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Need Help!!!


Active member
well, i really dont get what your doing in the other room where your having issues.

Should of been able to work it out fo yaself man. get more Blumats. seem to be serving you well.

Mild EC A+B to flush is what i would do, Rhizo to recharge, no its an additive not a balanced feed. AB+Rhizo is the way id do it.


I do A/B and some rhizo, sorry if i confused you. I love the blumats but im one of those people who like to try something different. They keep everything wet but are a bit inconsistent. the coco ive been playing with on and off now for a couple years but i wanted to have the simplicity of flood and drain with the root development of coco?!?!?! i know i should keep it simple but new could be better. More and more I ask around my issues have been the 3-4 heat strokes the plants had. Each time they revived the stroked out again. Got a/c hard wired for now, not on controller. I hate buying a $1000 piece if equipment and not utilize it the way it was designed. I just got home and everything is looking much happier. Shut the lights back to 20 hours. Do you think its completely worthless to run co2 now?


Active member
lol your a blast man! maybe should of mentioned some of this. Anyway im sure you'll be right back on track running the Canna. Co2, why not?

if you start a showthread or diary, ill be in for a look. G'luck!


Cause i was coming looking for advice, lol but after a minute i felt I might as well share my success to show i have a clue. I appreciate all of your help as well as rube. Im still learning but willing to try to make it happen. ill keep you informed and post a diary of other room and of new room once i see some health.


I like coco so much thats why i want it to work so bad. I know it should be possible, just some fine tuning to do in the room. Thanks again