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2009..my date with Density..

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"Hold on.. let me pack this bowl of Uranus."


"I can't wait to harvest Uranus"

I love the idea of naming your own crosses tho. Making it a bit more personal and letting you exercise a bit of creativity.

Maybe trying an adjetive at first. Like somthin you like about the cross. IE: LSxBBxWW - Lemon Berry Frost. Or a name that hints at the parent plants IE: BBxWW - Berry White. Or somthin flat out weird can be fun Purpe People Eater (purp bud that packs some muchies).
Im growing Sour Cream right now. Came as a freebie with several others, but i ran these beacsue sour cream sounds awesome to me lolol. Maybe breed it with green o matic and cheese, call it Green Eggs and Ham lol And all the fun plays on words you can do. lie when i seen Cheesus and Cheesiel :D

Im thinking.. Sour Cream X Cheese...
Cream Cheese.

Cream Cheese X Vanilla Kush...
Cheese Cake

Cheese Cake X BlueBerry..
Blueberry CheeseCake

and from there work out a whole cheese cake line.. LOL I dont know. Maybe if all those were autos, then id have blueberry cheesecake in a year or 2. but non autos... man thats a long time lol.

Ramble Mode : ON [OFF]

back to the wakey bake :D


Marijuana Enthusiast

"Hold on.. let me pack this bowl of Uranus."


"I can't wait to harvest Uranus"

I love the idea of naming your own crosses tho. Making it a bit more personal and letting you exercise a bit of creativity.

Maybe trying an adjetive at first. Like somthin you like about the cross. IE: LSxBBxWW - Lemon Berry Frost. Or a name that hints at the parent plants IE: BBxWW - Berry White. Or somthin flat out weird can be fun Purpe People Eater (purp bud that packs some muchies).
Im growing Sour Cream right now. Came as a freebie with several others, but i ran these beacsue sour cream sounds awesome to me lolol. Maybe breed it with green o matic and cheese, call it Green Eggs and Ham lol And all the fun plays on words you can do. lie when i seen Cheesus and Cheesiel :D

Im thinking.. Sour Cream X Cheese...
Cream Cheese.

Cream Cheese X Vanilla Kush...
Cheese Cake

Cheese Cake X BlueBerry..
Blueberry CheeseCake

and from there work out a whole cheese cake line.. LOL I dont know. Maybe if all those were autos, then id have blueberry cheesecake in a year or 2. but non autos... man thats a long time lol.

Ramble Mode : ON [OFF]

back to the wakey bake :D

This post really made me laugh! Those are some good names!:muahaha:




It does your heart good doesn't it..?

Wait til you wipe your m8's out with one of your own Creations..
It makes you so Proud..:yay:

It does make my heart swell especially from guys older and way more seasoned than I in the smoking department that is :dance013:

And i cant wait till i can get one out there that is my own and be able to get the same reaction on it as i did yours but ive got big shoes to fill in that department.


"Hold on.. let me pack this bowl of Uranus."


"I can't wait to harvest Uranus"

Got me laughing good here anonamix this is some funny stuff.


ICMag Donor
Yeah a good name would help me keep those new faces straight... Thanks for the tips guys... :D

We're in a heat advisory today over here... 95 degrees with a heat index of 103.... Plants should be growing like gangbusters... Males were pulled around the 12th so theres plenty of light... And ever since then, we've been actually getting some regular rains again!

Up bright and early to beat the heat... Got to run...




Not Bad at all eh..
when you consider there are 4 in an 8 inch pot...

Standard 1ltr bottle...

anonamix...I Really Like your Cheesecake Line idea.
Once you name a Line..it is easier to keep in your head the exact lineage.
Especially if you are isolating more than one pheno out of the mix.

I've taken so many out of the JEM Line..I'd find it difficult to keep up if I didn't.

as soon as you said GREEN-o-matic and CHEESE
I thought MOON..
coz the moon is made of green cheese..just incase anyone didn't know that...:biglaugh:

I thought as soon as I say Moon..someone will go...:mooning:
and that will bring us back to Uranus again..

so I won't mention it..:muahaha:

(Oguns Thunder..before anybody asks...:joint:..
I'm impressed coz she is quite fresh..but she is doing the damage..giggle juice..:smokeit:)


Cheers 20/4....and welcome...:wave:

Throw some of your Micro girl in here so the guys get a look.
A few of them have grown Low X JEM out..
(ICC's LowAsis x JEM)
but I cannot remember seeing one in Micro.

And i cant wait till i can get one out there that is my own and be able to get the same reaction on it
Yeah..it is Special.

Yeah a good name would help me keep those new faces straight... Thanks for the tips guys...
the name could one day go down in Canna History..
on the Canna Cup...
you gotta do it pipe..

