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need advice about my recieved chemdog d cut with TMV symptons


Pull my finger

pic looks alot like mite damage....borg check bro


Maybe so. But it seems like stippling that bad foretells huge webs of heartbreak.

Watch it Dub-T. They can get really bad in like 2-3 days. That is... if you do have the borg.

B.T.W. Floramite and Avid both work but make sure you use it per label. The last thing we need is more "Mendo mites" Resistant to everything.
I'll throw my hat in.

I'll throw my hat in.

I have been dealing with this from day one with chocolope from seeds grown in nothing but pro mix. I am going to go ahead and order that test kit and will post the results. In the mean time, here are a few pics. It doesn't seem to affect overally yield. I only have one grow under my belt but I feel that my results were decent 31z from 7 plants under 1200w hid and 54w lgm led bars. It is also apparent on my pure power mother and clones that are from a freebee seed.

Here are a few pics, there are leaves exhibiting these symptoms on every plant I have - others said it was thrips damage but I have yet to find one thrip or any feces on the leaves.

p.s. - why don't my pics show up in the body of the reply??


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ICMag Donor
I dont think I have TMV or any virus for that matter but here are a few pics, hope you don't mind. The strawberry cough can put out entire single blade leaves with the same white pattern as in the picture.

this is a fab example of what i have seen from seeds beffore,,,,,especialy how its running down one side of the leaf,,,,,,,

if you grow the plant big and nice , it seems to stop showing the leaf pattern....but as soon as you shock her in veg ,she shows the patern in new groth,,,,,for some reason it never effects the flowers

i have no idea what it is,,,,,but ive defo seen it beffore!!
I talked to the expert at the local garden center and he told me that there has been a lot of mosaic virus' around on tomato plants especially.


New member
I have been dealing with this from day one with chocolope from seeds grown in nothing but pro mix. I am going to go ahead and order that test kit and will post the results. In the mean time, here are a few pics. It doesn't seem to affect overally yield. I only have one grow under my belt but I feel that my results were decent 31z from 7 plants under 1200w hid and 54w lgm led bars. It is also apparent on my pure power mother and clones that are from a freebee seed.

Here are a few pics, there are leaves exhibiting these symptoms on every plant I have - others said it was thrips damage but I have yet to find one thrip or any feces on the leaves.

p.s. - why don't my pics show up in the body of the reply??

That is interesting i got this on my femmed chocolopes and ice creams grown from seeds which i bought in AMS last november. I've never had a clone from anywhere and never smoked around my room. I believed it to be some sort of fungal infection. I had one chocolope with nearly every leave affected. I figured i was going to lose everything but just I kept on cloning them since i didn't have anything else to grow. I did have some severe ph problems and other deficiencies during this time though.

I don't keep mothers just clones from the vegged plants before sending them to flower and this last round of plants did not show any signs of the leaf problems. It was also this last round of plants where i finally got my soil mix figured out. Maybe it will show up again.

In the beginning i was assuming a fungal or viral infection but after this last round where none of the plants showed signs I am not sure. Maybe it was a deficiency. IS it possible to get an uninfected cutting from and infected plant or that a plant can fight off the disease?

What i have gotten out of this discussion though is that this symptom can apply to a lot of different causes but in my case its very hard to believe I got TMV.
That is interesting i got this on my femmed chocolopes and ice creams grown from seeds which i bought in AMS last november. I've never had a clone from anywhere and never smoked around my room. I believed it to be some sort of fungal infection. I had one chocolope with nearly every leave affected. I figured i was going to lose everything but just I kept on cloning them since i didn't have anything else to grow. I did have some severe ph problems and other deficiencies during this time though.

I don't keep mothers just clones from the vegged plants before sending them to flower and this last round of plants did not show any signs of the leaf problems. It was also this last round of plants where i finally got my soil mix figured out. Maybe it will show up again.

In the beginning i was assuming a fungal or viral infection but after this last round where none of the plants showed signs I am not sure. Maybe it was a deficiency. IS it possible to get an uninfected cutting from and infected plant or that a plant can fight off the disease?

What i have gotten out of this discussion though is that this symptom can apply to a lot of different causes but in my case its very hard to believe I got TMV.

Whats up highrise, I saw your pics (unless theres another highrise doing chocolope) on another site - beautiful shit! Have you introduced other strains into your room? If so were they affected? I have some Pure Power from a freebee seed and it picked it up too - but it must be resistant to it bc it isn't nearly as bad. But, I really don't like it so I am flowering it all out now.


New member
I just sprouted some new stuff a few weeks ago and so far nothing has shown up but i haven't seen andysigns of it throught the last round which was pulled yesterday. I am not sure if it has gone into remission only to pop up later or if it was a deficiency or what. It never did affect my La Conf just the Ice Cream and the Chocolopes.


found something interesting when i was moving things around. a bubblicious cut i've been running started doing this leaf hook trait thing. typically i've only seen this on the og kushes i used to have.
first time i've seen it on this cut. the clones i grabbed from this cut aren't showing any signs. funny though that i think this run of her is the best so far. mmmm...classic old school fruity/musky herb smell.


