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Need to move. Where?


Weedomus Maximus
I've been away from the thread and IC due to some personal issues. I shut down my op late-May in anticipation of a move. As we were trying to get all of our ducks in a row, we were faced with a security breach of terminal proportions. Just when you think you've thought of everything....

Thankfully, everything is fine, but the wake-up call was very real. We are moving. There's simply no other choice, as I cannot work here safely and support my family. I'd like to be on site by August 1. We're looking seriously at Ann Arbor. This is no longer a hypothetical.

If folks have specific input about Ann Arbor, or perhaps could suggest an area that's more canna friendly, we'd love to hear your thoughts. (My wife is now also reading this thread.)

Thank you all for this.

Ann Arbor is hot, period. Every fifth student is an undercover. I attended for two years and ran into many cops in street clothes at student bars, etc. Exclusive universities bring money yes, but the elite want their babies protected from savages like you and I. Remember that.

It's an OK Place to live, it's very beautiful (for southern michigan, it's all relative). But the city itself, IMHO, seems like a bad spot for a grower if your plan is to throw an Oz here and there to students.

If your plan is to wholesale to one or two people outside the city and you just want to live and grow there, I still think the higher than average (subjective opinion) amount of LEO would worry me. Then again everywhere else in Southern Michigan is a depressing sh**hole that you don't want to live in (no offense intended).

If I was set on michigan, I would do it, all things considered. The UP is only other aesthetically pleasing option in Michigan, and it's freezing up there and the market is small.

Ohio has a medical vote in November. I wouldn't rule it out if you're considering the Midwest.


Weedomus Maximus
Ann Arbor is hot, period. Every fifth student is an undercover. I attended for two years and ran into many cops in street clothes at student bars, etc. Exclusive universities bring money yes, but the elite want their babies protected from savages like you and I. Remember that.

Fair enough. Appreciate it.

It's an OK Place to live, it's very beautiful (for southern michigan, it's all relative). But the city itself, IMHO, seems like a bad spot for a grower if your plan is to throw an Oz here and there to students.

If your plan is to wholesale to one or two people outside the city and you just want to live and grow there, I still think the higher than average (subjective opinion) amount of LEO would worry me. Then again everywhere else in Southern Michigan is a depressing sh**hole that you don't want to live in (no offense intended).
I'd like to avoid dealing with individuals altogether. Right now my market is mostly 30-50 age bracket, but I'd still like to get away from that and work in a more business like manner. It's a nice thought, I know.

In terms of selling, I plant to travel to as many dispensaries as it takes to establish a reasonable number of contacts. Other opportunities may come up. At least I hope. My main concern, regarding Ann Arbor, is setting up my op. Let me tak a bit about my current situation.

We live in an upscale area populated by professionals. Not rich by any means, but nice. We're a "normal family" that fits the neighborhood profile. In essence, we hide in plain sight. Never any issues at all. The breach I decried earlier was not driven by cultivation, a feak occurrence. We'd like to do the same in Michigan. I guess I'm asking whether an op would be safer elsewhere, given our situation. Or, can we reasonably expect to feel safe in Ann Arbor as a family that looks and acts any other family? Because we are a "normal family," except daddy grows weed for a living.

It will take me a little time to get going, get the clones running, assess the space, the market, etc, so at first I may be fully legal.

Ohio has a medical vote in November. I wouldn't rule it out if you're considering the Midwest.
Moving again is not out of the question, depending on things work out in Michigan. This being said, we'd like to move twice max. Once would be a hell of a lot better. :)

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Professor Organic Psychology
Having done something like this in my lifetime I have one thing to say... When you move away from your friends and family to another place faraway you really are on your own. If everything goes well that is fine, but often starting over in a new place you have to pay your dues. You will never realize how much you depend on you friends and family until you don't have them anymore.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
That's kinda what this comes down do, and I just don't know if I'm comfortable with that anymore. Over time I've become a better grower pulling bigger yields, and now I'm at a point where I have to decide if I want to deal with the criminal element. And, no, I don't! I'm a grower and a pothead. I'm a father, a husband, a neighbor and a friend. I'm not a fucking criminal.

