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Need elite grower to help.

i too had the same issues, as i was new to DWC, but not growing. LOWER YOUR NUTES- I dont event give any to veg plants (although i use RO water so i do use CALMAG) but that's it. Roots take off like mad. I too tried increasing ppm to over 1100 and it burned my roots! IMHO, 1200 is good for ebb tables but not when the roots are constatntly in the solution. What do you have to lose? I agree, those roots aren't developed enough..when i was in that situation during veg (slow root growth) i'd simply snip them if they were getting too big, and let the root system catch up with the rest of the plant. I am running DWC with 3-400 ppm in veg, and 700 in flower ,using AN just a&b no additives. KISS...

They're not really dwc buckets. It's one of those ebbandgrow cap systems with the 2G buckets works just like ebb and flow tables but in buckets full of hydroton. I'm thinkin of converting the sytem into a dtw coco system though. I'm pretty over the whole changeouts and hydro thing.


Active member
I can recommend Hempy buckets for a simple and rewarding grow.
It doesn't get any less complicated, and almost impossible to screw up.
Oh yeah, how many times a day are you feeding and how long are you feeding?

4 times for 15mins none at night. I started giving them nute again today @ 630ppms micro and bloom only, they look like they might be stable now we'll see. Makes me think maybe I have been cookin em. But this always happens I go back and forth thinkin not enough to much not enough or to much. I guess that's why I'm here I've eliminated environmental causes so now it just has to be my understanding of what I'm doing wrong.


Active member
It really depends on the strain. In my ebb and flow tables I have had strains that just suck up nutrients up to 4 times a day, while I have had other strains like Lavender Kush that would only tolerate 2 times a day at lower ppms. Co2 makes you feed less as well or else shit gets fucked up.


Active member
Looks like an Mg definciency. Make sure that you mix your nutrients properly and keep your PH from dropping below 5.8. Improper mixing can be locking them out. Run your mixture for a day and then add the cal/mag the next day. So, shake up your nutes before you mix. Start with Micro, and then add bloom. Keep a small pump in the bottom that just mixes everything up then use em. See if that helps.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
no one asked bout ur water tempts???? if ur feedin 700 sumthin ppms u may have other issues u got a chiller? r ya using ro or tap i have feeling if its been a prob its not ur feed it could be sumthin else..
Looks like an Mg definciency. Make sure that you mix your nutrients properly and keep your PH from dropping below 5.8. Improper mixing can be locking them out. Run your mixture for a day and then add the cal/mag the next day. So, shake up your nutes before you mix. Start with Micro, and then add bloom. Keep a small pump in the bottom that just mixes everything up then use em. See if that helps.

I have an air pump and a mixing pump in the tank that turns on every hr for 10 mins, Always micro then bloom. I've tried running cal mg up to 8ml before, tried no cal mg and epsoms before, Probably right about the strain though.

Yes I am running co2

last entry before this starts up this run was gh 6 9, 5ml cal mg, 5 aqua shield, 5 hygrozyme this was mar, 2nd 950 ppms

mar 8thstarted noticing leaves changing color and brought it up to 1075 ppms

by mar 16th noticed increase in nutes was not helping and flushed

added 1/4 strength and feed em light through the 20th

by the 24th i was running 720ppms

flushed em again yesterday and running 1/4 strength gh m. and b. with 2ml of h2o2
they seem to be stable but this is the point they get to and just sit and won't put on weight. So this is where I'm at.
no one asked bout ur water tempts???? if ur feedin 700 sumthin ppms u may have other issues u got a chiller? r ya using ro or tap i have feeling if its been a prob its not ur feed it could be sumthin else..

Yeah I mentioned it earlier H20 temps are stable 68degrees I keep the res out of the main room. The res is in a room thats cold so I need a aquarium heater to keep it at 68. I thought that was the sweet spot for h20 temp
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I did go buy a new qt of cal mg cause I thought it might be bad around the 8th of mar.

I do use ro h20 but I'm gonna try my well h20 and drop the cal mg it comes out the tap at 280ppms
bong rip I thought mag def also so I bumped the cal mg to 8 ml a G I tell ya with this plant I haven't been able to pull it off. I put a couple other strains in there to and they aren't as bad but showing the same signs. The roots look better today but I would really like to know what is crashing these plants. Maybe bro was right and I'm just over fertin them.


Active member
To be honest, RO with cal mag, micro and bloom should be all you need. Stick with the simple formula you are trying now and after a week you should be seeing some improvement. I don't know how you are going to get them roots kicking again. Maybe some Hydrogen Peroxide. I know with a drip system I did I had no root growth what so ever and it yielded 2 and 3/4 pounds of top notch with 1200 watts and 6 plants. Its hard to diagnose without actually being there. Can you post a picture of your whole grow?
If anyone is still interested in helping me figure this thing out I'll post pics of progress or degredation in progress. I started flushing a few days ago and if I add any nutes at all they just hate it. Doing ok on 1/2 ro h20 and 1/2 well h20 2 ml h202 per G. I add nutes at all in the least bit and they just wilt. Someone help my understanding here please.


Active member
Wow, I can't believe you are still having problems. This perplexes me. They are wilting? Post a pic of a whole plant or the room. Give us an idea with what you are working with.

Hence "need elite grower help" As far as I can figure it's nute lock. I gave them 1/4 strength 2 days ago and they just wilted and looked sad. Gave them 1/2 ro 1/2 well @ 120ppm 2 ml of h202 35% per G they seem stable but this is what happens everytime. wk 5 and they just refuse to grow. I can tell now that they quit growing and are just hangin. Pistil starting to turn red so I know they won't bulk up . They turn out great to smoke but nugs are small. I just know these blackberry's have huge potential, I just can't figure out how to tap that. I can give you a complete rundown again if you want but it should be in here. I don't know why 6/9 gh, 5 cal mg, 5 hygrozyme , 5 aqua sheild would lock em up but I'm still learnin. I tried one in coco and she did kinda the same thing. I put another strain in here too Purple kush. They both act the same way. Very similar plant, which is why I wanted to see if it's strain specific and they both are showing the same signs. I'll be lucky to pull .25gpw on this, so frustrating. I'm over the anger and moving on, I just have to know what's going on here.


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Active member
Well, with these photos and seeing everything on a whole, it looks like over watering coupled by a Ca toxicity. Too much calcium will lock out your Mg and N. Get some Ca and Mg separately. Cut out your ca or drastically reduce it and let it ride.
Can I overwater in hydroton? Is that what's happening is I'm lockin up N and mg with to much cal mg? I guess that makes sense. I was thinking to just run it w gh only and mix my h20 n ro and not add any cal mg unless I see probs. I sure hope that helps, I need to know why this is happening.