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Nationwide flu outbreak?

lost in a sea

oh lol you have no clue so i'll just do you a favour and wont argue with you.. in fact i dont have the time to attempt it despite the fact most of those statements dont make any sense, or at least i cant see how they pertain to me..

i agree though most people are lazy.. and i dont give a crap what any pharmaceutical school says anyway, my point if you go look was about being top 10 in america not the specific type of school/college/uni.. basically just a pathetic dig in response to your pathetic dig..

if you cant tell i have a problem with western medicine, which means i have a general problem with agripharma corporations and the people that prescribe their poison so i dont really care about pharmaceuticals or the quality of education on their use..

of course america is the best at dolling out pill formed poison duh.. it has more people on wrongly prescribed drugs than any place in the world ..

just that point about life expectancy alone shows your naivety..

maybe everything im saying is bollocks but when i think about the health improvements ive seen for myself in people and animals i just dont care what you think in all honesty..

It might not be preached in lecture halls, but it makes sense.

It's generally accepted that if your cholesterol is high, the proper diet and exercise, will lower it. - Or be lazy and take your meds. Most people are lazy.

If GMT can take less prescription medication by altering his diet alone, why would you think this is a retarded idea?

It's the same principle. If he can find a way to suppress his immune system from destroying his own cells, he may be able to use less meds.

You yourself were preaching less meds, big pharma, docs, etc...

The meds that he takes now which he says greatly help him, may be able to be replaced, or partially replaced with a new diet. It's always a trade off symptom/affects with medications. No doctor will tell you meds are without side affects

And if you think the people with smocks and stethoscopes are killing people off, why does the average life expectancy continue to go up? As we have advances in medicine and further our understanding, we continually increase the average quality/time of life.

I feel like your arguing to argue......An you just pull false statements out of no where lol.

U.S. pharmaceutical schools not the best you say? Please enlighten me what country so vastly out does the U.S? Oh right.... You made that up too. You have no idea.

The U.S has 8 of the top 10 pharmaceutical schools in the world. It also has more then half of the top 50 ranked schools in the world. Please show me where your information is coming from.

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whatever man..

whatever man..

Well I think any normal rational human being who reads over our discussion, can choose for themselves.

I like how you only had the first two paragraphs of your last post up saying how your weren't gonna argue. Then you edit and just start to argue/dispute things. hehe

my point if you go look was about being top 10 in america not the specific type of school/college/uni.. basically just a pathetic dig in response to your pathetic dig..

And like I told you. The U.S. has 8 of the top 10 medical schools in the world. We have the best medical schools. So globally being in the top 10 in the U.S. is a big deal. Everyone sends their brightest minds to our medical schools.

I'll leave it like I've already said before. You act accordingly with your sick and wounded. I'll do what I think is in my best interests. I'm pretty sure 90% of the people in here will choose western medicine in time of need.

lost in a sea

"everyone sends their brightest minds to our medical schools"

no they really don't..

as you can see you have your side and i have mine,, i used to see things from your point of view and now i dont..

im sure 99% of people will chose western medicine in time of need, dont know how that logic makes it anymore more valid though.. on their death beds alot of people pray to god as well..


Registered Med User
Wow, that was an angry first page! I aint fuckin wit no flu shot, seen more people get sick from that then the actual flu itself.




In case you already forgot.

damaging your immune system is a retarded way of mediating an inappropriate auto immune response so i wouldnt think for a second about it.. but you pill pushers love running people down im sure..

just for the record top 10 in america is nothing impressive by global standards..

my point if you go look was about being top 10 in america not the specific type of school/college/uni.. basically just a pathetic dig in response to your pathetic dig..

Please explain to me how top 10 in America is nothing impressive on global standards. When I clearly showed you the U.S. has the top pharm/med schools.

I'm not focusing on this single point to make myself feel good. Just to show that I have already provided the factual information to disprove you. Yet you continually refuse to admit or believe.

Your the type of guy who is on his death bed after having tried all your voodoo magic. You finally go to the hospital, they xray you and find a tumor. Tell you it could be easily removed, with no risk of major injury or loss of function for you. Yet you say, naaaa I don't have a tumor!

You misquoted my 99% statement. I said 90%, lets be honest this is a growers forum, there are 10% on here like you, that just won't listen to reason.


"everyone sends their brightest minds to our medical schools"

no they really don't..

as you can see you have your side and i have mine,, i used to see things from your point of view and now i dont..

im sure 99% of people will chose western medicine in time of need, dont know how that logic makes it anymore more valid though.. on their death beds alot of people pray to god as well..

Dude you don't know what your talking about! It's absolutely true. Those rankings are based on test scores. The only reason the U.S. schools are so much higher, is because we import all the smart kids. They don't always stay to practice here, some go back to their country to TEACH others.

It doesn't make it any more valid, but most people realize it's there best chance, sooner or later. I just hope most choose to go get checked up on sooner rather than later, when it may be too late.


cant remember where but i read that people with auto immune defects can benefit from infecting themselves with parasites (not just any type).


