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Naked at the Airport!?!


Listen to me jerky
No matter how tight security can be made there will always be a way around it. Remember, humans are always involved and they my friends are the weakest link.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.....could those machines tell if someone had a kilo of plastique sequestered away within an internal orifice?

...if not then they are pretty useless...
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h^2 O

so what's the deal? it's obviously something for the court to figure out...TSA is like the lowest form of employment on Earth. Our taxes pay their salaries. And they're like scrubs.

h^2 O

.....could those machines tell if someone had a kilo of plastique sequestered away within an internal orifice?

...if not then they are pretty useless...

no there's chemical sniffer things I think now though...like it can detect really low ppm or whatever of like explosive materials. So if you even just touched some and went through it would set it off. I think. I'm all for that machine, but not some 300 pound Consuela looking at my yankee doodle


Rubbing my glands together
.....could those machines tell if someone had a kilo of plastique sequestered away within an internal orifice?

...if not then they are pretty useless...

The metal detectors here also have a sniffer attached to them which samples the air as you pass through. If you touched the explosive in any way it'll pic it up. Now. if someone stretched open said orifice, pushed in 2.2lbs,1 kilo, (ouch!!!) without touching the outer rim of the orifice in anyway, yeah, good chance you could pass. That is unless you fart between time explosives are inserted and going through inspections. Of course you'd have to dig up there for the fuse.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I would be curious to know which airports have these machines. Any idea if there is such a list? Im a frequent flyer, and this kinda realy super sucks.... in a major way..... like realy bad! I dont fly with any isht on me though so Im not worried about anything like that, but I realy dont like the idea of walking through one of thoes.
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Dude as soon as the local airport gets one im strapping a shitload of flour to my torso and walking through that machine. 750g of coke how about 3 kilos of flour bitches!
The metal detectors here also have a sniffer attached to them which samples the air as you pass through. If you touched the explosive in any way it'll pic it up. Now. if someone stretched open said orifice, pushed in 2.2lbs,1 kilo, (ouch!!!) without touching the outer rim of the orifice in anyway, yeah, good chance you could pass. That is unless you fart between time explosives are inserted and going through inspections. Of course you'd have to dig up there for the fuse.

What about adding a drug sniffer to that machine sounds like a plausibility? And what about these guys like david blane and chris angel the could just snap their fingers and teleport a f*ng H-bonb in to the white house... I know its illusions but very good illusion.


Devil's Advocate
The metal detectors here also have a sniffer attached to them which samples the air as you pass through. If you touched the explosive in any way it'll pic it up. Now. if someone stretched open said orifice, pushed in 2.2lbs,1 kilo, (ouch!!!) without touching the outer rim of the orifice in anyway, yeah, good chance you could pass. That is unless you fart between time explosives are inserted and going through inspections. Of course you'd have to dig up there for the fuse.

Let's say you stuffed the plastique up there after a solid enema, fasted for the next day, and took a couple showers before you had to make it to the airport. The explosives would be totally engulfed in your anus, any traces would be washed off, and there's a pretty good seal there, for me anyway.

I think that = blow'd up plane.

Really I think it's all silly. They're happy enough to stop using fucking planes to do the damage. Blowing up a plane or flying it into a building works, but so does placing a bomb in a mall, or going on a shooting spree with a baker's dozen other hadjis in Times Square. I'm down with metal detectors, I'm down with identifying myself, but I do think this is taking it too far. I'm not a fan of the slippery slope argument, because I don't really think it's valid, but I will say that technology, once accepted in one realm, tends to be quickly accepted in other similar ones.


I would be curious to know which airports have these machines. Any idea if there is such a list? Im a frequent flyer, and this kinda realy super sucks.... in a major way..... like realy bad! I dont fly with any isht on me though so Im not worried about anything like that, but I realy dont like the idea of walking through one of thoes.

Not sure if there's a list, but I fly a lot too and I'm starting to seem them all around. They have one in my home airport now, and I've noticed them in a lot of major destinations or international hubs (Miami, Denver, Atlanta, Portland) as well.

Supposedly they have a man in one booth, a woman in the other, and they only send same-sex photos to the matching man/woman, who is some distance away doing the scanning (so they don't see your face relative to your body, etc.).

From a civil liberties/privacy perspective I think it's starting to go a bit too far [c'mon ppl are ppl - you're going to tell me the TSA officers don't get off work and titter about the lady with the 27 piercings??], but I NEED to fly for work so there's no avoiding it.

Now - that said, I've never been pulled for the secondary screening, but I probably don't fit the profile they're looking for.

I've noticed (anecdotally) that most of the people pulled were ID'ed way before they hit the first TSA person checking ID. They sometimes have a "spotter" [first noticed in PDX fairly consistently, but have seen in others sporadically] that will be watching ppl and will whisper to the the ID-checker as the person approaches (their eyes tell you who they're trying to describe, follow their line-of-site as they're whispering).

Single male with a full (albeit close-cropped) beard less than 50?
Single male late teens to 20's - baseball cap, hockey bag?
"Could you step aside sir?"
Female BBW with potential for bra-stuffing (or fold-stuffing if Lil 'o Me stays off her diet :noway: :) )
Female latina's
"Could you please step aside, ma'am?"

Have I _ever_ seen a white guy (or well dressed businesswoman) in a suit in there? Nope. They probably _do_ pull them at less frequency so they don't get called out on "profiling" but not as often from what I see.

Does that mean I'd take a chance and tape a 1/4 to my leg for vacation? Hell no. [And I think they'd see Saran wrap or similar, based on the example shots I've seen].

Since they ask you to spread your legs and raise your arms it would be hard to even do a 'scrote' tuck unless you're sure whatever you're tucking would be in the shadow of your ass from behind. Even larger-topped girls would have to be careful with a chest tuck since they have you raise your arms over your head.

I've also noticed that they've started doing a LOT more 'social' screening as well. Sometimes the same dude (spotter) mentioned earlier will also roam the lines and start 'small talk' conversations. Some of them are good at it [you wouldn't know they were screening you unless you were naturally suspicious or understood the technique], others are just downright awful at it [my god, put someone with a PERSONALITY in this position, please??? This guy could make my momma act nervous]. They're looking for tell-tales, your story doesn't match your luggage/itinerary; Looking for signs of anxiety as you speak to them, avoiding eye contact, trouble remembering details of your trip/destination, too EASILY regurgitating all the details of your trip/destination, etc.
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