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Howdy Dude...
I'd never call that a N excess only a week into bloom.

And if you look around the infirmary, you'll see thread after thread of plants plagued with brown spots.

Tough Girl says it isn't just this forum either. High spore count of some fungus is one theory.

In any case...good luck on the reduced nute level. I don't know if I'd drop it that much at this point...but I understand that it's an experiment.


Thanks ET, I think I may have been converting EC to ppm wrong... the breeder recommends EC 1.7 for this strain and I have been considering that 1190ppm on my meter, but I think I just figured out after doing more research that it should show 850ppm on my meter for EC 1.7 not 1190 (I have a hanna-type meter)

It's worth a shot to try it out I'm running out of options lol

Thanks again for your ongoing input
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Active member
Howdy Dude...
I'd never call that a N excess only a week into bloom.

And if you look around the infirmary, you'll see thread after thread of plants plagued with brown spots.

Tough Girl says it isn't just this forum either. High spore count of some virus is one theory.

In any case...good luck on the reduced nute level. I don't know if I'd drop it that much at this point...but I understand that it's an experiment.

'Seems possible, A fungal virus or the like',Sitting on the fence on this one! GooD LucK-I'll be watching............Scroger'
(Maybe next run use a few different control meathods, including 1-treating with a relevent fungicide spray in veg)


I corrected my post. It should have read fungus rather then virus since viruses don't make spores. But unfortunately anti-fungal treatments aren't that great to use for consumables. So it's sort-of a moot point.


Thanks ET,

I already started a seed of a different strain (Burmese Kush) just in case I can't get the El Nino under control... if the lowered ppm doesn't help this youngest El Nino (the Day 7 bloom one) in the next few weeks, I'll probably scrap it and move on... what a shame that would be though.


Active member
It's a fungus, virus or a form of blight (same thing). I've seen it again and again. It hits certain strains 100x harder than others.

Makes me think it's in the dna of seeds from infected moms. So if the mom had it, every seed carries it. But that's an opinion only.

This is an interesting idea. An endemic plant virus or maybe a fungus/bacteria in the environment to which some strains are suseptible. I have been growing for 25 years and have never seen this exact type of progressive spotting. But I've never grown this strain. I wonder if it has to do with poor selection in breeding stock, or ????. I agree it does look like a root drowning problem but the spreading of the spots upwards is strange. Maybe your air pump is dying and slowly drowning the roots? Best of luck solving this.
Ya it might be your spectrum, if it's not lock out maybe it just can't get enough micro nutes! As long as the red isn't wiping off on your fingers, when you rub them...that means it's a rust fungus and a bad disease!

It seems like it's probably lock out, I'd adjust my spectrum of nutrients...sometimes mixing to much can poison, it might not burn what is to much but the other things can't keep up!

It's like eating a big fat cake with a salad, that salad isn't going to make you feel better.


Active member
Hey Guys
There is such a thing as viral spores, thought i'd chime in as it's relevent to the disscussion. i'm checking it out, so it may take a while!!
A Virus in a Fungus in a Plant: Three-Way Symbiosis Required for Thermal Tolerance

Luis M. Márquez,1 Regina S. Redman,2,3 Russell J. Rodriguez,2,4 Marilyn J. Roossinck1*

A mutualistic association between a fungal endophyte and a tropical panic grass allows both organisms to grow at high soil temperatures. We characterized a virus from this fungus that is involved in the mutualistic interaction. Fungal isolates cured of the virus are unable to confer heat tolerance, but heat tolerance is restored after the virus is reintroduced. The virus-infected fungus confers heat tolerance not only to its native monocot host but also to a eudicot host, which suggests that the underlying mechanism involves pathways conserved between these two groups of plants.

[SIZE=-1]1 Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Post Office Box 2180, Ardmore, OK 73402, USA.
2 Department of Botany, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
3 Department of Microbiology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA.
4 U.S. Geological Survey, Seattle, WA 98115, USA. [/SIZE]

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]


Thanks ET,

I already started a seed of a different strain (Burmese Kush) just in case I can't get the El Nino under control... if the lowered ppm doesn't help this youngest El Nino (the Day 7 bloom one) in the next few weeks, I'll probably scrap it and move on... what a shame that would be though.

Burmese Kush sounds interesting. Haven't gotten on the whole Kush thing though I have some master Kush seeds somewhere.

I have a home-made cross of Cali Orange and White Widow...doesn't grow worth a shit. Only plant in my garden showing deficiencies. Time to move on...

So I popped some new seeds too...always fun to start something new. Another home-made cross of Afghan and C-99. I'll just have to try it and see. The C-99 was Reeferman freebies so who knows where the genetics came from.

Scrogger...thanks for correcting me on the spore thing. See...old dogs can learn new tricks.


Sorry i'm a bit Wrecked!!
I'm sure i could of found a better example LOL. Excuse me-!

We are absolutely shocked! Using drugs? None of use would do such a thing. You should be ashamed of yourself... lol


Active member
"NOT DRUGS"oooooooo

"NOT DRUGS"oooooooo

We are absolutely shocked! Using drugs? None of use would do such a thing. You should be ashamed of yourself... lol

Who Said anything about Drugs, i been driving a truck all day, wrecked = I'm very fk'd up-as in Tired, Sleepy, AKA Knackered- 'Na you were right First Time! "YES DRUGS DRUGS" Copius amounts of DRUGS
LMFAO' PEACE.......Scroger(Self Confessed Druggie) Ho Ho Ho......:xmasnut:
(Highonmt Thanks for the interesting link)


wow hard to get answers on sick plants aint it!

everyone says this and that and next thing you know you fukked up your plant!

id go with the scientist on this and clean and rinse and start fresh and see what happens


Ok I've made the decision to try and lower my ppms to about 800 for the next 2 weeks to see how the plants react.

This will probably be accomplished by going back to the Lucas formula, adding about 0-5-10 or 0-8-16 of G-M-B to my 130ppm tap water.

I really hope it helps!!


Active member
Hey Dude,
Just thought i'd mention I always top off using 1/8th strenght solution Using D.W.C. I never get any probs using this formula. My main Res Weekly Change-Out solution however never goes over 900ppm's-1000ppm's Would be the strongest i would go. Always start with a 2-300ppm solution for seedlings and work it up through the growth cycle, 1/8th - 1/6th - 1/4 - 1/3rd Strenght solution('Fully Mixed')and so on. Plants grown in Deep-Water-culture dont need a strong strength nutrient solution as when using other styles of hydroponic growing systems. I dont like the idea of topping off with just plain water(Lucas Formula) as i see far too much of a drop in TDS in solutuion, and too fast a drift down too quickly. 1/8th strength seems to work like clockwork everytime in 'DWC', you still get a slow drift down in ppm's, but this is what i would expect. Hope this Helps'
(You probably know all this, just thought i'd throw it in! 800ppm sounds about right, Saying what i have said i know some strains will take a hell of a lot more nutes than others, so its a case of getting to know your strain
Less=More) 'By the way, my tap has the same base reading as yours 130ppm's=soft- Funny that!