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Naked at the Airport!?!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Thought you folk might want to see what "Millimeter Wave Imaging" actually looks like. It's certainly NO X-ray, but it apparently can visualize alot of stuff on the outside of the body between the clothes and skin...it makes organic material effectively translucent.
There are a few ways to defeat this imaging by utilizing common wrapping plastics (saran wrap anyone?). The millimeter waves aren't able to effectively distinguish these materials from skin.

So without further adieu here's what you look like at some of the major airports these days:





The Voice of Reason
Plastics will not work. I saw video of one of the machines clearly showing a plastic lip balm tube in a pocket, and it also detected a ziploc bag filled with water...
If you look closely at that top image, you can even see the tape holding the "750 grams of simulated cocaine" to the abdomen.

and that's a low rez pic...

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
so the best argument they got is we will come wielding 1000 grams of cocaine and a 9mm??

well..i dont have a problem with the cocaine, but wouldnt the metal detectors already pick up the gun and any of the other metal blades...?

sorry, im not convinced in the least this is necessary.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
My thought.... after looking at this.... is to come up with somehting that would run along the seams of your undergarments.


Who cares, some bored TSA person gets to see your Jolly Roger. Draw a funny face on your ass with a Sharpie, make their day. If you don't like it, take the bus.


You know I travel way to often for this crap. I jump through all there hoops and all the airports have different policies. My number one problem is that 95% of the people who work for TSA are total idiots!!! I dont think most of them have a high school degree or have ever had another job.. I could go on and on and on, but I wont. If you work for TSA and your reading this leave my fucking tools alone and quit breaking and stealing my shit...


Listen to me jerky
While I don't really want some random TSA a-hole staring at my junk. I just wonder what the health effects of this contraption are. It can't be very good for you, especially if you travel all the time and have to go through it a bunch.
what if someone had an extremly long wang? would they stop that person and ask them to see it in suspicion its fake? omg its a penis bomb!
this is retarded...kinda makes me want to get elephantitis on my sack and teabag one of the security gaurds....

sometimes people go too far...lol like my post :fsu::muahaha:


The Voice of Reason
Who cares, some bored TSA person gets to see your Jolly Roger. Draw a funny face on your ass with a Sharpie, make their day. If you don't like it, take the bus.

Attitudes like that are how we loose freedoms.
I would bet alot of people here like to travel with contraband which harms or threatens no one. If having liberty eroded doesn't bother you, then that's all good, but some of us believe in the principles on which our country was founded.

Give me liberty, or give me Death.


The Voice of Reason
Who cares, some bored TSA person gets to see your Jolly Roger. Draw a funny face on your ass with a Sharpie, make their day. If you don't like it, take the bus.

Taking the bus will work, until some asshat blows one up.

Convincing you we need these in Airports is just an incremental step toward total government control. Next they'll say we need them at malls and stadiums, to keep people safe... Then they'll convince up we could be safer if we replaced all the 'street cameras' with X-ray cam...

Before long, some govt. employee is watching you walk around naked all day...

Just wait until they start installing the brainwave scanners... If you want your thoughts kept private, take the bus?


I for one am 100% against these machines. Not just because I like to stap a sack to my body when I travel, but for privacy reasosns. I don't want anyone looking at my junk or my wifes breasts. that is just down right un american. I would expect something like this in britan btu here in the US? come on!

guess I will have to put it in my carry on wrapped up with my Dr note.


so these pervs get privacy and no one gets to see them, but they get to see everyone else? :jerkit:

people should start taping giant bags of powdered sugar to their chests and going through the scanners. theres nothing illegal about carrying sugar - not yet at least...

Hum :chin:. I wonder where one could have a surgical storage flap in a fold of fat installed to bypass this problem? hehe

some guy hid a handgun under one of his "folds" and got it into jail before he decided to give it to the cops

danny karey

So, the war on terror is still going strong..............What a bunch of f'n bullshit!!!

You guys in the states lost so much with the patriot act, and it just keeps geting worse...........All for the war on terror wihch was absloute BS to begin with.

I feel for you guys in the states, you guys are losing more and more............and most of the people there think all this freedom loss is a good thing..........It's all about catching those damn Taliban...LOL!!

Land of the free..........LOL!!!



Active member
Whats more scary to me isnt these machines rather that people still think a bunch of dudes with blades had anything to do with 911. wow its 2009 and most ppl have axx to google yeah?

havnt heard the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" for a while. i wonder why no one stoped to think about nagasaki & hiroshima. who was it that did that again??? no wonder its nickname is the "idiot box". ppl are so easy to programe.

i would feel safer on a plane load of guys with knives rather than on a private jet with a bunch of guys in suites


I guess at the airport this is ok. Remeber 911? Anywhere else I would be against it all the way.

Yeah I'm really scared of an asshole with a box cutter. I'm pretty sure people (especially American males) these days would bum rush someone.


Active member
I remember 9-11! That don't mean shit though. We don't need to give up all of our freedoms because of that. I think us losing our freedom over 9-11 is BULLSHIT!

They spy on us in our houses and can scan us naked! How are we free???

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