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Need ideas for in-home 'hiding spot'

  • Thread starter InvisibleEmpire
  • Start date


I'm sure the thought of being raided has come across all of our minds at one point and what I have recently began doing is making improvements in my growing habits as I'll be moving up to a larger setup soon.

In the case I was ever raided I would be charged with possession of a firearm (legal, but possession in commission of a felony or something like that) and other drugs, my cash and computer probably taken, etc. I figure keep a 'storage' location off-site for large amounts of cash that you don't use on a weekly/monthly basis and keep it out of a bank because they can freeze assets obviously....but my concern is for my own protection, I would hate to be robbed or in a situation that would require a gun for my defense and not have one, it's even worse because I was robbed at gunpoint 4yrs ago pistol whipped broke orbital bones, nose, lacerations to skull, air on the brain, fractured forehead you name it....having that happen to me makes it even harder to leave myself 'unprotected'.

So normally if you are keen and notice unordinary cars/vehicles outside of your residence you can cop yourself 30 seconds to a few minutes before the cops actually enter your house (hopefully)...knowing this you have a very short amount of time to hide what you can (handgun, other drugs, money, etc.)...we all know cops search everywhere so where would truly be a good spot a cop wouldn't check and/or not even notice?

I'm reminded of the Sopranos episode in which the bear appears in their back yard and they grab the AK-47 inside a 'swiveling' statue that reveals a hidden compartment...something built into the home where law enforcement/dea doesn't even care to check, touch, etc.

My goal would be to have some sort of setup where I could quickly hide my gun, money, etc before I got popped....

...Any ideas? Those fake paintings and clocks that are hidden compartments arent good ideas either as a skilled agent/leo will know to yank down pictures/clocks to look for hidden safes, etc. I know they check furniture as well...


Active member
maybe you can do like the story they told in Cocaine Cowboys, where you press a button and the wall opens up. just make sure there is no windows. or drugs that a dog could find
it all depends on if you are looking to just put a cubby under the floorboards or do something more drastic. i remember reading something about a company constructing some rather elaborate "secret passages" in homes. something like that would be ideal, but not for everyone.

(i do believe that this is the company i read about. http://hiddenpassageway.com/ )

aside from throwing money at the problem, you need to look around your home and find things you could augment. a small sliding panel in a railing post for example or a removable brick at the back of your fireplace that allows access to a small cache.

thats the beauty of a hiding spot, it could be anywhere.


ICMag Donor
get an empty vhs tape case,go to the goodwill or salvation army and buy a hardcover book a bit larger than the case.Rip the cover off ,and glue in the tape case where the pages used to be,to the hardcover spine.Install on shelf with other books...


I like to keep some cash stashed in an old pair of shoes, in a picture frame, and In an apron pocket in the outdoor shed. Always paranoid, I like options.


Freedom Fighter
I'm a General Contractor, so it may be easier for me....
But for something that you want hidden, but have access to if needed (Gun)...just cut a square in your drywall somewhere (Maybe 12 inches by 12 inches, or bigger for a rifle), put in a piece of wood as a shelf, then put the drywall back, but don't use any backing on it-- Just tape it, mud it (Must be a perfect job), and paint the wall-- So when you need it, it won't take much to hit it, and grab what you need--:tiphat:
Like I said tho, I have a lot of experience in drywall, if you have textured walls, it might be hard to do-- I can match almost any texture, but most can't--


The best hiding spots are the ones that won't be posted on the net for LEO to read.


I'm a General Contractor, so it may be easier for me....
But for something that you want hidden, but have access to if needed (Gun)...just cut a square in your drywall somewhere (Maybe 12 inches by 12 inches, or bigger for a rifle), put in a piece of wood as a shelf, then put the drywall back, but don't use any backing on it-- Just tape it, mud it (Must be a perfect job), and paint the wall-- So when you need it, it won't take much to hit it, and grab what you need--:tiphat:
Like I said tho, I have a lot of experience in drywall, if you have textured walls, it might be hard to do-- I can match almost any texture, but most can't--

Break wall in case of emergency ? LOL. :)

Hiding places largely depend on thoroughness of search you are expecting. High, hard to access places are good. Tops of cupboards, upwards nooks and crannies in basements.