Having spent the last couple of days looking into this, I'm afraid you may be right.

What about Michigan?


You would HATE Michigan sorry ppl that live there but damn it Sucks there lol..
Talk about a freaked out town..lol... yeah I would not go there.. If I had any place to go in the US I probably would head out to Hawaii like ppl have pointed out.. If your going to have to live you might as well live right headband 707:tiphat:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
-ok first off, your problem is because you sell. you wouldn't have a problem if you grew personal, so not sure you can warrant complaining.

-second, pretty messed up to sell in a non-med state when you have family.

-third, Colorado is shit, please tell me anything great about it.. go ahead, I've lived there many years.

-fourth, people need to stop saying island fever, where in your world do you drive to different states every day? people live in there own bubble already without them knowing it, it's called your town, and your work place..

-fifth, don't come in here telling and showing pictures of your illegal activities. Your post is going to be used as a model example if this site ever gets pulled for 'criminal conspiracy'

Are you saying don't do this ?? I just want to understand what your saying?? lol..my English not so good...
Bra you sound like your talking for the tourism board is there anything else we need to know from the Gov before we processed?? Just sayin?
Perhaps the Gov and officals can use this little dittie while they are at it. Stop fucking lying to their ppl and all will be well in paradise..LOL stay REAL headband 707:tiphat:


Active member
Grand Rapids. Definitely the best city to live in... I would think that as a grower, you would prefer to live in the country though or at least the suburbs... The country is 20 mins outside Grand Rapids. ;)

avant gardener


what that guy said. ^^^ are you really thinking of going to michigan when there's still hawaii in the world?
c'mon man!

i would still be back east if i dint own in so cal.i would rather be illegal and rakin it in . than legal and getting by. ma has a great market.

we're in the same boat brutha.
been thinking of getting a vacation spot in maine though.
it's really gorgeous there in the summertime.
ya dig?

I wish all the more warm east coast states had penalties similar to the notheasternish states.

No guns involved, first time offenders tend to do OK (very short sentence or probation usually) in all east coast states north of PA. First time offender in north carolina, south carolina, georgia and florida- unless you have tons of money saved and a great, great resume- honestly just kill yourself. Your life is fucked. You'll never repay the debt you had to pay in "tax stamps" and bs court fees, you'll get multiple years in a dangerous, dangerous gang-controlled US South prison, etc.

If you're white and not physically large, you're in serious physical danger in any of those prisons. Odds are you WILL be assaulted regularly. Not so in most northern/midwestern prisons.

Just throwing out random info I have on these issues. Hopefully they help someone.

you ever set foot on a prison yard in your life homeboy? you sure talk like you know some things.

Ann Arbor is hot, period. Every fifth student is an undercover. I attended for two years and ran into many cops in street clothes at student bars, etc. Exclusive universities bring money yes, but the elite want their babies protected from savages like you and I. Remember that.

It's an OK Place to live, it's very beautiful (for southern michigan, it's all relative). But the city itself, IMHO, seems like a bad spot for a grower if your plan is to throw an Oz here and there to students.

If your plan is to wholesale to one or two people outside the city and you just want to live and grow there, I still think the higher than average (subjective opinion) amount of LEO would worry me. Then again everywhere else in Southern Michigan is a depressing sh**hole that you don't want to live in (no offense intended).

If I was set on michigan, I would do it, all things considered. The UP is only other aesthetically pleasing option in Michigan, and it's freezing up there and the market is small.

Ohio has a medical vote in November. I wouldn't rule it out if you're considering the Midwest.

and some other things.

Colorado is flooded.

CA is nothing even close to flooded with good pot, in my humble opinion.

Yeah lots of people are going big in CA. But damn near everyone smokes pot brother, and CA has many, many people. The demand is absurd.

oh ok. i get it.
you're just a goddamned expert on everything.
thanks for setting us straight.
did you have to work hard to get so damn smart?
or does it come naturally?
can i hire you as a life coach?


