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Neem Oil Virginity Lost, Regrets Start Next Morning!



Hey Ya'll! I mixed up a batch of Green Light Neem Oil Concentrate for the first time, and now my plants look droopy Leafed! Did I mess up?

Here's the recipe I used and what I did.

1/4 teaspoon Green Light Neem Oil
1/4 teaspoon Joy Lemon Scented Dishwashing Soap
1 Quart water.

I sprayed them down from top to soil line, pretty much soaking the entire leaf structures, front and back. I did wallow the leaves pretty good?

My Karma Gear does not look too bad, but My Grapevine gear looks droopy leafed.

Still green, no real damage noted to leaf structure, etc.

Did I mess up? If so, what did I do wrong?

Thanks for the help in advance! :)


New member
Need more info and why you needed to use neem would be helpful. I wouldn't blame the neem for the droopy leaf, but I don't add dish soap to my mix.


What time of day did you apply? I use more neem than that and no probz.
Just a sidenote but that greenlight has no azadirachtin in it.


I have a few spider mites, and wanted to kill them all off in veg!

It's now day 2 after the Neem, Plants look OK, but the last third of the leaves looks sorta droopy.

They are gonna survive, but I wonder why they did this in the first place?


Its quite simple actually...

What the neem and soap did was clog their stomata. They are not used to having sticky substances on their "skin." Stomata are like pores. They allow transpiration of gases, light, water etc. So if you clog their pores, they will droop.

If you take a look and if the mites are dead, and during the next watering, I would give them a nice soft rinse with plain distilled water...


You are very much welcome... Also make sure you dont get any of that mix in the soil, Plants dont like it on their roots either. ^_^


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Good advice Mr.Hades... those stomata are delicate little structures. Clogging them up means the plant can't breathe...next time leave out the dish soap.

Happy Growing!


OK, will do, I read add dish soap, and that is why I did it....

Durn, I already sprayed it onto the top of the soil too. REad to do that somewheres....

DId I mess up bad? Just lightly misted, and of course some dripped down on the soil.



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Hey Lola, actually dish soap is a good preventative, but don't go overboard here unless you have a noticeable bug problem...a little goes a long way.

If you have those tiny flies living in the soil you can deal with it by using a mulch layer on top of the soil :)

It works wonders...without pesticides or chemicals...something about it I don't know but it works for all kinds of houseplants :)


I went to a commercial greenhouse on Mother's day, and got spider mites from not changing clothes! My bloom is et up with em.

I got a few borg in veg and trying to get them under contol and give them some resistance.

Cleaning out bloom, and there are a few plants that are not done in there yet, I gotta leave. (NL/Haze)

Does pyrethrin and Neem work better together? I got some 10% pyrethrin and also some 5% solutions.

What is this acthoaiskfja22349 stuff ya'll said Green Light didn't have in it?


Freedom Fighter
Was the dish soap you used the anti bacterial type?? If so, that can cause irritation for the plant--


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
a quarter teaspoon of soap is way too much ... one drop is plenty ... its just used to emulsify the neem oil. Actually if you use luke warm water you shouldnt need the dishsoap.
azamax stuff is what green light is missing. also i too have noticed that if i use neem i get some "drying out of newer growth but it come back around in bout a week. but ive only sprayed it 2 times in my life and have never had a bug problem at all (KNOCK ON WOOD) it was just a sample i got given to mye and i wanted to see how it worked as a leaf gloss, so i could take some cool leaf pics with them blinging like hell.

also when using dish soap as a wetting agent you only use like a drop, very little drop in like a quart of water, just enough to make a little suds happen when you shake the mixture.


OK, thanks Babba!

I learned not to use no soap, will just go with the Neem oil then. I did not see any problems with emulsification without the soap, so I should be okay.

The soap I used was Joy Lemon dish soap. Nothing fancy. I'll just leave it out of the next misting.

I am planning on mixing up 2 gallons of the Neem oil and pyrethrin and spraying down the entire bloom area to kill off any spider mites lurking once it's been cleaned up and changed out.

I am hoping this will keep them down and plan on adding a Shell No Pest strip to the fan that oscillates in bloom to further fight them ole borg.

Thanks for the input Ya'll!

p.s. The plants don't look that bad, I think they will be OK, just not sure what to do about using this Neem in the future, glad I asked! THanks! :D


Dish soap is used to lower the surface tension, helping it to spread out easier on the leaf. (edit) good luck fighting the mites, I just found a few on my outdoor plants, too

Bumble Buddy

Active member
LolaGal please reconsider using those No Pest Strips, they continually emit pesticide vapor into the air, info is out there on those, look up the active ingredient. Is it dichlorvos? They should be disposed of at a toxic waste center IMO.

Also, I wouldn't want any pyrethrin around those budding NL/Haze for sure!..its naturally derived but still toxic. Also, neem is quite harsh if a mist is inhaled, I really wouldn't want to smoke any residue of that. Just your resident worry wart here. :wave:


My SSSDH/Jack looks OK, but my Sourbubble from Grapevine looks pretty bad.

I been misting the leaves a few times with fresh plain water, to try and stop the spread of dead leaves..

They look like they are dying a lot of the leaves are getting crispy around the edges, etc.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Just an informed opinion. Take it or leave it.

Just an informed opinion. Take it or leave it.

LolaGal please reconsider using those No Pest Strips, they continually emit pesticide vapor into the air, info is out there on those, look up the active ingredient. Is it dichlorvos? They should be disposed of at a toxic waste center IMO.

Aloha, BB

All that is true, Dichlorvos is toxic, and it is a vapor.
The toxic is what makes it effective.
It disrupts nerve transmission.
And, the tinier the critter the more effective the vapor.

The vapor is what makes it safe.
Remove the strip, from the room, bag, cabinet, etc, put it in a "turkey bag", turn on a fan, and it's safe for humans in minutes.
Keep people and pets away from it when it's killing with a, well, vapor barrier.
It kills and is gone with a breeze.

Neem, on the other hand, soaks into the leaves and buds.
It's toxic, and it stays toxic for quite a while, though
apparently not toxic enough to kill all the borg.

No thanks. No neem fo' me.:noway:

Also, I wouldn't want any pyrethrin around those budding NL/Haze for sure!..its naturally derived but still toxic. Also, neem is quite harsh if a mist is inhaled, I really wouldn't want to smoke any residue of that. Just your resident worry wart here. :wave:

Now Pyrethrium, is a different animal.
Where it comes from, (Chrysanthamums, I think), is not what makes it safe.
Where it goes to, is what makes it safe.
Pyrethrium rapidly breaks down to harmless, and tasteless components.
Fresh air and sunlight will rip it apart in a week or three.
That said, it might take a li'l longer indoors under lights, so, I wouldn't spray any closer than 4 weeks to harvest

You will never taste neem oil on my buds.
And I will regretfully decline a taste of anyone's neemed meds.
Or any weed that's "foilar fed" for that matter. Patooey!
Foilar feeding is an emergency tactic only!
I feed from da roots, den I no smoke da roots.
Just one more "ol' stoner's tale" that needs to be put to rest.

Uh, IMHO, that is.
http://www.puyallup.wsu.edu/~linda chalker-scott/Horticultural Myths_files/Myths/Foliar feeding.pdf

Neem sucks!
There, I've said it. And I stand by it.
(My Borg is gone).
Let the flaming begin!:moon:

Aloha Lola gal:wave:
Jus' my twenny fi' cent.

Wee li'l 'zard


I just can't afford enough Shell no pest strips to do the job right.

I ain't too crazy bout the neem oil, just thought it would be OK in veg only? What you think Weeze?