We are stupid hot here too...too hot to walk across the patio
but no rain..
Mind..this morning we had no bloody water either
I thought I was gonna have to buy Bottled for the Girls...:biglaugh:

Then everyone would think I was Pampering the little bitches...

:dance013:....Bloody hell..Mossys girls get bottled water...

Enjoy your Day..

Have a great weekend everyone.....:smoke out:



This is the Second mass germ from the Black AF f1's.
Stretched a bit coz they have been in shade behind the tomatoes
while the visitors have been here.



This is the first test off the Black NON-AF..
La Bella Noche...

Pheno shape wise..looking promising..

Fingers Crossed EH!


This is the Hollow stemmed non-af male I just clipped out the pot.


you can normally tell the hollows by the extra ribbed stem.

according to the Canna Bible..hollow stemmed phenos are Stronger.


This is the Second mass germ from the Black AF f1's.
Stretched a bit coz they have been in shade behind the tomatoes
while the visitors have been here.

Even with the stretching there is one thing that i notice about these, the uniform of the foliage. for an f1 cross and result thats pretty damn nice! it almost looks like a bush its so uniformed


the uniform of the foliage. for an f1 cross and result thats pretty damn nice!

Once you have played around with them a bit..you will see what amazing Uniformity there is in the frame/shape/heights there is as well.

I think of them as the AF Standard selection. They are very predictible and common to all LR#1 crosses that I have tried
(not enough work done on LR#2 yet to comment)

It means that you can take a cross and Select what you want.

Look at these two crosses...
germed the same time..same conditions.

apart from AF..they have nothing else in common..
even two different breeders..
look at the height selections within the pots..Identical.

I am so used to them that I can tell you that if I gave them a 20 Ltr pot on their own..

The one with the Red line is above Standard AF height...
probably about 20-24 inches..

The two with blue line are around 14-16 inches..

and the purple line ones are about 12-14..

Very Predictable range.



FullDuplex..BB for you..saw you asking in the Cup thread..but didn't want to hijack..


Bad Betty f1's.
See the Standard 14 inch AF pheno height..
and the 20 inch pheno at the back.
Last edited:



here are some Bad Betty F2 phenos.
I think I used the Tall pheno girls.

You can see they are dwarfing the 1Ltr bottle.

The one on the left with the very defined saw-leaf is a Red beast.




Not Bad at all eh..
when you consider there are 4 in an 8 inch pot...

Standard 1ltr bottle...

mmmmmm yummy! nice to see some of my girls in your garden mate! they look very healthy!!

showing a lot of the lowryder 2 influence so i think u should be getting a large crystalized head on those babies. look out for a slight "yellowish" tint to the trichs and a more reddish than brown colour to the hairs and that will be the RRF influence. no doubt you will be able to see any of the purple ak hiding in there

really pleased to see how well they are doing mate, great work!! :tiphat:


FullDuplex..BB for you..saw you asking in the Cup thread..but didn't want to hijack..

Thanks for the fast pics of her!!
You can post pics in any of my threads any time my friend:tiphat:

here are some Bad Betty F2 phenos.
I think I used the Tall pheno girls.

You can see they are dwarfing the 1Ltr bottle.

The one on the left with the very defined saw-leaf is a Red beast.

either way it goes my friend i will be pleased as these will suit what i am looking to do. i figure its only right adding in a little bondage to them, with her name being bad betty and all.:dance013:

I wanna see how they take to LST, IF it branches like the jem does do to its heritage, then she will produce like a champ in this form. I noticed how fast the side shoots caught up with the main cola of the Jem, i can only imagine what the tops would look like if i had them all at the same rate eliminating the catch up phase. Shifting the energy to budding rather than stretching should improve results.


Cheers mossy!

I hope you are well, m8 :wave:

you flying straight now?...Alf, Betty and white russian went out last weekend :thank you:


Marijuana Enthusiast
Cheers Mossy!:tiphat:

ICC's LowXJem, Micro phenos









Ended up yielding, bout 9 grams or so off the smallest one, not bad for a 3 inch main stem! Got bout 15 or 16 of the big one, sorry no pictures, had camera problems an all was consumed before there was evidence!


P.s Used 150watt hps, but thats not why they were so small! Check out my sig and you will see TALL autos


Marijuana Enthusiast
I think thats the wildest thing that i have ever seen

It was quite incredible:dance013:, i used 3 gallon pots cause the source of the beans didnt tell me they were micros, only AF. So i used 3 gallon soil, prolly could have gotten by with 1 gallon..... It was quite interesting, this was my first AF grow too, which was surprising. Purp/Pink plants first time, yay!:jump:
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