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NC,SC,GA Cultivators


Sure is some nasty weather today, hopefully everyone can get on with the outdor season soon enough.


The top pic on the left is kush and the haze @ day 30 then a closeup of the haze and a closeup on the kush. You can even see where some pollen from my oregon male seeded the haze. I hit a branch below but the damn pollen just floats from that guy.

Philly has the "A1" which is the commercial term they apply in reference to the bubba aka A1 nugs.

Growin' it up!


New member
nc indoor, and sometimes outdoor here. moved down about three years ago from ct... the weather down here makes outdoor growing incredible!
yamaha_1fan said:
with the mirrors and stuff, you talking about the store on Woodmont or in College Park? I was there the other day and didnt see any mirrored windows but I know it would be obvious for them to rent a spot and scope everything out.

The thing is, this would have to be a regional task force, not a county run gig. People come from so many places to shop at AH, that they would be covering a TON of counties. And something tells me they are not going to have 3-5 officers dedicated to watching a hydro store. 2 guys to watch different shifts, 3 to follow up on all leads.

And for what? To bust some closet grower? Seems like ATL has more problems to deal with. I know in west ga meth is the big focus.



Active member
i remember when i found ah several years ago in athens...twas a godsend in these parts. i got paranoid though, so now i just send someone for me. either that or safe cc and addy. pz dogs :joint:



use to go to Auburn Ave or the projects near the AUC to cop shitty dimes. finally grabbed my balls and put my years of reading and research to practice. Been serving myself quality product ever since.

Aerokush... i'm was prob one of those weird people in AH looking around, not buying and asking LOTS of questions. One... couldn't afford unless it was used or on clearance Two...was getting ideas to violate someones copyrights with a DIY project.

I've been to all AH's... ATL, CP, Athens. Most people are nice and helpful, but I've run into a smart ass occasionally. There is a new spot in Athens that I use from time to time as well. If you ever visit the one in Athens, be sure to grab some jamaican cuisine from Kelly's.

good to see all this southern hospitality...
Great to see other growers in my area. greetings to everyone in atlanta. For those who are paranoid about going to atlantis- I would say there is nothing to worry about, Ive been in there probably 10 times and never noticed anything out of the ordinary.
Any other outdoor growers? looks like we might get some rain this year, lookin good so far.

stay safe
Im Baack!

Im Baack!

Wats up people, sorry for the long hiatus i had some things to take of. Any whoo i am well into the 2nd week of flower with my Dom Female I call Magnolia (of the Purple Eclipse strain I would like to develop one day) reason being that she does not really smell like the typical weed plant she has a scent of magnolias as my wife says, she and her sibs were born on the once in 71 yrs. Lunar Eclipse this past Feb 20, the sky was a purple hue here just before dawn, and little did we know that the children would all sprout out with the purp pheno trait,( they were from some mid grade bag seed) there were 3 females and one male out 6 beans that were ethylene gassed, germed and jiffy pucked. The sprouts were not the typical white or green that is the dominant color for the species, these little sprouts were purple stemmed, till puberty.Then went purple/green striped like a candy cane, then on to finally, totally green stemmed. Magnolia is only now going back to her purp pheno just at the base of her sucker leaves where the stem meets the leaves, (more pics to follow later to day.)This is my first grow in 13 yrs.These are all being grown under CFL's. Wait till you see how big Magnolia is, I have been told and have read that her size should not be possible under CFL's, but she is a "mutant" in my mind I used to call her "Swamp Thing" but my wife wanted me to change it to what she is now known as.

I will try and put a grow diary together also, but i still have alot of things on the stove at the moment. I was more concerned with getting the grow right than with recording every step/stage like I will try to do more of in the future clones of my Fem Dom Magnolia.

later everyone

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oh almost forgot should be moving in the next few months to Tar heel land close to the VA border and will have 5 acres to play on.Wooo hoooo!


Hello all! Chuck town, yeah you know who you are, you dirty closet growers you. Very tight lipped round here, I'm a closet smoker by necessity, wish it didn't have to be so. Have seen some good stuff lately, not from round here thou. Trainwreck, GDP, love potion, soon to try some apollo, sugar berry,NL, and a local - cat piss. Watch out for the hurricane!

Hmmm a lemony local.


yeah I try to stay tight lipped as well. Lets just say I'm in the piedmont region.

Glad to see some southerners kickin it on the 'mag.


New member
Figured I'd drop in and say hi (second post w00t). I'm from SC and I gotta say I definitely wish I had the right connections. I can usually get my hands on beasters but headies were always hard to come by and usually they were just "better than normal" nugs but nothing impressive. This is gonna make some of you shudder but I've seen people trying to sell headies for $65/eighth.
I lived in atlanta for a while and was lucky enough to know someone who grew to hook me up with some trainwreck. I took two hits off a bong and I couldn't move. Even if I had wanted to smoke some more I was too stoned to make it happen. Just sucks that a lot of my friends who smoke think they know what good is but it's really just average shit.
Should be moving to atlanta soon and hopefully get a personal garden going. I'll probably be bugging you guys over the next year for advice :p . Nice to see some love for the south, peace and keep on tokin :rasta: