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Naked at the Airport!?!


The Voice of Reason

As we gear up for another holiday season, the Transportation Security Administration has added a new wrinkle: naked travel.

USA Today has just reported that the TSA has purchased “150 security machines at airport checkpoints that enable screeners to see under passengers’ clothes”. These virtual strip searches allow TSA screeners to see detailed images of passengers’ bodies. These machines have been around for a while, but it appears they have gone mainstream. This purchase will “vastly expand the use of the controversial body scanners.”

But it’s not just the program’s expansion that is raising eyebrows. TSA has always maintained that these machines are for secondary screening only, and that no one will have to undergo a virtual strip search. But now the machines will be used in place of metal detectors. Many people will likely go through them without ever knowing that there is a person in the room next door checking out their assets


Active member
I guess at the airport this is ok. Remeber 911? Anywhere else I would be against it all the way.

The question is, where am I going to keep my pot now? I usually Ace bandage it to my leg. O well, shit happens.

I wonder if I will get stopped more often now. I will most likely look like I am trying to smuggle a base ball bat in my pants. =)


Rubbing my glands together
Big Brother turning into peeping Uncle Tom. This really pisses me off. Given the high quality(sic) of gung ho idiots TSA has employed, what gives them the right to look at a persons junk???
Good t see ya H3ad :wave:

Bulldog11-"I guess at the airport this is ok. Remeber 911?"

Yes I remember 911. And I couldn't disagree more with your statement. If they bomb a church and they took a naked look at your goodies everytime you go there is that ok? Grocery store? Movie theater? With this type of invasive gawking, and people like you that say, "At the airport I guess it's ok" Sir, that honestly scares the shit outta me. Maybe the terrorist did win, huh? Just curious, other than your right to privacy, and the privledge we as Americans have to travel freely and unemcumbered within our own borders, what other rights or privledges would you be willing to give up in the name of "National Security"? State border checks when traveling?
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The Voice of Reason
I guess at the airport this is ok. Remeber 911? Anywhere else I would be against it all the way.

The question is, where am I going to keep my pot now? I usually Ace bandage it to my leg. O well, shit happens.

I wonder if I will get stopped more often now. I will most likely look like I am trying to smuggle a base ball bat in my pants. =)

Yeah... I remember 911... The one where the guys hijacked the airplane with box cutters, which were completely legal to carry on planes then.

Remember Benjamin Franklin? He said, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

As a secondary screening measure, maybe...
As a quicker alternative to which one could choose to consent, sure...
As a policy which virtually strip searches every single air traveler, unacceptable.

Not that I care about nudity, I actually try to wear as little clothing as possible when passing thru airport security... It is a matter of principle concerning the continued erosion of personal privacy.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Thats it.... Im comming off my diet and going to try to get a fat as I possibly can! That way they wont want to see my fat ass and I can snake through without losing any privacy! I can be for hire...... to get the goods across...... just tuck em up under one of my folds. There's always a way to beat the system!!!!! :muahaha:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I guess at the airport this is ok. Remeber 911? Anywhere else I would be against it all the way.

The question is, where am I going to keep my pot now? I usually Ace bandage it to my leg. O well, shit happens.

I wonder if I will get stopped more often now. I will most likely look like I am trying to smuggle a base ball bat in my pants. =)

o wel..shit happends?

fuck that. we dont need to check out shoes. we dont need to check out computers or liquids. and sure as fuck they dont need to be xraying us. this over funded under trained agency is acomplete failure much lke home land security. they do not detour terrorists who will always hurt kill and destroy people any way necessary it does not need to be planes. dont be the blind ignroant naive sheep they want you to be.

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Rubbing my glands together
Thats it.... Im comming off my diet and going to try to get a fat as I possibly can! That way they wont want to see my fat ass and I can snake through without losing any privacy! I can be for hire...... to get the goods across...... just tuck em up under one of my folds. There's always a way to beat the system!!!!! :muahaha:
Hum :chin:. I wonder where one could have a surgical storage flap in a fold of fat installed to bypass this problem? hehe

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
No..... seriously now....... Thats jacked up isht. That is such an invasion of privacy, its not even funny. How can they get away with doing that? Im surprized that someone with some athora-tie hasn't put their foot down on this. How rediculous! And for us to not even be aware of this....... Well, I smell a huge law suit if this is used.


just don't molest my colas..
They've been testing these for years already. My local airport is one of the largest and most traveled in the country. It was one of them to get the first 10 that were developed. I'm pretty sure because of the first objections to it they by law have to cover genitals on the screen because of it being a blatant invasion of privacy. I went through one carrying herb tucked under by balls and had no problem. I know this was one of them because it was shaped differently and there was a person sitting at a computer screen right next to it. I think this won't be too big of an issue for us folks used to the process.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
How about this..... different shaped, air tight, flexible containers.... that take the shape to fit best under the nut sack, breast, female crotchal region..... etc. Hmmmm....

Naw..... I'll just get realy realy fat...... wait... I'll have to buy 2 plane tickets then!


Rubbing my glands together
TSA to me....Sir, please step over here and empty your nut sack into this tray please.:muahaha:


I think i saw on the news that you can refuse to go through it, but then you have to be patted down as the alternative.


The Voice of Reason
"Sir, if you won't go thru the Naked Machine, I'm gonna have to ask you to step over here to the 'waiting to be fondled' line"

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