Secured inside unused chimneys, in a tree, top of the garage, hidden in attic insulation...
great thread

thought about this for so long now

hear this out, this one dude on that show DEA got raided for possible heroin dealing. the cops ripped apart the house, dude was smart, stuck to his story said nothing was in the house. Smart cop looks around for a second and then instructs all the other cops to unscrew all the light bulbs and light switch cases. :nono: seriously. they found the dealers stash in one of the light switch cases!!

If these narco cops raid your place for drugs, they will find anything in the house period. They will rip that shit a new one. the only thing swim would do would keep the piece for your protection(can't imagine going through that first hand experience and not wanting to be strapped all the time). Take all the unnecessary risks such as other drugs and money separate from pocket scales ect...bury these separately in the back yard, in air tight bags or safe..doubt they would use a medal detector..bury it deep enough but close enough...plant a vegetable or legal flower garden around the area so it doesn't look like fresh dirt...the house should be expected to be ripped apart. Where do the Pirates of old and the Cartels of new put their treasure? F N bury it. :tiphat:


well everything that i want stored for long term will go into a safe that is stored at another location (a house)....im talking a compartment maybe to accommodate a mid-sized handgun and other 'accessories'..like for me to run to in case i were to be raided or was going to expect a raid and couldn't get things off-site...

a good idea right off the bat was behind the stairs in some sort of compartment constructed to the back of them but i'm sure if a cop was in my basement and looked at the back of the steps, a compartment attached to the back of them would be clearly visible and investigated...

they will look everywhere for the drugs yes, but it really depends on WHO raids you. most of the time these are local law enforcement heads or swat team, rarely the DEA. DEA sure...they've seen it all...they'll find everything probably...local law enforcement might miss something and that's what you have to count on for....cops walking through your house looking everywhere and you want them to just look right over your 'stash'...

the drywall idea is good for 'long term' storage but i'm talking about something that's easily accessible yet hidden from (or even in) plain sight...

im thinking some sort of 'sliding door' compartment somewhere but attempting to figure out a spot that wouldnt raise an eyebrow is the hard part...


Active member
front of my dryer pops off, sorta,w a screwdriver. the front metal panel
Takes a lil know how to get it done
keep several things in there.
wont beat a dog though


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
the stairs inside the house 2nd story. Remove one of te blanks and make your box behind this step. I have one now you can not tell its there.


Active member
have you looked into making a small hidden room with a fake door like a book case?


I used to have a room similar to this as a kid growing up. I would hide in there from other people and babysitters, they could never find me


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Gun goes outside of grow, off the property. If you think you will have time to react you are wrong they don't pull up and hang out outside for you to see they are just there in your house in a matter of seconds and the last thing you want to be doing is holding a gun trying to run it over to your hiding spot because you are gonna get blasted bro. Imagine just being dazed and standing there with a gun.

This gun is a bad idea all around, get a big can of pepper spray and a baseball bat with a glove. :biggrin:


Active member
Gun goes outside of grow, off the property. If you think you will have time to react you are wrong they don't pull up and hang out outside for you to see they are just there in your house in a matter of seconds and the last thing you want to be doing is holding a gun trying to run it over to your hiding spot because you are gonna get blasted bro. Imagine just being dazed and standing there with a gun.

This gun is a bad idea all around, get a big can of pepper spray and a baseball bat with a glove. :biggrin:
Quoting this entire post for emphasis!


Active member
I like the idea of buying an extra pistol, and building it into a sheetrock wall. That way no guns in the house in case the police show up. But easy enough to get to to if it aint the cops.

Remember their dogs sniff out drugs, and there is a good chance your cash smells like drugs. So any sizable amount of cash should be hidden away from op.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I agree with those recommending against the gun, possession of the gun automatically turns what might be handled at the state level into a Federal offense that will likely have harsher sentencing guidelines. Guns and grows do no belong together. Personally I like the idea of them coming in and not finding a grow or anything because it's in a secret room, preferably underground and outside of any floor plans on record for the house. Of course if they're sure there is something there they'll probably look until they find it.

As far as secret stashes for something like a gun, well they're probably not going to go out of their way looking for a gun if they find your grow. They'll look around some but if nothing turns up quickly they'll probably assume you don't have a gun. So as long as the secret stash is built well such that you can't look at it and say "I bet there's something hidden there" then they shouldn't be able to find it.

It sounds to me like you're planning what to do when/if you get busted more then on how to prevent it. On those lines I'd add to the list things like having an attorney on retainer and money that is easily accessible for people you trust should you be locked up to take care of things and or be able to put money in your account where you're locked up.

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