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"My newest creation" 3 rooms 4200w recirculating deep water culture:)


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Heya hygradechronic nice to see you over here on icmag,Thanks for stopping by the thread hope all is well your way.

Until next time be safe and take care :)


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Ok i have them re/arranged and the males out of the way here are some descent shots i'll get some better ones tommorow :)



Lookin gr8 Blaze! Nice canopy bro...the ones that are tallest seem to be on the edge mostly so they'll get some fat colas gettin the vertical light I bet...looks clean as usual lol...things are goin' well on my end man....in fact I'm off to the smoothest start ever...with no meters lol...lucky so far...strain I'm growin is a slow grower...I've got 3 of my 4 DWC girls rooted in the rez...waiting for the one runt (why is there always that ONE slow one? lol)...anyways great show man keep it up...nice to have some grows to check out (especially DWC)....thx for providing a good one

love the sig man...right on bro



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So glad you are finally getting things flowing bro,Hope to see some beautiful ladies from you.

Until next time be safe and take care :)


grow looking good blaze...

did you have that tutorial that you just put on og saved?? that sucks, right after you put it on


Nice to see the setup again.

Nice to see the setup again.

Hey there.

Hey vt :wave:

I was the guy concerned about clogging of the drainhole on OG:chin:.

Gave up the recirc after making a shopping list: very broke and would have to spend atleast $80 for all the fittings:badday:
Danggit i love your setup and wanna copy it.
Maybe next time when i harvest more than needed for personal stash..:woohoo:

Did you do something about the possible clogging or just kept things the way they where? I wish i could have made the buckets with my solution for it (can make 1 but what good will it do when im unable to test it?

Last grow (harvested 4-02-06) was very dissapointing. The buds didn't pack on much weight and yield was on the low side. Dunno but after discovering seeds in the samplebuds already i think i grew * hermies besides some toxity on K which caused alot of other probs..

Never gonna do that again.. getting clones instead of using my own super healthy ones :bat:

Gonna keep an AK mum for clones and pollinate some buds with ICE for breeding:canabis:

Funny thing, well not that funny but still...


After making icehash i made cannabutter from the remains.
Used a fork to mix the trimmings with the butter in the pan.
This fork laid on a plate in the sink.

1 of my cats was "hungry" and licked off the butter that was on the fork without me knowing it:yoinks:
Later that night, before going to bed i found my cat sitting in the hallway staring into nothing completely numbed and it stayed that way for 2 days.
She responded but she was so spaced out that she couldn't react any further than raising her head or moving her ears. I had to carry her around and be around her all the time to reassure her everything was ok.
She's still abit nervous but luckily everything else is ok:tongue:

Boy did she have a trip:wink:


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Sure didn't man lost all the pictures to it as well.I delete all pics from my pc and all that after posting them incase i was to be busted so they cant link me to the pics.I also delete all pics of my camera as they are posted.Thanks for stopping by thats ok i will rebuild a better tutorial here on icmag.They can knock us down but we will get right back up.


No i have no need to do so this is just a break everything in run and i also want a clog a few to see how good it works.Im not growing them quite big enough to need to worry or take the extra precaution of putting the screen over the return line.Though i may just make that a part of the next build.Its extra insurance lol.I did think about it on this run but left it out as these plants will never be trees just nice bushes.I only have 4-5ft vertical space to wrok with so not going to be any 7-8ft ladies in here lol.Either way nice of you to stop by hope all is well.

Until next time be safe and take care.


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Nope i topp off with ro water throughout the week and do weekly drain/changes of nutes thats all...


Hi BOU :wave:

Was watching ya show over on OG, glad I'll be able to keep on watching and learning here at ICMag.

btw - a couple of quick questions while I'm at it.

Do you run fresh outside air into your airpump boxes? If so (and I know you have your environmetal shit down anyways) have you noticed cooler res temps from pumping cool air instead of hot air into the buckets?

Second q. I know you had to start from seed again due to some unfortunate circumstanses. What ppm do you use for your seedlings? And how quickly do you increase?

Anyways, as usual, Love your set-up, one of the best shows going at the mo imo.


Anyone know what happened to Joe Croe? I'm running my first mediumless dwc, and would like to ask him a couple of qs.


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Yeah i have my pumps hooked up to fresh outside air.The fan is pulling frsh air from the window blowing it to the pumps.

Yeah it does help a little not a whole lot but helps keep the chiller from running as often as usuall.


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Well soon as they are transplanted into the system i give them a feeding i have to check what i have written down but its around 400ppm and then i increase weekly by 100-200ppm...
Hey blaze things are looking good on your grow. I have a couple quick questions hope you have the time I know people are glued to your grows and ask tons of questions so i know its time consuming for you. I've been testing my 6 bucket tree style system for about 6 days now I got 6 seedlings popped and getting ready to transplant in another 4-7 days waiting for a little more developemant. Are there any techniques you use to transplant with as little stress as possible. My seedlings are in rapid rooters under floros. i was thinking of spraying them with vita grow anti wilt transplanting them into the 8" pots with lava rock and I left my drip lines a little long so I could run them to the plants until roots have established them selves to contact the water. I Not sure if this will slow down root developement becuase doing this might not make them as eager to get down to the source. This is just an idea, however I'm open to any suggestions considering your experience with this system. Thanks again for your help, and your plants look really healthy :joint:


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Sticky Icky

Sounds good just make sure the drip line is directly underneath the roots and rapid rooter.If you put it above them you may end up with stem rot.So keep the feed line under the rooter...


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Got to change nutes later today,Got 1 side of the room tied up and ready for flower i'll get the other side tied up after i change nutrients tommorow.

Other than that pistols are forming buds are soon to come,Whoever ask me a while back to get pics of my feed line hooking into the 1/2" tubing i will post them pics for you tommorow...



Lookin great Blaze! BTW dont use the plastic 1/2" lines lol. Found out that it leaks. Thanks for recommending the soft line blaze!