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never again.......

Jack is more of a liability than a friend it seems. I can relate; some people you just can't help no matter what.

I've had my share; one of which, really started taxing the hell out of my life & sanity with his bullshit drama, sketchy friends, & trouble with the popo. One day I just couldn't take it anymore, and I was forced to cut all ties.

It was an ugly scene, but it was worth it; because, my wife and I have enough of our own drama, and don't have room for anybody else's.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

he's certainly being held @ arm's length and then some these days, if I had a significant other in my life I'm sure I'd have cut all ties to him long ago. the aggravation of setting up the phone card account today was enough to make me feel ill, I'm diabetic & any rise in my blood pressure effects blood sugar levels making me feel queasy.


cant re Member
and I realize this more than others might as I suffered a serious cocaine addiction throughout the '80s. Last time Jack had wanted money (in Feb of this year) I refused him, he was free and healthy in a BOOMING north dakota city, I didn't want to play the role of enabler. This time he was in jail, it's been a long time since I kicked a guy when he was down, hence the $20 investment.

yeah ive had problems with misusing drugs but it wasn't with crack or meth. so I can understand how its easy to loose your grip and fuck up your life.. so i have some sympathy but on the other hand as you know, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink. I think your doing the right thing, be a friend but not a cash machine. hopefully he will finally turn a corner in his life. it seems his pride and humility has left him by this point.


cant re Member
Jack is more of a liability than a friend it seems. I can relate; some people you just can't help no matter what.

I've had my share; one of which, really started taxing the hell out of my life & sanity with his bullshit drama, sketchy friends, & trouble with the popo. One day I just couldn't take it anymore, and I was forced to cut all ties.

It was an ugly scene, but it was worth it; because, my wife and I have enough of our own drama, and don't have room for anybody else's.

unfortunately it can get to the point where you need to cut ties. I even feel that way towards people I know who don't even take drugs lol its when it starts negatively effecting your own life that you need to distance yourself.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

back in '88 I finally had to run from all my drug problems to escape alive, I'd burned all bridges, stolen from friends, family & employers. I moved to northern MN and lived like a pauper in a tar paper shack in the woods and also in an 8'X10' fish house (Grumpy Old Men) both on the lake and off, Coleman propane lamps for the stove & lighting as there was no electric on the property when I got there. I fished & hunted daily for food, although I dug the lifestyle I'd hit bottom.

Jack has not.

When I returned to NY for some work in '96 I was reluctant to renew old contacts (truck & taxi) from shame of my past but threw caution to the wind knowing it was these employers that not only treated me best but paid me the most as well, I was there to earn big and told them so. Each asked if I was done with the drugs and of course I acknowledged my 8+ years of sobriety (coke & booze), neither wanted to hear any apologies or to see me grovel although they'd both already paid the price in the past to watch the show now before them that day, neither did, they let me keep what was left of my dignity. They both started me off in high style earning more than I'd even hoped for, I repaid each by never saying no & putting in my best efforts.

Family & friends also forgave me and welcomed back the same old stoner they'd known before, I made amends and real apologies to all and paid back what I could, most insisted that I not, they just wanted to see me succeed where I'd failed before.

Me & my best friend Paul were visiting with my mom (in NY), she stepped out of the kitchen for awhile to take a phone call, when we heard her hang up my friend Paul shouted out to her, "Hey Mrs M! would you have left your purse alone with me & Dave 10 years ago???" My mom was howling with laughter, I thought she was gonna pee herself.

so all was forgiven all the way around, some redemption for me.

if you guys detect a weakness for Jack by me it's not, I'm devoid of any emotional attachment to him or for his friendship (a one way street for years), it's only because in the past I've been given plenty of 2nd chances because others had realized that it was the drugs that made me a bad guy, the same way I see Jack. He's got a good heart but it's been misguided for years.


back in '88 I finally had to run from all my drug problems to escape alive, I'd burned all bridges, stolen from friends, family & employers. I moved to northern MN and lived like a pauper in a tar paper shack in the woods and also in an 8'X10' fish house (Grumpy Old Men) both on the lake and off, Coleman propane lamps for the stove & lighting as there was no electric on the property when I got there. I fished & hunted daily for food, although I dug the lifestyle I'd hit bottom.

Jack has not.

When I returned to NY for some work in '96 I was reluctant to renew old contacts (truck & taxi) from shame of my past but threw caution to the wind knowing it was these employers that not only treated me best but paid me the most as well, I was there to earn big and told them so. Each asked if I was done with the drugs and of course I acknowledged my 8+ years of sobriety (coke & booze), neither wanted to hear any apologies or to see me grovel although they'd both already paid the price in the past to watch the show now before them that day, neither did, they let me keep what was left of my dignity. They both started me off in high style earning more than I'd even hoped for, I repaid each by never saying no & putting in my best efforts.

Sometimes you have to lose yourself in order to find yourself again.:ying:


back in '88 I finally had to run from all my drug problems to escape alive, I'd burned all bridges, stolen from friends, family & employers. I moved to northern MN and lived like a pauper in a tar paper shack in the woods and also in an 8'X10' fish house (Grumpy Old Men) both on the lake and off, Coleman propane lamps for the stove & lighting as there was no electric on the property when I got there. I fished & hunted daily for food, although I dug the lifestyle I'd hit bottom.

Jack has not.

When I returned to NY for some work in '96 I was reluctant to renew old contacts (truck & taxi) from shame of my past but threw caution to the wind knowing it was these employers that not only treated me best but paid me the most as well, I was there to earn big and told them so. Each asked if I was done with the drugs and of course I acknowledged my 8+ years of sobriety (coke & booze), neither wanted to hear any apologies or to see me grovel although they'd both already paid the price in the past to watch the show now before them that day, neither did, they let me keep what was left of my dignity. They both started me off in high style earning more than I'd even hoped for, I repaid each by never saying no & putting in my best efforts.