Weedomus Maximus
Grand Rapids. Definitely the best city to live in... I would think that as a grower, you would prefer to live in the country though or at least the suburbs... The country is 20 mins outside Grand Rapids. ;)

You're right; at least some sense of privacy is essential. We're attracted to Ann Arbor due to the school system, but we should have a better look at Grand Rapids. We plan of driving to Michigan in a few weeks and having a look around. It's a huge decision and there's less time than we hoped for.



maybe you should move by yourself somewhere first simon, if possible. That way you don't have to stress the family.
what that guy said. ^^^ are you really thinking of going to michigan when there's still hawaii in the world?
c'mon man!

we're in the same boat brutha.
been thinking of getting a vacation spot in maine though.
it's really gorgeous there in the summertime.
ya dig?

you ever set foot on a prison yard in your life homeboy? you sure talk like you know some things.

and some other things.


oh ok. i get it.
you're just a goddamned expert on everything.
thanks for setting us straight.
did you have to work hard to get so damn smart?
or does it come naturally?
can i hire you as a life coach?

Nah, I just have friends and a life and opinions, like everyone else.

Why get aggressive and try to posture? If you're inferring that I'm talking shit, OK. Just ignore me. I have friends here who appreciate my perspective.

:tiphat: Sorry for clogging your thread Simon. I'll end it with this post brother.


Weedomus Maximus
maybe you should move by yourself somewhere first simon, if possible. That way you don't have to stress the family.

That was the previous plan; I was going to get setup and then move everyone there. The security issue that materialized here made it all virtually impossible.



I think Ann Arbor would have the best school system for your kids. It's kind of expensive there, though. I've researched MI and Ann Arbor, East Lansing, and Grand Rapids seem to be the better spots. Lansing is in the middle of GR and AA so you would be within an hour drive to GR and AA if you lived in Lansing. The UP is supposedly nice too but the market would be smaller obviously. The vending thing is going to be a risk no matter what I think. The good thing is you will be legal to grow plants. Looks like you will just have to take samples to a few different dispensaries and see what they say. Everything is on the down-low in MI when it comes to tranfers/dispensaries.

avant gardener

Nah, I just have friends and a life and opinions, like everyone else.

Why get aggressive and try to posture? If you're inferring that I'm talking shit, OK. Just ignore me. I have friends here who appreciate my perspective.

:tiphat: Sorry for clogging your thread Simon. I'll end it with this post brother.

i can be a real prick before i have my coffee.
thanks for being gentle.


Active member
AA is nice... But extremely expensive, it takes forever to get anywhere b/c of all the traffic... The people can be arrogant.

Take it from a michigander who knows his state.... grand rapids is nationally ranked as one of the top 10 cities in the US for low home prices given the median annual salary. GR for affordanle home prices, a robust city with a healthy economy, and the privacy and beauty of northern michigan. Look at homes in greenville, sparta and rockford... Wyoming doesn't allow the cultivation of mmj, so if you want to grow legally skip wyoming. The rest of the surrounding area is fair game.

Small town schools are good too... Especially Rockford.
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Registered User
But in the d... U can smoke some k2, rape a couple of escorts, shoot em in the trunk of yhe car, burn the car, burn the house next to where u dumped the car, knock over a gas station, then muder u'r parents... And still have an hour to kill bfo the cops respond. Funland man.... ;-)


Weedomus Maximus
You may not vote on any more threads today.

I guess my allotment of good will is fully spent. lol

Excellent comments, guys. As you can imagine, we're pretty nervous about the move. All this is extremely helpful.



Active member
But in the d... U can smoke some k2, rape a couple of escorts, shoot em in the trunk of yhe car, burn the car, burn the house next to where u dumped the car, knock over a gas station, then muder u'r parents... And still have an hour to kill bfo the cops respond. Funland man.... ;-)

Lol... What makes you think the cops are going to respond? Maybe the next day.... My aunt's neighbor was robbed, they took his guns and were shooting them in the back yard... Stole a van... The next day the neighbor found the van before the police even showed up. Welcome to Detroit.