALWAYS, please wake up. We already have weed stores here, they suck, we already have decriminalized small amounts. If you have more than an ounce now , you will get a ticket , if you have more than an ounce if this passes, you will get a ticket, what is the point. Watch what you wish for.

Your failure will come not from external reasons, but becaus of your piss poor "can't do" attitude. I feel sorry for you.


Active member
3 trees. But I can grow 12 here in my state. But 1oz possession? I heard you can mark edibles on the rest, my "limit" is 2 1/2 zips.

In my state 3 trees is mandatory minimum. This legalization bill also states that it in no way impacts existing Colorado MMJ law. It allows anyone with a license to grow as many trees as they want, and sell it, legally. I have no clue what your point is.
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Active member
wishing this would pass is like inviting Alabama's football team for your buffaloes homecoming

really bad idea and when they leave you'll really know how bad your ass was kicked

Actually I'm from Alabama. That's my team you're talking about kicking everyone's else's ass.

Wait....I think I'm starting to see a pattern here.


Active member

Who ever said a farmer should make a million bucks?

Who said anything about farming? Is the CEO of Phillip-Morris or Anheuser-Busch a "farmer" in your mind?

Maybe an outlaw farmer, but not a farmer...especially a compassionate one.

Who said anything about "compassion?" I'm a businessman. What do you define compassion as, exactly? To me it means making a lot of money and then using it to make people's lives better. Am I not compassionate because I have vision and I want to create something great? That takes money to accomplish. If you think a million dollars is a lot, I'd love to see your face the day I break the trillion dollar mark, for the first time in history. A million dollars is nothing. Enjoy being poor, hippie.


Who said anything about farming? Is the CEO of Phillip-Morris or Anheuser-Busch a "farmer" in your mind?

Who said anything about "compassion?" I'm a businessman. What do you define compassion as, exactly? To me it means making a lot of money and then using it to make people's lives better. Am I not compassionate because I have vision and I want to create something great? That takes money to accomplish. If you think a million dollars is a lot, I'd love to see your face the day I break the trillion dollar mark, for the first time in history. A million dollars is nothing. Enjoy being poor, hippie.

It sucks but this is what happens when cannabis is illegal. You get business people that do it solely for the money. When it is leagal these people will find another trade to make money because it will be much harder to compete. These are the people who are most likely to cut corners with their grows. More likely to use pesticides and hormones. We need less of these types of people. When this is leagal the price will drastically reduce and the top 5-10% who grow for quality have the best chance.


Dumbledore, those people are not business people, but rather opportunists. A business person would realize that in order to grow a company long-term, cutting corners short-term is the worst thing possible. In a saturated market, relationships are the true asset. Consistency and quality are highly valued in any business the world over.



Active member
^ Agreed 100%. After legalization I do foresee prices rising for a year or two before starting a steady decline, since demand will increase overnight and/or be quickly shifted from underground to legit sources, while it will take some time for those companies to get large scale commercial production set up and the bugs worked out. Those who have the most efficient methods and smartest budgeting in this early period will have a large advantage. It will take me a full two years from the day it's legalized to when my products are ready to hit shelves. A large part of that is the one-year minimum cure. Quality is what I'm about. My goal is to provide high quality cannabis for a fair price, and make a lot of money, then use the proceeds to benefit humanity as a whole. I don't understand people who somehow think I'm in the wrong for that.
hell don't know got to hope for your sake and mine it stays at a decent level. I don't live in Colorado but got to think if it goes legal there, it will be legal everywhere within a few years. That I imagine will hurt black market prices in the near term but if I can grow it in a few acres of fields after that, I got to wonder which is better. I am willing to sacrifice personal good for the greater good anyday and if I have to so be it. I may be a little poorer but still free. Go legalization!!!


Active member
The number one thing I see happening is a (second) surge of growers that don't know diddly... dumping their crap on the market, really cheap.

Quality will improve... but dang it will take a while.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Veg & Flower Station keeper
You think the law has it together whether it'd be the state or the feds? To quote a recent story: "A few years ago it became illegal for NYC restaurants and butchers to use wooden cutting boards because it was "obvious" to the authorities that the cracks and gouges would accumulate germs and toxins. Then, after the old world chefs of the world's greatest city were stripped of their heirloom cutting boards and compelled to switch to generic plastic boards and "stop selfishly risking the public health for their vanity", only then was it time to actually test the premise; and only then was it recognized that, unlike wood, plastic is an oleophillic surface that does not clean as well as wood, is certainly not safer than wood, and may in fact be a serious hazard as a fertile breeding ground for food-borne bacteria and illness. Of course, the regulatory authorities who wasted taxpayer money banning wooden cutting boards are certainly not going to commit research funds to proving that they were smug, know-it-all, blundering idiots -- so that's the end of that."

They've been saying the same thing w/cancer research. Like they're still saying "Don't go near cannabis, take your Tamoxifen" (which is a POISON). I don't live in Colorado, but I'd most likely vote Yes and walk out laughing saying "Yeah, right".

So I don't really see much of a change until the feds do something about it. Despite these crazy laws that have been around since my great-grandparent's days, I'm pretty optimistic from developments the past 10 years or so.


6 plants grown in the CO Sunshine with recycled nursery containers in a potting soil of 1/3 compost and Sunshine natural organic mix and one could grow their own cheaply.


Active member
Who said anything about farming? Is the CEO of Phillip-Morris or Anheuser-Busch a "farmer" in your mind?

Who said anything about "compassion?" I'm a businessman. What do you define compassion as, exactly? To me it means making a lot of money and then using it to make people's lives better. Am I not compassionate because I have vision and I want to create something great? That takes money to accomplish. If you think a million dollars is a lot, I'd love to see your face the day I break the trillion dollar mark, for the first time in history. A million dollars is nothing. Enjoy being poor, hippie.

So this thread on a weed growing site has nothing to do with farming? Your next post talks about your two-year production plan...thats not farming? You will be solely a dispensary owner? You'll never make a trill growing a plant. Any plant.

^ Agreed 100%. After legalization I do foresee prices rising for a year or two before starting a steady decline, since demand will increase overnight and/or be quickly shifted from underground to legit sources, while it will take some time for those companies to get large scale commercial production set up and the bugs worked out. Those who have the most efficient methods and smartest budgeting in this early period will have a large advantage. It will take me a full two years from the day it's legalized to when my products are ready to hit shelves. A large part of that is the one-year minimum cure. Quality is what I'm about. My goal is to provide high quality cannabis for a fair price, and make a lot of money, then use the proceeds to benefit humanity as a whole. I don't understand people who somehow think I'm in the wrong for that.

It'll be organic, too?

Enjoy dealing with your inflated ego, tool.


Active member
So this thread on a weed growing site has nothing to do with farming? Your next post talks about your two-year production plan...thats not farming?

No, it's not.

You'll never make a trill growing a plant. Any plant.

I never claimed such. My first trillion will come from mining the asteroid belt. My positioning in the (several hundred billion dollar) cannabis industry is only a stepping stone towards greater things.

It'll be organic, too?

Define "organic."

Enjoy dealing with your inflated ego, tool.

Enjoy being nobody. :tiphat:


Active member
Monsanto seems close to that already, market cap $48.5 billion (hit almost $70 billion in 2008). Even Bill Gates invested in them.

Don't get me wrong, that's a lot of dough for mainly an agricultural company, but its not even 1/20th the way to one trillion. Apple is set to be the first trillion dollar company.

I don't think the prices for herb will go much lower than the medical scene is seeing right now, after full legalization. Even may go up for a bit.