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My Wife Hates That I Still Smoke ... W.T.F.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
[FONT=&quot]From the day I was brought home from The [FONT=&quot]UCLA Neurology[/FONT] Department at age 9. Having been diagnosed as hyperactive, and prescribed Ritalin, my mother... very ahead of her time, said "fuck that"... and gave me my first hit, of what would be a life long recommendation from her, "Dr. Mom". So that no matter what anyone said, I knew, I was right with the one person that mattered.... mom.

Now at 47, the wife of 15 years...(by the way I use to grow when we first meet in Big Sur Ca.) FUCKING HATES WEED!. So that sense of "no harm" has been replaced with guilt for "needing" to "self medicate" Shit... meanwhile she pumps down Xanax by the fist full while chasing them with a "glass" (or two) of red "whine".

Fucking shoot me! I'm an idiot...:puke:

Got a better story than that ... please share and cheer me up

U need to get yo'self a new lady M-8! :tiphat:
My GF is always complaining about me being on here, "talking with ur skivy stoner friends again?"
:laughing: :underwater:

she thinks growing is cool, and smoking is ok...she not down with it herself...but does not tell me what to do. She is only 28?? Shit; can't remember! :yoinks:

blame the bubble when all else fails...

Anyway, she is alot younger then you or I and she (at her age) knows not to try and change J.C. or she is N.F.L...as in, NOT FOR LONG! J.C. not sticking with any woman that won't let me burn my shit.

Pretty cool shit about ur momz tho.:tiphat: Wish I had that when I was young....


Active member
Women (AND MEN) come and go, (yes even wives/husbands), but weed will be there for you all your life.

Weed never bitches, never complains. Weed will not hold smoking weed against you.....

Tell her (HIM) like it is.

I just felt like sharing/venting....believe it or not, it *can* work the other way too. I'm a woman who has loved pot for decades. The above quote sums up my experience pretty well. My last long-term relationship (12 years before I moved out) was with a guy who was dealing (tiny amounts) when we met. I guess I was fortunate in that he didn't do a Total 180 on me, didn't become "anti-pot", but we argued Constantly because I smoked a lot more than him. (And it definitely was Not the $$, he quit dealing and I bought all the pot for both of us, I was always the one with the money!)

If this had been the only problem between us, I might have stuck around... but there was other shit too.

I'm reluctant to offer advice "from a woman's perspective" cuz, by all accounts I am not a typical woman (I Love football, I Never wanted kids, I'm very low maintenance/thrifty, very happy living alone). In some ways I don't understand the average woman any better than you guys! My guess is that becoming a mother truly changes a person. And really, isn't that understandable? (Big problems can develop when a woman doesn't "mother" her kids)

Well, I'm getting off track here...(wonder why?? :joint::joint: ) Life is short! Your personal happiness matters! I love living alone, there is no one to argue with me about every little thing or Any thing!

I really can't picture myself living with anyone in the future...even a grower, who would try to tell my how to run MY grow...not happening! OK...:rant: time to roll one! ! !


Active member
My wife and I have been married 19yrs. Can ya feel the love? We never had kids, nether of us felt the need. After 5yrs the honeymoon was officially over. We used to talk of moving to cool places opening a gallery or something. Alas she is the type who marries her job, a shit paying job even. One thing leads to another and now im 49 shes 42. Three yrs ago I suggested we by a house in the sun and rehab and sell it. I lived alone in the sun for 2.5yrs “rehabbing the house” cause I couldn’t stand her uptight mentality anymore. She came down to the sun to live this June. Its drivin me up a wall. After 25yrs of not smoking more than once or twice a year I have built a stealth grow box in the garage help deal with it. The point being?

“Men marry women thinking they won’t change. Women marry men thinking they will”. Is it just American women or is it universal?

TO the op I feel your pain. Sometimes its good to just get it off yer back. Good luck.


responding to the original post, i cant help you too much as i am a proponent of spousal defiance.

keep on smokin brotha, your too deep in teh game to stop now, and pill poppers should have nothing to say.

she may be feeling some kinda weird ass guilt or something, who knows


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
[FONT=&quot]From the day I was brought home from The [FONT=&quot]UCLA Neurology[/FONT] Department at age 9. Having been diagnosed as hyperactive, and prescribed Ritalin, my mother... very ahead of her time, said "fuck that"... and gave me my first hit, of what would be a life long recommendation from her, "Dr. Mom". So that no matter what anyone said, I knew, I was right with the one person that mattered.... mom.

Now at 47, the wife of 15 years...(by the way I use to grow when we first meet in Big Sur Ca.) FUCKING HATES WEED!. So that sense of "no harm" has been replaced with guilt for "needing" to "self medicate" Shit... meanwhile she pumps down Xanax by the fist full while chasing them with a "glass" (or two) of red "whine".

Fucking shoot me! I'm an idiot...:puke:

Got a better story than that ... please share and cheer me up

The guilt she shows to you seems to be subconsciously for HER.

To past judgment on one's fault's is like throwing stones in a glass house. I'm guessing she knows this and is why she's acting like she does. if your family is how do they say ,well to do I'm guessing she might feel self entitled to her little zanny fix just like you would be when you go out back or to the garage to self medicate.

Bottom line is she has deeper problems then you smoking weed. I've been with mine going on 3 decades now. She to hates the weed BUT when she really wants a good night sleep she will take a few hits of some Black Domina compared to a Zanny Fake Sleep any day.

You 2 if you want it to work PEACEFULLY you have GOT TO FIND a common ground. What that is depends on you 2 and no one can tell you what it is, seems you have been together long enough to know where to start but yet it also depends on how long ago you 2 took separate paths and how far apart those 2 different paths took you,either way those paths can and will (if you want)cross again but like I said they both need to be on level ground to meet.

My Penny
My wife LOVEs to smoke my fine ganja....but, she does hate me...Im pretty sure of it...Unless she wants money, then she loves me again...YAY Marriage..its so awesome....just kidding.


Now in technicolor
Nobody should be shot.

Slip methylone or MDMA in her drink one day. It'll fix her life!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
"My Wife Hates That I Still Smoke ... W.T.F. "

tell her you will stop smoking when she stops complaining

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