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my new bubblegum thread.



i am starting this tread to put pictures of my bubblegum pictures .they are
from seriou8s seeds .i have 3 plants in flower now and their is one short squat
indaca plant that smells just like bubblegum ..



this is better pictures i will be adding more pictures as it goes .

some are being tied back and some will be grown as a bush.

i am thinking of building a base so i can add chicken wire and make individual scrogs .ao i can keep my sativas along the out side.



these serious bubble gum are very vigorous .some of the most i have grown. just the size of the trunks tell me their going to be big yields on these babies .

i might have to keep a mother out of this batch as i took clones from all of these but seeing as they are ibl s i will make some crosses with them.
and the 2 that fit so well in growth a vigor is sourdog by jlp(sd xogbx1)
and bubblegum it would make for a good cross.




I tried the bubblegum in amsterdam quite a few years back but ive yet to grow some, real nice toke and good strength, yours look great man, bests with progress



nice plants dan, i´m curious to see how your bubblegum comes out ! watch for a pheno with really fat and short hairs, it´s my personal favorite ...

our kid

serious bubblegum ive got 2 inveg rihgt now going into flower tomorow along with 3grapefuit female seeds get some pics up soon as cheers our kid


this is some more shots of my bubblegum by serious seeds there is on that is a more sativa pheno with a 3 times her stretch when put in to 12-12.i think she is slowing down now and putting on the early buds . i hit them with some Indonesian bat guano to set the bud .and by the looks of it it worked good they all are stacking their bud real good. i will update weekly till harvest.





MOneYMiKe where did you get your bubblegum.or is it clone only .where ever you got it looking dank .i made this thread for any one that has grown bubblegum .it is not any up to date grows of the bubblegum strain . or many classic strain grows . their are some old posts from back when bog was making his bubblegum strains but his is no longer available. i want to cross serious seed bubblegum to a sdog by jlp (sd x ogbx1) i think it would make a good cross. i have 4 of each .so just looking for the male that i never seem to get about all of my plants turn female.i have bad luck with finding males.i did get a kalimist male but i killed it. keep them cumming gang i need all the info i can get on the bubblegum strain.


dan woody said:
MOneYMiKe where did you get your bubblegum.or is it clone only .where ever you got it looking dank .i made this thread for any one that has grown bubblegum .it is not any up to date grows of the bubblegum strain . or many classic strain grows . their are some old posts from back when bog was making his bubblegum strains but his is no longer available. i want to cross serious seed bubblegum to a sdog by jlp (sd x ogbx1) i think it would make a good cross. i have 4 of each .so just looking for the male that i never seem to get about all of my plants turn female.i have bad luck with finding males.i did get a kalimist male but i killed it. keep them cumming gang i need all the info i can get on the bubblegum strain.

nice invite dan, so here is my bubblegum (rest of the plant is still in flower):

preharvest @ 8-9 weeks

same plant @5-6 weeks
Last edited:


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
dan woody said:
MOneYMiKe where did you get your bubblegum.or is it clone only .where ever you got it looking dank .i made this thread for any one that has grown bubblegum .it is not any up to date grows of the bubblegum strain . or many classic strain grows . their are some old posts from back when bog was making his bubblegum strains but his is no longer available. i want to cross serious seed bubblegum to a sdog by jlp (sd x ogbx1) i think it would make a good cross. i have 4 of each .so just looking for the male that i never seem to get about all of my plants turn female.i have bad luck with finding males.i did get a kalimist male but i killed it. keep them cumming gang i need all the info i can get on the bubblegum strain.
cut form........she is very intense........and verrrry tasty............MOneY

our kid

bubblegum serious seeds

bubblegum serious seeds

started flowering my 2 bubblegum with my 3 grapefruit 2 day of 12/12 cant wait to see some of this again :jump: mmmm some of my last run love this girl

just a couple shots from last run cant wait bye our kid still to take some pics of the 2 bubblegum serious seeds in flower cab asap our kid :rasta:


thanks all.
LifeLess is that the original from Indiana it looks good is it frosty i cant see for the pictures.

our kid how was the smoke on your serious seed version .i have one that is stretching like made more sativa but i am falling in love with them as far as ease of growth.
and if it has good yield i think i will keep a mother around for a while .
ourkid how is the yield on your plants./?


today was harvest-time for 1 of my 3 ladys ... talking about bagappeal she would be the winner ... nice bubblegum´s all, this will be an interesting thread !


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