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Need ideas for in-home 'hiding spot'

  • Thread starter InvisibleEmpire
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If I was ever in a situation where I needed a gun, I doubt I would want to be using one that was registered... If that time comes then I'll get my hands on one... :2cents:

Guns and grows do not mix...


Active member
the gun enhancement charges sound tough on paper but in reality, here in the bay area, its not as scary as it sounds...

have two friends who were caught with illegal pistols and both are only facing 5 years probation last i heard....california penal system is overflowing...

but yes techinically if you are caught selling marijuana (felony) and you have a gun (felony) you could possibly face 2-3 years in prison due to this.

and having the pistol unregistered is even worse.

sure proof way to avoid getting a combo charge is to keep the guns far far away. my guns are about 50 miles away from my grow in a house with no illegal activity going on...if i ever wanna go target shooting or hunting gotta take a decent drive, but i feel safer knowing that i wont be raided and have "guns, dope, and cash" all under the same roof. and dont keep your lawyer money at the grow house! that needs to be far away too! helps to have a girlfriend or lots of family members you can trust....


blah blah blah.

choose Death or a few years in the clink? no choice at all. dead intruder.

A few years?

No offense but you have your head up your ass. This is real life, follow this story and tell me I am wrong because your wishful thinking is obviously absolute truth.

The guy shot one shot at ARMED intruders and killed the guy, MULTIPLE ARMED INTRUDERS, and he is looking at 25 to life. The law does not give you the right to use a gun to protect your illicit business.



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
The guy shot one shot at ARMED intruders and killed the guy, MULTIPLE ARMED INTRUDERS, and he is looking at 25 to life. The law does not give you the right to use a gun to protect your illicit business.


Better read more about this incident. The truck was driving away when the guy shot at it, there were no guns found on the rippers, they entered his yard not his house, and he was in absolutely no danger from them. He would be in a world of shit even if he wasn't growing - he broke every rule about using a gun for self defense, and was far more of a danger to his neighbors than the rippers were to him.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
if your in a med state and you are in compliance why would having a gun be a problem.

I have 6 plants I'm a legal card holder and I have a registered 45.


Better read more about this incident. The truck was driving away when the guy shot at it, there were no guns found on the rippers, they entered his yard not his house, and he was in absolutely no danger from them. He would be in a world of shit even if he wasn't growing - he broke every rule about using a gun for self defense, and was far more of a danger to his neighbors than the rippers were to him.

That sucks but would not happen where i live. Well..if you dont have a grow anyways. One thing i dont like about cali. Everybody has a gun here and thieves know they would be shot dead if you break into house and thats why you dont here about it very often.


if your in a med state and you are in compliance why would having a gun be a problem.

I have 6 plants I'm a legal card holder and I have a registered 45.

Not for the feds. Actually if the feds get some type of info (mabey dispensary raid) that you are a med patient they will put you on the blacklist. Happened to somebody i know who went to buy a new gun and the background check denied him under "drug use" Fuck the bradley law.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Believe me, we all want to be protected. About 8 years ago i had credible information that some clowns got wind of my grow. These dudes were shit bags. Into hard drugs and hard up for cash. And a reputation for robberies / home invasions to boot. In that case, i had to bring a shottie with a spreader to the grow for a few months until the threat passed (moved). But those were the most stressful days of my life.

They also got wind of the newly acquired gun (as well as a best friend picking one up too) which i'm sure helped in dissuading them from attempting any shit.

During that time i researched how the penalties would double for having a firearm when committing a felony (also a non med state - see ya). It really doesn't matter what you think, you have a gun at ur grow and its the cops, not the robbers and you are fuct. I agree, them not finding it is your only hope, but if you have a gun registered to you they are going to ask you to produce it so if you dig it out of your fish tank you are still screwed.

Even if you shoot some punk rippers you are still screwed.

Here's the rules if you are you are growing for money: (and i'm not trying to be a dick here, i wish it weren't this way for cannabis gardeners)

# 1 - keep you mouth shut. word travels faster than light.

# 2 - operation, final product and money all belong in different places

# 3 - no guns.

try the bear tear gas shit. I know i keep that around.

btw, i feel you on wanting to be protected. It's very valid. It just sucks that we are taking a huge chance having a gun at the grow. The big question is who is knocking on the door, cops or robbers?

Madrus Rose

post 69
A few years?

No offense but you have your head up your ass. This is real life, follow this story and tell me I am wrong because your wishful thinking is obviously absolute truth.

The guy shot one shot at ARMED intruders and killed the guy, MULTIPLE ARMED INTRUDERS, and he is looking at 25 to life. The law does not give you the right to use a gun to protect your illicit business.


This case is absolutely what you do not want to do but the defendant was from another culture where "they rob , I shoot " . He was growing in his back yard which from the start is going to tempt thieves & rip-offs which turned out to be the case . If it was an indoor med grow in Calif & someone entered your house to rob you even then you would need to justify immediate bodily harm to use a weapon & deadly force .

If that were the case then in a med state you would be legally justified in using a weapon if someone had invaded your home . Or perhaps you had followed the thieves out into the yard & one turned to fire a weapon at you or turned around & was in the act of returning to assault you . But generally the assilant must be inside the home directly threatening you with bodily harm, so better get that right .

This guy was occupying a house with 3 other people & growing a backyard collective Med grow with 188 plants in Fresno ? Its admitted that this was legal under the prop 215 operating as collective but an obvious temptation to thieves for sure . In Fresno, Ca ??...that's just asking for it & at the least they should have had guard dogs for the property there ...alot better than spending the next 20yrs in jail. ( a good dog your best 1rst line of protection !)

