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Need Help!!!


Active member
aqua lol! or hydro if i was running h2o2/bleach n a dead res! Coco can be a biatch to get to grips with, esp if your running stuff not atuned to it.

best advice i could give is follow a seasoned coco growers schedual exactly, cant go wrong then or its real unlikely.

id be off to get some canna coco a+b if was you. plenty of other coco growers use other stuff, like GH M/B, maxibloom, H&G Cocos, etc, list is endless, but i never seen aqua in their once for coco.

if you find out different about aqua, let me know, id be very interested.
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I have absolutely NO attachment to the coco, ill get rid of it. My concern here is maintaining the use of my new bucket system. If i was to wash out the coco from the roots and repot into hydroton and run rockwool with all new clones would i get away with aqua or still wrong. The reason i kept the coco was to simplify my stagger. I was ganna hand feed all clones for 3 weeks than place in flower room. what would be easiest way to maintain 18 6 inch rockwool cubes for 3 weeks


Active member
Your making this pretty hard on yaself. its a fker i know. lest see what we can do to help.

im not sure chucking the Coco is the answer here. like i said try to run canna Coco a+b first, at least try it. its where im going next away from DWC & NFT. & what ill be using, with canadian express addys, like my buddy 'Cheesey' uses.
not recirc though man, ill be running topspin drippers!

if you pull plants now, your gonna cause a fk load of damage to roots & put them back causeing even more yellowing, might fk em right up, stress's & shock etc etc, na i wouldnt bother. you just need to run the right nutes at the right strength/EC, bit of a foliar n you should be good.

i can get on Canna Uks site no bother btw?

cant help you on recirc, ive never done it with coco, i wouldnt do it if i could help it, but will it work, im not sure tbh,??
cant you just bite the bullet & top feed(to waste) manually for this round?
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the ones that look like all hydroton have a 1 gallon coco rot ball in the center. Im gonna pick up more hydroton and run a new tank with coco a/b and see what i get. gonna run drip clean as well. should i run the cal mag, i see some still do with tap and coco a/b? what should i foliar with. I dont know if I have anything that will bring em back? what should i use?


btw the system has only been running for 2 days with the plants in them. gonna run tonight or tomorrow to get rest of hydroton to finish system.


Active member
Go with the Coco a+b. run the drip clean, cal/mg would depend, prolly not needed, but never say never. Whats ya water like EC?

You would of done better to post this in the Coco forum tbh.


my base water is 110 on a eutech meter. even when i was hand feeding them they never were as lush green as they should have been. I was not sure if they were under fed or needing cal mag?


Active member
prolly a bit of both by the sounds of it. coco eats up the cal/mg, yours look nitrogen & Mg + starved to me.

your second set of pics look fine/ok, your first set not so clever.
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that is the point when they started looking unhappy. I transplanted the the day b4 in the pictures. they were potentially water logged too long due to inadequate drain holes in new pots. I poked new holes and reflushed, due to bad advice and they have never been happy since, ive gone easy on nutes cause i was initially worried about burn due to canoeing and curling. It may have been an under feed issue the whole time. Some were thinking cause i was vegging under 4k they could handle more nute than was given. Im just now worked up to 800 ppm with a base of 110 water. Do i need more, where should my ppm be. canna is calling for 950 or so ?


Active member
they really dont look too bad, I agree with scrogerman, maybe just slight cal/mg

when you say re flushed, are you using a clearing agent?

what is the PH going in? Are you using canna's COCO nutes? how often are you feeding/watering?


Im phing between 5.7-6.2 using canna coco nutes with 1.5 ml per gallon cal mag. I ran the system on aqua vega a/b as per store with cal mag and than thats when the new yellowing begun? Was told to switch back to the coco a/b, cleaned res and ran with new batch of coco a/b at 850 ppm. Any time i flush i flush with water than a 25% coco rhizo solution to re buffer, let dry out and continue regiment. What are your thought on the aqua a/b and the pic on 1st page? Ive read aqua can be done but did not realize it was an issue???


Active member
Hey man,
you'll prolly be back on track now youve switched back to the canna coco a+b. take what they tell you in shops with a pinch of salt. talk in EC not PPM, its bs & confuses people.

Do you ever check your run-off numbers(whats goes in what comes out), i know its not a 100% accurate gauge, but it should help give you some idea of whats going on.

I think its important you read up on the mechanics of using Coco as a growing media. You'll understand a bit better then. its all in the Coco forum like i said.

coco rhizo to re-buffer? where have you got that from?