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My personal 'Double-Secret Probation" TINCTURE Recipe

order 66

the cherry idea is famous in the southeast as a delivery mechanism for homebrew moonshine -- moonshine cherries are quite famous


I tried this yesterday... i drank 3/4 of a shot in one gulp. Took about 2 hours to take effect but It was like i was knocked out with a 2x4. I was also battling a chest cold and all i wanted to do was lay in bed and watch tv.. Ended up falling asleep early and had some really bizarre dreams.



Anyone else have a good experience with this recipe? Sounds cool and makes perfect sense as to why it would work. Just wanted to hear from some more folks.
Great thread Quigo.


I tried some more of this last night. I have been battling a chest cold and had some body aches so thought maybe this would help. I drank a full shot and its been aging for 2 weeks. God, i was so high i thought I would die. Not sure what the difference is between my last 2 samples and this one but I lay in bed because i couldnt figure out what to do with myself. Had anxiety and felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. (I think this was my imagination). I lay in bed and watched bizarre movies in my head for like 2 hours before I drifted off. I wanted to go to sleep because i felt like I was too high. I will definitely have to lower the dose next time.


New member
Okay so I'm definately going to try this... I have made and used Salvia tinctures before and they were very effective except that in my experience there are no side effects from the alcohol which I really like. I'm not very big on drinking. Is this tincture similar? Cause I'd love to have the herbal effects, its just that the booze doesn't do much for me in terms of enjoyment.


felt like i was mildly tripping with the movies in my head... I had no control of the content.. I had taken a miniscule ammount more then i had taken before. I started thinking i had gotten this chest cold about the same time I had started experimenting with the tincture and maybe I was poisoning myself.. not a good thought at the time... lol


Custom User Title
lol wow that sounds like crazy stuff. I can't wait to try this out! So I figure there's about 30oz in a 750ml thing of Bacardi 151, so that's about 30 doses according to the couple things I've seen here, maybe more. Not bad at all for 9 grams of bud and a $22 bottle of rum.

I usually smoke about a half gram per sitting, so this would let me use my bud much more efficiently, I am really looking forward to testing this out.

Hm... so since you evaporate some of the alcohol, does the THC that has bonded to it (that's how it works, right?) evaporate as well? Any simple way to catch the steam so it condensates back into the jar?
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Dr. Dank

Active member
ive decided to give this a try, will report back in a few weeks what i think...first two pics are of the goods..10 grams of white rhino, last pic is after mixing

cheers everybody

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
I like to use dry sieve resin for making tinctures, the plant leaves a horrible taste and all that chlorophyll isnt that good anyway, how many of you guys get it dark brown? Mine is always golden, like honey oil mixed in alcohol.

Dr. Dank

Active member
Farmer John said:
I like to use dry sieve resin for making tinctures, the plant leaves a horrible taste and all that chlorophyll isnt that good anyway, how many of you guys get it dark brown? Mine is always golden, like honey oil mixed in alcohol.

yeah i thought about using kif, but the original author of the thread mentions the rum clearing as you age it...will see what happens...regarding the drip method to remove small impurites after setteling, i think a siphon would work bettor if your careful not to disturb the mix. if you have a lab equipment a sepratory funnel would be ideal



Custom User Title
Has anyone used watercured buds? That should eliminate the taste. Some people might like that, others might hate it.

Dr. Dank

Active member
thanks quigo....im really hoping this works out for me becuse i have a pinched nerve in my back and when i smoke to much and cough it hurts like hell....oh yeah also i hate cannabutter and love rum & cokes so i have high hopes...i just got a volcano and ill be damned if it dosent make me cough harder than a joint does



I saved the strained material, roll up the coffee filter after squeezing all the liquid out and keep it in a plastic bag in the freezer. Monday, my g/f banged and cut her knee.. she was in alot of pain and ice wasnt helping. We used the poltise and she had relief in about 15 minutes.. her pain went away and her knee felt numb.

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Ok, so when it clears does it leave a brownish residue on the bottom? Does it really taste good to you? I know how its done and like the taste ok but that murky brown mucus isnt good at all, i'd say its plant matter and chlorophyll but if one likes it then so be it, just my opinion and it works really well both ways, but I tend to use 80+% or straight 90+% pure alcohol not mixed stuff like rum...

The Bastard Brewer

Bastard Brewer
This thread sounds interesting and I think I'll give it a go BUT I have a couple of questions.
1. isn't this just the old jamacian recipe for making hash oil?
Place a load of weed in very strong rum and leave to soak .
Remove weed ,strain out all the fluid and heat off the alcohol.
What remains is Hash oil.
2.Cooking the alcohol is just going to evaporate the alcohol and this can be dangerous in a badly ventilated room(explosions etc.) and I don't think cooking has much effect on the THC or does it?
I found for my brewing purposes that Ice washing the weed and using that solution is better for working with alcohol as it cuts down on vegitable matter in the brew which can lead to bad flavours.But if you have nothing but quality weed that might be different.I tend to used trim.

Another easy recipe for quick effect/pain relief is

Nice dried bud /nice piece hash about a generous joints worth
a pint of milk
Mars bar
sugar/instant coffee/cinamon/hot chocolate

pour milk into pan and warm(DO NOT BOIL)
Add hash/bud and mars bar and stir until disolved
Add optional extras for taste.
Now drink
Great for late nights or cold days