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Need ideas for in-home 'hiding spot'

  • Thread starter InvisibleEmpire
  • Start date


Appreciate the responses but no I am just planning ahead. With the move I'm making soon to the 2.4kw grow from a 400w I am going over everything 10 times to ensure I don't leave "noticeable" gaps in my security.

Smell & heat signatures from the grow will be contained by using carbon filters, growlabs/homebox and blacking out the windows along with possibly grabbing some thermal sheets to use on the windows which would prevent the heat signatures from being detected out of the window but even then, even IF FLIR were to be utilized I highly doubt they'd spot me as I don't vent outside nor would there be a noticeable heat signature.

The ONLY thing I am somewhat concerned about is come this winter the roof may be clear...IE...other houses have snow on em...mine may not...being I am using tents and exhausting the heat throughout the room, hopefully i can keep temps regulated so that they aren't serious enough to melt snow on the roof.

My setup is going to actually be pretty cool if you ask me...

I have a remodeled attic that is my bedroom currently with the 400w grow. I plan on moving my bedroom to an actual bedroom and leaving the 400w Homebox there and putting in the Growlab GL145L with 2 x 1000W's in a month or two. Two CAN fans and carbon filters, proper ducting to disperse heat throughout the room, the hallway is where i can bring in fresh air from outside without giving off any indications a grow is taking place and there will be 2 locked doors to go through before you hit the actual grow room.

Friends, family won't have ANY indication a grow is taking place as all indicators will be controlled...even if smell leaks down to the 1st and 2nd floors of my home it can be easily excused as me smoking of which nobody cares about. As far as the police go I just want to ensure my security is up to par and that, worst case scenario, I have a backup plan. What it sounds like is I either need an elite sick hiding spot or the gun needs to be taken off-site.

Some of you are against weapons in general but I am all for my right to bear arms and after being robbed at gunpoint and pistol whipped 15+ times with a doctor saying you have a 40% chance of surviving without any brain damage...you look at things a bit differently.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
The thing is even if you used the gun and shot someone in self defense they are gonna find the grow most likely and respond to gunshots and who knows what else is going on if there is something dramatic that occured. A big scary dog who barks is a much better home crime deterrent in my opinion. I really highly recommend no gun in the house unless you can accept hard fed time with no breaks from the judge whatsoever. Listen to us on this one you may very well thank us down the road if anything went wrong.

Hopefully things run smoothly and you play it smart so there is no need for any of it. :canabis:

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Ok, let me get this straight.

You are living in a house with your mom & pops, their house. You will supposedly have exclusive access to an upstairs bedroom via two locked doors in your parents house. Everyone is different, but I suspect not too many homeowners would be ok with being locked out of a portion of their own house.

And, you want a good hiding place for your gun that you will need in case of a home invasion in your parents house of which they have no clue about a grow.

First of all, why would you put your mom & pops at risk of being arrested or beaten or possible killed by a lowlife thief?

If you really want to upgrade, be smart with your money (save it) and get a dedicated grow house.

Mitch Connor

Ok, let me get this straight.

You are living in a house with your mom & pops, their house. You will supposedly have exclusive access to an upstairs bedroom via two locked doors in your parents house. Everyone is different, but I suspect not too many homeowners would be ok with being locked out of a portion of their own house.

And, you want a good hiding place for your gun that you will need in case of a home invasion in your parents house of which they have no clue about a grow.

First of all, why would you put your mom & pops at risk of being arrested or beaten or possible killed by a lowlife thief?

If you really want to upgrade, be smart with your money (save it) and get a dedicated grow house.

Was waiting for someone to decode that hahaha


Ok, let me get this straight.

You are living in a house with your mom & pops, their house. You will supposedly have exclusive access to an upstairs bedroom via two locked doors in your parents house. Everyone is different, but I suspect not too many homeowners would be ok with being locked out of a portion of their own house.

And, you want a good hiding place for your gun that you will need in case of a home invasion in your parents house of which they have no clue about a grow.

First of all, why would you put your mom & pops at risk of being arrested or beaten or possible killed by a lowlife thief?

If you really want to upgrade, be smart with your money (save it) and get a dedicated grow house.

Whoa, back up buddy...

First, I do not live with my parents. I live alone, in a house. I pay the mortgage, utilities and every other bill in my name.