The Tri Guy
legalize, yeah I've heard that too, can't remember the name of them, those big centipede wormy things that grow in your intestines/stomach. I also hear they can poke their head out of your mouth or arse at times, then pop back into you. Personally, I couldn't handle that at all. Just shuddered at the mere thought of it.
sticking with methotrexate for the time being.


Active member
I dont know shit about viruses..but I like myself have not had a flu shot since I was in the military.

I normally do not get sick but my girlfriend is a nurse so she was forced to get the flu shot otherwise termination...yada, yada, yada, if I were loaded I would've got her a lawyer.

Anyway, she had the vaccination about 3 months back and since she has caught cold bad and twice. I caught it from being around here but my body kicked it in 48 hours mean while she stayed sick for 2+weeks until she needed antibiotics.

My point is, I believe all the people that get the shot, just spread it to everyone else who didnt get the shot. If your healthy it seems to pass quick. If your unhealthy it sticks around. The key is getting it out and using the peeps to spread it. Just my theory

Its not like they are just spraying some shit out of the chimney of the CDC, they simply spread it via vaccination and intentionally. Whats the worse that can happen? A little population control? Woops....now press that button!

Then again I dont think the cure for cancer is as difficult as it is taught to be. Look into Doctor Burzynski...they are still trying to get rid of him. I no longer trust western medicine as far as cures and treatments go for terminal aliments. If they wanted to honestly cure cancer they would stop spreading it by dumping chlorine into the drinking water.

What just because ivy league schools dont research this it makes it un true? Ingesting chlorine over a long period of time causes coronary thrombosis by forming a plaque in the Aorta and coronary arteries. True story folks. You think those full body scanners are safe at the air ports? Damn things are banned around the world. You think the bulvine hormone is a good idea? You think Monsanto fucking gives a shit? They invemted Agent orange for god sakes and operate Roundup weed killer! AGENT ORANGE! The American Association for Advancement openly admits to dumping aluminum and barium into the atmosphere but that is not a chem trail, its an aerosol designed to combat global warming and okay for everything else...

It isnt as it seems.

Its all a good damn scam. lol as long as you feel safe while we got soldiers crawling through caves looking for people that dont exist and the CIA drafts up more plans like operation northwoods....that one sounds familiar doesnt it???....BULLSHIT!!


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

You dying makes someone wealthy. You think you can die and it cost nothing....haha think again. You gotta buy your way into heaven buckO now toss your bills in this basket. God bless.


Active member
O positive

Neanderthal diet! :) Ya meat eater. LOL

Only Farmer, Feta or Mozarella cheese. No cow milk, period.

Lots of red meat, never any pork. Go easy on the chicken and turkey.

Sweet potatoes and yams are ok... no other potatoes.

Check out the list here TypeBase4

If you feel bad when you eat a lot of honey or maple syrup(edit: REAL maple syrup and honey... not processed to death honey or corn syrup maple syrup)... you're O non-secretor and you'll want to sweeten stuff with rice syrup. Check out the rest of your main foods on the list and see whether they're neutral, avoid or beneficial for you.

Eat more beneficial foods. The neutrals are going to affect you according to your genetic background. You're "O" with ??? blood types in your family genetics? (don't answer that. LOL)

Absolutely stunning information for EVERYONE that I've seen switch to it, regardless of blood type. :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
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legalize, yeah I've heard that too, can't remember the name of them, those big centipede wormy things that grow in your intestines/stomach. I also hear they can poke their head out of your mouth or arse at times, then pop back into you. Personally, I couldn't handle that at all. Just shuddered at the mere thought of it.
sticking with methotrexate for the time being.

why not you could give a name and call your pet. eeeewww


Ah, death by medicine!
Lets see how does it rank these days in the US?
4,5, or 6th most common way to die... medical intervention.
Or another way to look at things:
Modern man has dug a hole so deep he can't get out of it, except when it comes to pharmaceutical medicine.
In that one example modern man shines.

Survival of the fittest doesn't conform to man made belief systems.


Active member
norovirus /= the flu /= whooping cough. All three are being spread around the country right now.


Lover of Life

lost in a sea

totally irrelevent.. have you ever been outside of amurrrrica?

there seems to be no chance of you understanding my point, so im going out on a limb and guessing no..

how much of your education was multiple choice?

Dude you don't know what your talking about! It's absolutely true. Those rankings are based on test scores. The only reason the U.S. schools are so much higher, is because we import all the smart kids. They don't always stay to practice here, some go back to their country to TEACH others.

It doesn't make it any more valid, but most people realize it's there best chance, sooner or later. I just hope most choose to go get checked up on sooner rather than later, when it may be too late.

anyway believe me you dont get the smartest by a long long way..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well there are some interesting points being made with regards to lifestyle, modern medicine, education, diet and general healthcare, all worthy of sepeate discussions in and of themselves.