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Oh yeah learn to clean your razor blades between taking cutts from each mother plant......I use ether alcohol or Clorox>>>

This is how this shit spread in the first place im betting......Think of it as plant aids..... and Cal mag is THe Aids meds
Feed it heavy doses of calmag and TMV usaully goes away......Kinda like AIDs med for OGz and Chems n White,:2cents:

but how much cal mag can you give? i've been using it for a while at 5 ml/gal + other nutrients for a while, also, my plants were showing the symptoms before i took any cuts, they were from seed, never exposed to any other plants from the outside world.
test results

test results

Well, got a test kit for all tobamoviruses (of which tmv is one) and tested on one leaf that showed obvious symptoms (mottled, twisting etc) and it came back negative! I will test one or two more later but I used two test strips jsut to be sure bc the first one went deeper in the solution than it should have but both were negative.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Here are the viruses that can infect cannabis -

At least five viruses cause problems in hemp: the hemp streak virus (HSV), alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) and hemp mosaic virus (HMV)
(McPartland 1999).


Viruses rarely kill Cannabis. They only exist and replicate in living plants. Viruses can, however, seriously reduce yields. Once acquired, they are nearly impossible to eradicate. Viruses invade all parts of plants. Pollen and seed infections transmit viruses to subsequent generations.
Five viral syndromes are described in the literature. In addition to these naturally-occurring infections, Hartowicz et al. (1971) screened 22 common plant viruses for their ability to infect wild hemp. Over half the viruses could infect Cannabis.
The hemp streak virus (HSV) is frequently cited on fiber cultivars in Europe. Foliar symptoms begin as a pale green chlorosis. Chlorotic areas soon develop into a series of interveinal yellow streaks or chevron-stripes. Some-times brown necrotic flecks appear, each fleck surrounded by a pale green halo. Flecks appear along the margins and tips of older leaves and often coalesce. Streak symptoms predominate in moist weather, flecks appear during dry weather. Leaf margins become wrinkled and leaf tips roll upward, leaflets curl into spirals. Whole plants assume a "wavy wilt" appearance.
The hemp mozaic virus (HMV) has been described on fiber cultivars in Europe and drug cultivars in Pakistan. Symptoms were described as a gray leaf mosaics. Three other viruses have been cited on European hemp—the alfalfa mozaic virus (=lucerne mozaic virus), cucumber mozaic virus, and the arabis mozaic virus. Many insects transmit these viruses as they feed from plant to plant. According to Ceapoiu (1958), the worst vectors of Cannabis viruses are bhang aphids (Phorodon cannabis), greenhouse whiteflies (Trialeudodes vaporariorum), onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) and green peach aphids (Myzus persicae).

Tom Hill

Active member

What strain/clone was this test performed on? Anyway, feels good to know for sure I bet. Congrats for taking the initiative to set aside speculation and find out for sure on your own.

VenturaHwy, more viruses can infect cannabis (eg, Kegler & Spaar '97 found at least one Hartowicz said did not, and further that it seemed line dependent), but I think it much rarer than the general thought as of late on the boards.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
but how much cal mag can you give? i've been using it for a while at 5 ml/gal + other nutrients for a while, also, my plants were showing the symptoms before i took any cuts, they were from seed, never exposed to any other plants from the outside world.

All plant virus can be passed on in seed, or pollen for that matter, the mum of your seeds must have carried it.

Edit, @ Overmyhead, I see your test results now, should have read all the thread first :wallbash: so, maybe not in your case but it can be carried this way.
Tom, thanks, the strain tested was chocolope, i got them as seeds from dna, the originals showed the same symptoms - these current ones are my first set of clones from the seedlings. I also have pure power from g13 that are showing the symptoms but not as bad. Still haven't tested any other specimens yet. I am relieved on one hand but even more frustrated on the other hand because I still don't know wtf to do! I love the chocolope but really don't want to have them pass this on to any other plants I decide to try too. I.e. I have some strawberry cough seeds that I really want to do for anxiety and some alaskan ice from a hermie branch on my first grow. Btw, I had two phenos of AI - and they didnt show the symptoms at all, they were the EASIEST plans of all but I just didnt get any cuttings to clone - I was an idiot and had an only the strong survive mentality with my first attempt at cloning. I filled cups with moist pro mix and stuck the cuts in it, only three of 16 made it.


The Voice of Reason
... IF there was legalization then a lot of the forum chatter would disappear because some simple testing would clear many things up. a lot of urban legends would be dis-proven...then canna growing might become as boring and uncontroversial as raising tomatoes.


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