Family & friends also forgave me and welcomed back the same old stoner they'd known before, I made amends and real apologies to all and paid back what I could, most insisted that I not, they just wanted to see me succeed where I'd failed before.

Me & my best friend Paul were visiting with my mom (in NY), she stepped out of the kitchen for awhile to take a phone call, when we heard her hang up my friend Paul shouted out to her, "Hey Mrs M! would you have left your purse alone with me & Dave 10 years ago???" My mom was howling with laughter, I thought she was gonna pee herself.

so all was forgiven all the way around, some redemption for me.

if you guys detect a weakness for Jack by me it's not, I'm devoid of any emotional attachment to him or for his friendship (a one way street for years), it's only because in the past I've been given plenty of 2nd chances because others had realized that it was the drugs that made me a bad guy, the same way I see Jack. He's got a good heart but it's been misguided for years.

hey stoner4life ,
sounds like you have been through the mill a few times yourself!
i used to hang round with a guy called charlie myself.
he was hard to get rid of ,i am sure it was made easier by smoking the weed ! all the best .ww
ps jack asked me if i could ask you to borrow $10. lol


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
....... it's Sunday, I have a feeling that S4L will be getting that call from Jack today.:D

and I did.

he was crying like a baby in jail :-/

he thanked me for the phone card, and then asked me if I'd call his mom to tell her that he was locked up, "no fuckin' way!" X2 I offered.

still trying to get someone to do his dirty work, like I said, he hasn't found bottom yet, maybe some man-whoring in the joint will help him locate it.

trial is late May, 180 days plus 2 years supervised probation he thinks.



Active member
and I did.

he was crying like a baby in jail :-/

he thanked me for the phone card, and then asked me if I'd call his mom to tell her that he was locked up, "no fuckin' way!" X2 I offered.

still trying to get someone to do his dirty work, like I said, he hasn't found bottom yet, maybe some man-whoring in the joint will help him locate it.

trial is late May, 180 days plus 2 years supervised probation he thinks.

Stoner4Life; you are more the exception, than the rule. I bet every time you hear some celebrity dying of an OD, it tugs at your heart stings, knowing..that could have easily been yourself or a friend like this one.

You must admit, the laugh I just read;
and I did.

he was crying like a baby in jail :-/

:laughing:I've been laughing so hard since I read.."and I did!" :biggrin: Guess they didn't pass on the message! I have to admit, I received your $20 worth of entertainment on this one! I think everyone should have a friend like that. I was just wondering what was going on a couple of days ago..seemed too quiet!

Didn't he cry like heck the last time he was in? I guess when he stops crying, he'll be a little more familiar with humility. Don't they do some sort of 12-step programs and mental therapy, in jail? Naw, that might reduce the prisoners returns.



if it smells like fish
who crys when they go to jail.????? what a pussy...man up, do your time and move on...its not like he got life.... if the fellow inmates see it hes likely to become the bitch....hes probably already the house mouse

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
The food sucked in jail, red bologna sandwich and piece of cornbread with macaroni salad. There's something called a canteen where you can put money into an account he can use to order different snacks and foods from the jail. Not sure if they have that there.


Active member
What a hell of a TRUE friend you r, Stoner4Life... Wish I had friends that loyal... Anytime I've EVER been in a hard spot of any kind and needed someone... When I looked around, no one has ever been there... So me personally, I have learned to depend on no one but myself n never ask anyone else for anything... I've learned to capitalize on my mistakes... In this life when things get tough all over, shit gets deep, and times get hard... You find out who your real friends are... You obviously have more then tried... I wouldn't ever say give up on ur friend, but you can't help someone who don't wanna help their self... That's y he is where he's at... I wish u the best brother... -F.S


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

like I said before, I've been given a bunch of 2nd chances when I deserved none; @ one point I'd lost my drivers license to a felony DWI, the judge hated me :) he ordered that my license be held the entire 5 years when usually you'd get it back after 2-3 yrs, @ the end of 5 yrs of bumming rides I found out how many friends I really had, or had left.



if it smells like fish
red bologna damn must of been a nice jail...last time in county mine was green...gave it away as bail was coming..if you don't man up and realize what got you to jail you will be back.....I was in more county jails as a kid then motels....my migration from maine to cali the long way can be traced easily through misdeamenor charges....yeehaw but that was 18 years ago....I grew up


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

he's out, the judge gave Jack a years supervised probation w/a stay of adjudication. he called me and we talked. his teenage daughter recently gave birth, he hasn't seen his grandchild yet, hasn't seen his girls in ages, owes thousands of back child support etc.

he doesn't blame meth for any of it, he'll be back in the joint before long.......


Bud Green

I dig dirt
This thread is 4 years old...

You must be a very patient man, S4L, and Jack must have at some time in the past been very dear to you.

The SOB should be VERY grateful to have a friend as good as you,,,,,,, but he probably isn't....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I tried shocking his memory and feelings, reminded him of the good old days, these were things in his life that meant something to him at one time or another.

BLT night when he had his daughters for the weekend, taking the girls water skiing & tubing, pool leagues/dart leagues, fishing & hunting, Vikings games, cutthroat cribbage matches and many other things.

You know what he said he missed? Golf, the one thing that's as self centered as anything can be. He began playing golf not too long ago, it was the only way he could gain social acceptance by his clients aside from the fact he cut their hair. He hated golf originally, he wouldn't even let me tune in to catch the leader board for a few minutes if we were hanging out, it was only when he realized that he would gain some social status that he took up the game. So he had his own barber shop and was a golfer, in small town MN he imagined he'd hit his stride, a legend in his own mind.

so now he longs for his status symbol.......


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