The idea of healthy natural food being a better way to avoid illness seems quite logical even if you haven't studied it. Much like plants do better with natural, organic fertilizers and minerals so too is natural organic food likely to be better for you then heavily processed foods with all thier additives. Simple reason being that just like plants that's how we evolved or were created to do things. A well known phrase used in describing a person is "He is a product of his environment" another popular saying is "you are what you eat" both of these are so much more true then most people really stop to consider. It's in many ways just like it's so natural to use marijuana. In our design, even from birth, there are the receptors in our nervous system designed to make use of the main active ingredient in marijuana. It is able to do so much for us and is so useful in many ways beyond just a recreational drug that it's clearly part of the way we were designed to make use of the plants and animals in our environment. Equally the mistakes made in trying to understand this are alot like the mistakes we make with food and medicine. When I say the main active ingredient in marijuana I mean cannabinoids. When science talks about the main active ingredient it thinks THC. Now it may be the main cannabinoid but a mixture of cannabinoids is likely to have a very different effect then one particular cannabinoid. Yet this is what science and pharmacology tried to do with marijuana and they came up with marinol which turned out to be very limited in it's benefits.

We do the same thing with food in a sense except we focus so much on taste, texture and appearence that we end up excluding the part thats meaningful to us, the nutrition. To make matters worse this has created a class of food that you can label as bad food or bad for you food and that in turn inflates the value of healthy, good for you food and businesses jump on that as a reason to charge you more. That's a big part of why so many poor people and people getting by on welfare tend to be fat. It's expensive as hell to eat healthy. As an example, say you want some sort of snack between meals, but you've determined that it's best for you to limit your snack to 100 calories which has been accepted as a standard somewhat because manufacturers are starting to portion snack foods into 100 calerie portions as a convenience. In essence this creates a situation for them that they can use a smaller package (costs them less) give you less of what goes in the package (cost them less) yet when you by it, it's going to cost you more then the slightly bigger snack package that's been around for years now, and actually contains more then your 100 calorie package. That's right they charge you more to give you less simply because that less amount is better for you. Even in produce or the meat or seafood section. At most decent stores you can find organic versions of many items and invaribly the organic version is always going to cost you more, although that is largely because farmers have to pay more for organic fertilzers and minerals as well as go thru more regulated steps to be certified as organic. All of it though hinges on the premise though that natural or organic is better, safer for you.

It's been suggested that our lives and lifespans have been improved thru medicine and it's easy to see it that way, the discovery of penicillin alone improved human lifespan significantly. However like pretty much all of western medicine penicillin is based on treating a problem once it's developed whereas proper living in balance with nature is more geared towards avoidng problems. I think that's a big reason why marijuana is not embraced by science as much as other plant based medicines. As I said earlier we're designed from birth to make use of cannabinoids, in fact our first exposure to cannabinoids is from mother's milk if we are fortunate enough to be breast feed growing up. I say fortunate because along with being a source of solid nutrition being breast feed significantly boosts your immune system above that of a non breast fed child. Now I'm not saying cannabinoids play a role in that but it would make sense that they may because other studies have provided strong evidence that marijuana use can help proactively with resisting major illness and the effects thereof with things like cancer or alzheimers. Anyway getting back to lifespan in may ways lifespan has increased and not all by medicine. Technology bringing us things like shelter we can build ourselves in places of our choosing, learning how to plant and cultivate food rather then just roam around looking for it. Being able to refrigerate food and keep it healthy for longer periods. Society and education helped us to live in greater harmony with one another and to give people a way to know things without having to go thru the trial and error of random discovery. All of these things and many others have in my opinion expanded lifespans because people are less defenseless against the challenges that come with life.

Like so many things though we take it too far and like pretty much everything else too much of a good thing can become a bad thing. We seem to constantly strive to make things more and more comfortable and require less effort and as a result we lose out on the things from doing things more naturally. Yeah sure it's great that you can just drive to a nearby store and pick up all the food you need but in the process you lose out on your exposure to the sun from which we photosynthisize vitamin D that is crucial in maintaining many body functions at proper levels, things like heart health and mental health to name some of the bigger ones. We also miss out on the exercise and calorie burning that comes from gathering, growing and hunting your own food. Plus we can indulge more. It's not so difficult to eat beef, pork, chicken, fish, etc if you don't have to catch it, kill it, skin it, and process it before you can cook it. Are you going to eat steak as often if you have to raise the cow and slaughter it when you want steak?

The bottomline is that if we live a normal healthy lifestyle filled with activity, and eat good natural foods, get proper rest and just use a little common sense we can avoid all but those diseases and illnesses that are attributable to genetics. Even then if we educate ourselves to what our genetic limitations are and find ways to minimize or counteract risks such as more cardio vascular activity and a much leaner diet for people with a history of heart disease in the family you can largely avoid heart disease. Actually if you think about it you could also say that modern medicine is in part to blame for these genetic diseases because medicine has helped to keep those lines from being weaned out of the gene pool thru natural selection.

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