Now that your post is pretty much irrelevant now that you know I live alone, having a gun was something I've always had since I began hunting...then the robbery just reiterated the fact that I need protection. Unfortunately I either need to create a very good hiding location for the gun or I need to take it off-site. I was curious if anyone had any ideas of good spots to create such a hiding spot which is why I started the thread...

...I do not plan on being raided, nor am i scrounging on security...was planning for worst case scenario, that's all.

Lastly not all of us have an extra $50 or $100,000 sitting around to buy a house to solely dedicate to a grow. Maybe if I get "big time" I can do that, but your suggestion and advice would put most growers on their ass because the majority of growers live where they grow unless it is a part of their profession growing more than just personal.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Alright, sorry about that.

I just presumed that you lived with your mom & pops, since your bedroom was upstairs and then you mentioned friends and family.

It just seems kind of odd that you chose to have your bedroom upstairs, but what do I know, It might be the best bedroom.


Alright, sorry about that.

I just presumed that you lived with your mom & pops, since your bedroom was upstairs and then you mentioned friends and family.

It just seems kind of odd that you chose to have your bedroom upstairs, but what do I know, It might be the best bedroom.

Thanks man.

No, the attic as a bedroom is the best choice in this house. The house was built in the early 1920s and is an old farm house, since partially remodeled. I mentioned friends and family being that I have friends over occasionally and my family also stops by as well...some family members actually sleep here as they live 1+ hour away and work only 20 minutes from this house so they'll sleep here when they do doubles, etc. In other words I won't be the only soul in this house at all times....thus having 2 locked doors will prevent any nebnoses in the family (in the remote case they would even have a hint a grow was here) or even friends of whom know I smoke but don't know I grow...I doubt my concerns would ever have to be heeded but it's better to be safe than sorry.

PS: the attic as a bedroom is amazing btw...can't count how many times it's allowed me to get some ass with my friends only a staircase away and without a clue ;D


To Have More ... Desire Less
ok.i'll give U one of my idea's...........but only one.....got plenty.....just think outside the box......................

spare tire...............removed from rim........items place inside tire.....
put back on rim........only fill enuff air to form pressure and seal.......

walla....................................... alittle silicon on the rimlip.................and even the dogz will walk on by...........
after all itz just "old tire"

sum of my other idea;'s are way off the wall......................


I guess the need to be specific has arose...I need a spot that can be quickly and easily accessed, although hidden. This is the dilemma.

Long term storage is already solved, I can keep my other weapons and questionable items (or large amounts of cash) at a relatives home. The idea about the drywall is actually a great idea, problem is that's also long term storage/use in case of emergency but I often go to the target range to shoot and clean my gun so leaving it in a wall is too much work and would rather not tear up the walls.

Best idea I've seen so far is behind steps, I'm thinking if I can construct some sort of "false back" to the step itself it could be passable, create some sort of sliding mechanism revealing the compartment.

For now though, until I can get things squared with that...looks like the gun will be going off-site


Active member
i have the same problem man.....stubborn to give up my 2nd amendment rights and i still wanna grow too.

i had a nice collection of 5-6 rifles and pistols....i moved all but my trusty compact Glock 27 to another offsite location. a safe in a friends house like you said, or a storage facility under trusted persons name.

keep cash offsite in one place, guns in another, and weed at the grow spot.

as for the immediate problem of having a small concealable weapon for easy access..i have pondered this as well. i currently have one spot im using which il PM you but im also looking for something as well.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What it really boils down to is just how thoroughly will they tear the house up during a search? If they wont go to the trouble of moving every piece of furniture and sticking their heads deep inside every cabinet then there's a number of places that you could probably come up with like for example a hidden compartment up against the underside of the counter/sink in a bathroom (assuming that the sink sets ontop of some sort of cabinet). I mean is it likely a cop is going to get down on his hands and knees in the bathroom, stick his head in the cabinet under the sink and look up? Another possibility might be behind some big heavy piece of furniture like a big entertainment center? Another good one might be inside the house's air ducting, behind a vent. Remove the vent place the gun a ways back into the vent if possible and then try to figure a way to replace the vent so it's fairly secure and looks like it's screwed in place but in reality it can be popped off. I'm sure if you look around you can probably figure some spot like that which would potentially be overlooked.


shut the fuck up Donny
One thing to keep in mind-

I'm not positive about this but I would assume that prior to a raid they do a check to see if there are any guns registered to the house (which I assume in your case it would show that there is, unless it was registered to a prior house which in turn is technically illegal because your required to keep gun registration address current).