Earlier report says he grabbed his shotgun & fired once to scare them then fired again as robbers were making their get away hitting one in the head . This is very bad stuff, for if he had shot the tire out for instance (smart thing) & held them at gunpoint till the police arrived, that would be another thing & he would have been more within his rights . But he killed a guy in the act of fleeing from the scene (posing no immediate threat ) where in his country of birth that may be justified , not here .

He was lucky to get manslaughter , imo , as it turned out none of the thieves were armed , or no weapons were found on them . A good trained dog or two is so much more effective anyways & always "on guard" especially for 188 plants in Fresno !

#1 rule is --> no guns in grows , get a dog or move to a better low crime area.
if ur a pro grow house=grow house nothing but live plants and growing supplys that know 1 know off site triming and drying,off that site curing and storage off that site well yall get it.semi/hobby check out biggies 10 rock comandments!lol number five never sell where u rest at i dont care if they want an once tell em bounce 7!never keep no weight on u.lol peace


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

imo you can't hide the weed due to canine detection and so stashing guns is the object here to avoid that felonious double dip of guns/weed on premises.

hiding a single handgun is easy enough if you've got the place and a minute to hide it, standing there w/a pistol in hand trying to stash it as the door's getting kicked in by leo will get your ass killed of course; it should be hidden yet fairly accessible until needed by you.

it's pretty tough to hide long guns unless you've got a great hidden compartment built into a room somewhere.

the k-9 can smell guns if dfed cum best belive atf dogs are there and local and/or dea dogs.dont for flir it can see through walls meatals and platics interacted with temps diffrent ly.so like my previous post inpLIEd is you got to keep it sep.to keep you safe from 10 20 life iight??????????????????????????aint that right fla here me!lmao im high peace


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

drug dogs niff drugs

bomb dogs sniff explosives

never heard of gun sniffing dogs
but you can bet they won't be at
your house, just the drug dogs.

flir CANNOT see through walls at all.

really?for real?and are you crazy?maby its me but if you have a gun with bulletsi.e. gun powder it can be smelt.dude ive talk to dudes who have told me that they got a smell sensor"it can detect arms and drugs dogs are the more economical way and dogs are traine to 'hit' or show sing of a smell that they were trained to brack rover bark.over that certain smell.and on the flir and not seeing through walls is so bs.no offence my im rocking a tin foil hat but ifs you say the wrong the on any line let alone "OPEN" dem mofos can hit you wit eagel eye(flir/em carmas and complete info on the house owner,renter,ect..shit heard rumor were people got robbed by the fed and shot just so they can call 911 and they come find the op and opps ur going to jail when you get better.but belive what you want and ill know my own truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!lolcouples retreat!lol peace


Active member
The best advice in this thread is DON'T LIVE where you grow! I quit growing and if I ever start up again it sure won't be at home! Can't handle all the paranoia and worry about people, cops, and rippers coming over to visit .


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
if your in a med state and you are in compliance why would having a gun be a problem.

I have 6 plants I'm a legal card holder and I have a registered 45.

Because you only are legal to grow by the State, with the Feds it's still totally illegal and having a gun at a grow bumps it up to Federal Jurisdiction even though currently the DEA isn't persuing people in compliance with the State laws.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Believe me, we all want to be protected. About 8 years ago i had credible information that some clowns got wind of my grow. These dudes were shit bags. Into hard drugs and hard up for cash. And a reputation for robberies / home invasions to boot. In that case, i had to bring a shottie with a spreader to the grow for a few months until the threat passed (moved). But those were the most stressful days of my life.

They also got wind of the newly acquired gun (as well as a best friend picking one up too) which i'm sure helped in dissuading them from attempting any shit.

During that time i researched how the penalties would double for having a firearm when committing a felony (also a non med state - see ya). It really doesn't matter what you think, you have a gun at ur grow and its the cops, not the robbers and you are fuct. I agree, them not finding it is your only hope, but if you have a gun registered to you they are going to ask you to produce it so if you dig it out of your fish tank you are still screwed.

Even if you shoot some punk rippers you are still screwed.

Here's the rules if you are you are growing for money: (and i'm not trying to be a dick here, i wish it weren't this way for cannabis gardeners)

# 1 - keep you mouth shut. word travels faster than light.

# 2 - operation, final product and money all belong in different places

# 3 - no guns.

try the bear tear gas shit. I know i keep that around.

btw, i feel you on wanting to be protected. It's very valid. It just sucks that we are taking a huge chance having a gun at the grow. The big question is who is knocking on the door, cops or robbers?

If they're knocking....It's probably the cops. :) Either that or you have very polite robbers in your neck of the woods.


Active member
Not for the feds. Actually if the feds get some type of info (mabey dispensary raid) that you are a med patient they will put you on the blacklist. Happened to somebody i know who went to buy a new gun and the background check denied him under "drug use" Fuck the bradley law.

i have never heard of this happening, i have a 215 card and was still able to pass the DOJ background check, and i know several people with 215 recs who have been able to buy guns legally.

also...id imagine drug sniffing dogs could smell a gun that has been used, because there is gunpowder residue that makes the barrel smell pretty bad. even a brand new gun will have had test shots fired...they can smell the gunpowder.

dont have long guns around the grow...if you have to have a gun around your grow, make it a small concealable pistol, keep only one or two magazines for it, stash all extra mags/ammo somewhere else, including the box, manuals, etc. hide it somewhere good and hope no one finds it....its basically an emergency pistol in case of robbers..