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NASA has Released Info on Brown Dwarf Star/Dwarf Planet Between Jupiter and Mars


well who is going to choose to live on the moon when they would face years of rehab to walk when they returned to earth?

well, its an interesting question... maybe paraplegics...
Put it in your time capsule disco, I said it first, it will be a paraplegic astronaut, who first 'lives' on the moon.

Astronauts are freaks anyway, that astronaut chick stalker wearing a diaper so she didnt have to stop driving, highlights my point.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Tomorrow is October 16th. Tomorrow is the day that Elenin comes closest to earth. Except it probably disintegrated a month ago.

One of Elmanito's spooky videos said tomorrow will be the end of the world.

So everybody be careful out there!

...and I'll see you tomorrow. :)


Well said one of the vid said the world will come to an end, but that was not my opinion.Elenin is gone, but was never the Blue Kachina as said in the Hopi prophecy.The Red Kachina is coming what ever it is, but the world will not stop or destroyed, only today's society will come to an end, when we see protests all around the world against the governments and the financial collapse.

The volcano at El Hierro Canary Islands has become active like other volcanoes (Indonesia, Russia, Hawai, Italy etc) and this will cause the mini ice age as predicted


Thanks to BP the sea bottom at the Gulf of Mexico has become very unstable with a high risk of a tsunami like in Japan.Oil is still leaking btw.


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
We're still here! How refreshing!

I'm still taking bets on the idea that the world will end on or before December 21, 2012. Nobody's taken me up on this yet.

I'm betting it WON'T end.


So are we in the clear yet?

Perhaps there was a 'zombie virus' frozen in the comets tail... It melted and we 'swung' right though its debris field...

Im still going to sit in my chair, in front of my front door, with shotgun cocked....



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Hmm... I'm still here. Anybody else get raptured up by benevolent aliens or destroyed by the alien armada that was hiding behind elenin's tail?
what if something happens and it totally turns the dial to a position that leads us to using the rest of out ammo.. that could take 100-500 years.. once thats gone we go back to bows n swords.. middle earth could be the future.. maybe new zealand is the only place that will be hospitable to humans.. what if humans start evolving because of something.. dwarfs, mutated inbred people orcs.. elves and giant nuclear eagles


Hmm... I'm still here. Anybody else get raptured up by benevolent aliens or destroyed by the alien armada that was hiding behind elenin's tail?

Not behind Elenin's tail but the darkside of the moon woehahaha :hide: :biggrin:


Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Change is upon us in the near future, that I am sure of. When and what exactly? I don't know. Enjoy this world while it lasts. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

I'm just glad I've had the opportunity to live and spread positivity. And you should be too :joint:!


if the super nova volcano under yellowstone national park decides to erupt then this discussion is moot.

or the "ring of fire" blows due to "plate" upheaval, kiss your ass goodbye.

got enough to worry you all right here on planet earth, not to worry about whats OUT THERE.

i think gandalf will return and transport us to the land of the elves, hopefully.


also nemesis; now called tyche is supposed to orbit the earth once every 26,000 years not millions and bring a new ice age each time!

im still wondering what happened to pluto?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
also nemesis; now called tyche is supposed to orbit the earth once every 26,000 years not millions and bring a new ice age each time!

im still wondering what happened to pluto?

The 26,000 years matches the precession of the earth (the amount of time it takes the earth to "wobble" 360 degrees back to the same point.)

I have to wonder if what people are ascribing to god's in the sky is not their misunderstanding of the reason of the gradual change in the stars alignment. (The pole star changes roughly every 2,000 years. 26,000/2,000=13. 13 is the original number of astrological "signs." The sun rises into a given part of the sky that is named for a certain "sign" for about 2,000 years and then moves to the next. That's why it's the "dawning of the age of Aquarius" as we are moving out of the "influence" of Pisces. (Jesus fish anyone?)

Me, personally, I don't believe in astrology. I think the stories about astrology had SOME significance (especially in a pre-GPS satellite world) wrapped into stories that helped to entertain, placate and sooth our ancestors. And because having a story makes holding onto and passing that information to your descendants much more likely (without ever writing it down or having read it in the first place since you were likely illiterate.)

IMHO, If there were something out there that was capable of affecting the orbit of pluto (and cause an ice age here) and it was on a return course slated to arrive sometime in the next year, its gravitational effects would have been affecting the orbits of the planets in the outer solar system for a while now.