I feel like if they knew there was a gun registered to the house they would ask you directly about it and search harder knowing that there could be one there?

Just thinking out loud.

Really sucks that people cant defend themselves without fear of catching more charges if they are doing a small legal medical grow.


Active member
^yea thats why you dont have guns registered to the grow address! my guns are registered to my parents house which has no weed on the premises.


Active member
Not all states require you to register your guns. Fuck registering your guns. My guns my business. If you were to get busted, and the only gun they find is outside in your car, could they hold it against you. I'm starting to think about permanently hiding an extra pistol in the grow op, and leaving the everyday carry piece in the car whenever tending the crops. I have a hard time giving up my right to bear arms also. Only thing worse than prison is death, so i always carry.

Buy guns person to person, legal, yet no paper trail. Unless of course your state requires registration.


One thing to keep in mind-

I'm not positive about this but I would assume that prior to a raid they do a check to see if there are any guns registered to the house (which I assume in your case it would show that there is, unless it was registered to a prior house which in turn is technically illegal because your required to keep gun registration address current).

I feel like if they knew there was a gun registered to the house they would ask you directly about it and search harder knowing that there could be one there?

Just thinking out loud.

Really sucks that people cant defend themselves without fear of catching more charges if they are doing a small legal medical grow.

This is straight from the attorney general. There is no requirement to register your firearms to your current address.

That being said, if you are growing and you have a gun in the same house, you should really reconsider your choice of grow location. If you feel the need to have a gun, you probably aren't in the right area or you are dealing with the wrong element.

How do I know if my firearms need to be registered? There is no firearm registration requirement in California except for assault weapon owners and personal handgun importers. However, you may submit a Firearm Ownership Record to the DOJ for any firearm you own. Having a Firearm Ownership Record on file with the DOJ may help in the return of your firearm if it is lost or stolen. With very few and specific exceptions, all firearm transactions must be conducted through a firearms dealer.


Not all states require you to register your guns. Fuck registering your guns. My guns my business. If you were to get busted, and the only gun they find is outside in your car, could they hold it against you. I'm starting to think about permanently hiding an extra pistol in the grow op, and leaving the everyday carry piece in the car whenever tending the crops. I have a hard time giving up my right to bear arms also. Only thing worse than prison is death, so i always carry.

Buy guns person to person, legal, yet no paper trail. Unless of course your state requires registration.

In california its illegal to transfer firearms outside of your family without doing it through a FFL. I urge anyone keeping a gun in their grow house to really think about it.

Scenario: 2 guys show up with shotguns ready to rip your grow. Are you really gonna shoot it out with your pistol to protect your plants? Probably not a great idea, not only will you completely draw the attention of LEO, you could potentially be killed. Get a couple cans of bear mace and keep your firearms off site. If someone wants your shit that bad, you should probably let them have it, no plant or dollar is worth your life.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
cops are smarter then you think.......

they are trained to find shit your tying to hide.......

why even risk a gun charge enhancement? my grow or money is not worth an extra 5-10 years i prison because i have a gun......

money somewhere else, no gun with a grow.....


Active member
What if the two guys with shotguns, shoot and kill you anyway. Wouldn't you rather have put up a fight. I carry to protect my life, I will do everything in my power to avoid a shootout. But if it comes down the fact that I may have to defend my life with deadly force, I will do so. It sucks but the truth is, I'd rather do a few years in prison, as apposed to an eternity in a a casket. Nobody wants to shoot someone, but there is nothing wrong with being prepared for the worst.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
even if smell leaks down to the 1st and 2nd floors of my home it can be easily excused as me smoking of which nobody cares about.

As for the part quoted above. This is simply not true. There should be no smell at all in the house if you're so concerned about security. There is a clearly distinct smell between growing herb and smoking herb. I tried this when I was in college. People would say "It smells good in here" to which I would I reply "I smoke lots of herb" and they would smile knowingly. Any smell at all is unacceptable.

I respect your security pro-activeness.

You're going to do what you feel you need to do about the guns and that's up to you. Unless you go to the range consistently and have taken tactical training classes. I believe you will be outmatched and outgunned unless it's a bunch of junkies/ghetto kids etc....

Most people freeze up when the s**t hits the fan.


I recommend a course such as this. Unless you're already military trained. You should be shooting 2-3 times a week.

Best of Luck

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