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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor

great success




great success


thx man, I only see the ones that don't make it as failures if I don't learn what I did wrong. tbh I'm just hoping for a girl I can mom for a spell. That way if I mess up I can atleast start over fairly easy.. reading up on your tables now man, and it makes me say "YOU NEED MORE SPACE" but my hands are tied (as in, my balls will be removed when I sleep) *sort of* stealth till I can get them married off/moved out :)


Day 11: (Another & Last Update for the day) since I would like to be as accurate as possible with everything so I can duplicate the good stuff, added 2oz of water and SMALL amount of Maxigro and Cal/Mag+....314ppm according to my meter...my tap water is always 5.9-6.3 pH......in this instance it was 6.1pH....I almost feel like a real scientist! or atleast a nerd


Well-known member
Indoor growing is a lot like working in a lab. There is definitely a level of intelligence and care.

Ok Nerdy:wave:


Indoor growing is a lot like working in a lab. There is definitely a level of intelligence and care.

Ok Nerdy:wave:

I totally agree there, I'm horribly anal about cleaning and keeping it organized, knock on wood I believe that, and the daddy long legs community in my area have kept me pest free rolling on 8 months now. but where I live it never really warms up enough for long enough to create serious problems with bugs I think. And now I'm rambling.. :dance013:


Day 13 (lucky #!)

The rockstar is starting to stretch a little towards my CFL, if they get to spindly before repot I will support with toothpicks, but should be ok....gave the plants their first "Med-Man Massage" which as it turns out by blind luck I've done it on one of my original 3 plants (bagseed) and I remember how SOLID the entire plant felt, so from this day on, it will become part of my regular routine..the tops of the soil were getting pretty dry so I gave a little misting of 6.3pH tap water (bubbled for 24hrs) and Cal/Mag+. How soon is to soon to put them under a MH?


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I would throw em under the MH once the plants have a couple sets of leaves



Well-known member
Keep up the great work

Keep up the great work

I use a 125 watt cfl and when my plants have fully rooted my keg cups I repot into 1.5 gallon and change lights to a mh cool tube. I set my watts at 200 to start and up the wattage as plants get larger. Basically they tell me when they want more light. I don't push any thing. Light water or fertilizer. I do give them as much time as they want.
Well when veg is over my MH light is at 600 watts. I end veg based on the root mass and other Variables strain related.


Hope it helps a bit. By the way stop staring at your plants:canabis::watchplant:


Its hard not to watch them with the wife and kids always hogging up the TV all the time! Atleast my slow and steady approach is not the wrong way :)

I use a 125 watt cfl and when my plants have fully rooted my keg cups I repot into 1.5 gallon and change lights to a mh cool tube. I set my watts at 200 to start and up the wattage as plants get larger. Basically they tell me when they want more light. I don't push any thing. Light water or fertilizer. I do give them as much time as they want.
Well when veg is over my MH light is at 600 watts. I end veg based on the root mass and other Variables strain related.

View Image

Hope it helps a bit. By the way stop staring at your plants:canabis::watchplant:


Day 18...

Had to repot the 4 rsk and unfortunately 1 Conk.....going to use 6 x 6 x 6 fps...filled with happy frog soil. Will post up pictures after complete..


Well-known member
Hey Phat sounds like you lost one of your solders. What happened?
Any how I wanted to talk to you about Happy Frog soil. I just happened to use this soil because of availability and cost and it seems to have s good nutritional base. It just that the ph levels are very low. My guess its the peat they use. That being said what I do is add Agricultural or Dolomite lime to my Soil before repotting. If you are finished repotting you can amend soil by adding to soil topically.

Just a suggestion.


Lost the soldier to a curious kitty :( Yeah, I've noticed the runoff I've had from previous uses tends to be around 5ish , I'll experiment with a little pH variance by adding a little extra silica....worst thing that happens is I might learn something! I am a huge fan of dolomite lime generally, just been so busy with work and getting kids prepped to goto college i'm stretched incredibly thin.....however 1 out 1 to go! (kids) their rooms might make good nurseries!


oh yeah forgot those pics, will upload them when I get home..I did order some more beans to go with my Conk/RSK.....WCSD, PPKx2, MedMans Master Kush and Med Mans Headband, will pop a few of those here and there as I'm hoping to get lucky and find some mamas that I can keep for a time..thx again pH-Patrol!


Repotted Pot!

Repotted Pot!

Day 20:

Well, repotted the ones I could....and by magic happenstance another RSK and 2 ConK seedlings appeared (started on 7/28 by another but extreme sudden change in circumstances so here they are :) )

They are all repotted into FFHF, the 2 conk and 1 rsk that were added were started directly into FFHF and seem to have no complaints in their 2 weeks of life.... Now if we could develop a light that will force a plant to grow and be done within a day......

the 8 plants have been placed under a 300w MH (600w adj. turned to 50%) for the time being, after a day no ill effects as of yet.


yes I know wires are in view but not in the way as of yet, and I have to delay those finishing touches till i'm finished with a work project....boo

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey phatlewtz

Nice thread and grow
I've been a fan of med man for a while now

I would use cfl during the veg period but like to use a hps for flower.

I'll be staying tuned


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