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I also want to say how stiff these plants are getting already at such a small stature with the daily rough housing they recieve, they stand back up within the hour now and at full attention within 2, pretty neat. Med Man Massaging!


Active member
Any suggestions on when a good time to take clones will be?

When they're 3 times bigger then that.

Take atleast 4 clones off each, throw the would be moms into flower.

This will will allow ya to;

a) see how each plant grows
b) give you the time you need to beef up the clones of the pheno you want for the next run.
c) still give a respectable return as far as bud production
d) tell what clones to toss, as by the time the cuts are rooted properly the moms will have indicated sex.

Plants look good. My RSK's have just broken soil so I'm not to far behind.



When they're 3 times bigger then that.

Take atleast 4 clones off each, throw the would be moms into flower.

This will will allow ya to;

a) see how each plant grows
b) give you the time you need to beef up the clones of the pheno you want for the next run.
c) still give a respectable return as far as bud production
d) tell what clones to toss, as by the time the cuts are rooted properly the moms will have indicated sex.

Plants look good. My RSK's have just broken soil so I'm not to far behind.


That is some excellent advice 5th, I really appreciate it...I have you by a month on the RSK and Woolybear has me by about a month, lets hope we all get that killer pheno we all want, I'd say the same pheno but we all might have different tastes :peacock:


A quick peak into tent today gave me a very nice surprise....my single PPK seems to have bushed up quite nicely. Woke up in the middle of the night to quite an odor coming from my little plants...so much so had to turn on the carbon filter....let me just say that when I say "Woke up in the middle of the night" it really means "My wife kicked and elbowed me till I got out of bed to check the smell"


More lights and space please...see at least I am learning something everyday...this would get pretty boring otherwise....I turned the light up to 450 watts and so far so good...does bring my temps up to 84f with about 50%rh...I gotta watch when watering not to splash the leaves.....ugly burns


Sorry for lack of updates to anyone perusing this thread....been out of town for work..potted up to 2 gallon pots.....totally unhappy with happy feog. It's causing weird ph issues in the routine....thoroughly flushing tonight with PhD water hopefully it corrects the issue..Will post pics and updates tonight when I get home for from work..


So found the ph issue right after I posted the last update....while away had the wife water the plants.....she used bottled water for nearly 2 weeks.....ph of 3.4.... if anyone is read I ng this would flushing and watering with the right ph correct my ph in the rootzone


Well-known member
If the wife did not kill them she did a great job.:)
When you leave town this is what happens and this to shall pass.


Awesome thx guys you know how us new dad's tend to worry....she did an ok job I guess after some serious reading up on ph I am becoming even more addicted to this hobby...should have a second setup tent/light. And a 3rd for veg with a mh but those are plans for the next few months...shame I'm not far from retirement or I might consider this hobby as a new career path! Pipe dreams of being el padroni and all


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
plants always smell most at night time



Finally getting home after a very long month at a job site....my wife has done a pretty good job while I was away this time, its currently day 22 of flower.

I have 3 female rockstars, #2, #3, #4, 3 and 4 seem similar, but 2 looks like it has a lot more bud sites and overlapping branches...

I have 1 ConKushion female, of the 3, 1 male and 1 died to a weird stalk mutation, but the female I have is a very nice looking plant, and my wife says cloning was very simple (her first experience) 100%

The 1 WCSD was a male, it was SMELLY and I know I should have kept it but not in the cards this time..

The PPK is a Female (yay) a stalk rub smells as sour as the diesel so I'm guessing a green pheno by what I've read....pcs in a few hours when lights come on!


Well-known member
Sounds like your having great luck with all your ladies. The misses did well by your stable of med Girls it seems.
Through up a pic or two when your settled in.
I went up to Pei recently and my queen ran the show while I was out of country:biggrin:


Sorry for the loss of this thread and lack of pics, had a fire while I was out of town for work (unrelated to the hobby) lost EVERYTHING and have been living out of a hotel for the last 2 months, I suppose the silver lining is that it was so hot everything was unrecognizable....they assumed it was DJ equipment.....L O L

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