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my life is at stake..help?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
army travel to far distant exotic lands meet ppl and kill them
same for marines
navy = never again volunteer yourself

air force aim high in the rear with the gear

i'm ex us army armoured cav drove M60A3 tanks and M113A1 ITV's, shot a tow missel in 1981 shot alot of cool weapons.


ICMag Donor
I can say this regarding the military. My son left a boy on his first tour in Iraq. He came back a man. I guess watching your friends die will do that to you. He said it really put life into perspective.

He's now on his third tour, this one for 15 months. I hope he comes home and it's his last....


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Sorry, my life doesn't revolve around weed. Just start an ebay business that you don't have to declare on your taxes. Oddly, the best markup I have seen was from Baby Phat clothes that I bought from Macy's on clearance. That said, I have no interest in it, yet other folks do. I have no kids. I am not fashionable. Free Market Capitalism is awesome!

More than one way to get to the next level,,,

here is one that works for a hella lotta peeps - it's paying my bills now - that and unemployment,, AGAIN! OK, that said,,

When I was your age - and in about the same position, I joined the Navy. Did a lot to make me into who I am - and during times of lay-off I still have medical. And a grave for when I'm done. So it's something that has benefits.

That said - when I was in - there was no testing for pot. - my military career would have been substantially different if cannabis testing was available then.

Would I do it again?
As long as I can take my doberman and my motorcycle. -- little hard on ships - but not impossible

Had some buddies that pretty well fucked up ther rest of thier lives goin AWOL and such - that would not be wise.

You gotta put up with a lot of BS - but then again - that is kinda life training.

You will make friends that you will never see the likes of again.

Like much in life - a little good and a little not-so-good.

As to moving to kali land and being a grower - there are a bunch of peeps here asking that same question - and a few peeps already living there.

Nothing worthwhile is easy - and you prolly wouldn't like the results if it was easy.

If you do go milatary - I'd go for job training for something you really like with a civialian career path - and do it better that anybody.


hazy, majpot, jj, and rocky....really strong ass words..specially comin from such experienced growers..
JJ ur son made it this far ,sure he's doin his thing and will find his way back..

hazy no offense taken this war is not under quite the same circumstances ,doesnt really represent a thing,but here we are...

rocky i have considered the navy ,staying on the water for long periods of time is just brutal though not entirely sure if its for me

antimatter.if you have nothin positive to say ,or atleast educated negative criticism. theres no reason to post. Im guessing you live in the US and are one of these people I speak of. Just like the hippies during the vietnam war, troops coming back after fighting for YOUR freedom ,getting shunned by their own. Im sorry, I am not looking to get this thread closed so I will refrain myself.


"we went down to georgia, and we met the morgans team.... we humped all over darby...and we smoked the darby queen....well dontcha shed me no tears....i dont want ur Sympathy..... cause a airborne ranger is all ill ever be....."

Truth is man... ranger school will teach you more about ur self in 90 days than any college could in 10 years....
Joining the service is like volunteering to a 4 year sentence at a posh prison.
Once your in, you must wait for parole, or you must escape (AWOL).
Having said that, I was 4yr ARMY, hospital corp. After basic and your MOS training, and if you stay clean, use your grow knowledge.
Get a studio Apt and grow. Just stay clean for 4yrs sell to the 25% of military that does smoke, and when you get out, you can be very rich. :joint::2cents:


Im in the same boat as u man. Except im already in LA, and I can tell u that unless u have at LEAST several grand for startup u probly wouldnt make it. U can still sell a pound of top grade to a dispensary for about 3k. Thats IF they will buy it because alot of dispensaries r starting to grow their own. JOIn the friggin military, Ul be proud u did. And when u get out, pot should be legal and if it isnt, ul have money for a startup grow.. Just keep in mind that IN LA u will have to deal with HEAT issues.. There is still money to be made out here tho.. thats for sure


Registered Non-Conformist
Couldn't pay me enuf to join the Military. Institutionalized dehumanization. For some, that is just what the Dr. Ordered.....

In regard to coming out to Ca and becoming a successful grower.... With no funds, forget it.

With Funds, may have a 1 in 10 chance. Things are not at all rosy.... No one makes it easy for a person, especially a new emigrant. Except the Grow stores, of course, they will be happy to take all your money....

Good luck, regardless, sincerely.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Well DonChron, it seems everyone has an opinion about this!

But back to your original question...my answer would be to find something alternative to do and slowly build up to your goal of moving to Cali and becoming part of the medical movement...are you a medical patient or just want to be a grower making lots of fast cash ?

There is a future here for medical growers, but unless they completely legalize the stuff here (50 - 50 chance either way - and not here yet!), there will always be hassles for commercial growers.

The myths of moving to Cali and becoming a milionaire pot grower are endless...seems anyone who bought a copy of the Cervantes "Bible" (designed by Payaso) has succumbed to this dream. Perhaps we make it seem all to easy to be an indoor grower?

I do sympathize with your dilemma, but staying in school and pulling that grade point average back up would be the wiser thing to do with longer lasting benefits for you into the future...

This thread is not about the war, it's about the economic draft being imposed upon our youth as a way of filling the ranks of the troops needed to impose the New World Order.


You really think they will let you out when the contract is up? hahaha...

If you really need a place that will give you food and shelter and training... look into the Job Corps.


ICMag Donor
My son got out, spent 6 months looking for a good job. He found one but was laid off after 4 months. He then re-enlisted suppossedly to be a heavy equip operator in the rebuilding. So far, since going back he's been wandering the mountains of Afghanistan as a platoon leader, supposedy "temporary". Needless to say he's getting frustrated......


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep, way too many folks movin out here thinking it's a green rush, only to find out nobody works with outsiders. Basically, the gravy train is already going full speed, and it ain't stoppin for new passengers.


Active member
antimatter.if you have nothin positive to say ,or atleast educated negative criticism. theres no reason to post. Im guessing you live in the US and are one of these people I speak of. Just like the hippies during the vietnam war, troops coming back after fighting for YOUR freedom ,getting shunned by their own. Im sorry, I am not looking to get this thread closed so I will refrain myself.

Actually im Canadian, the US and Canadian forces have done nothing productive other then killing and creating conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can't justify it the bodies of civilians and soldiers speak for themselves whether you like it or not all the people that have died thus far would still be alive if we didn't start these silly war games. Vietnam was a mistake don't even start with that argument.

753,118 people have
been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq
since the U.S. and coalition attacks, based on lowest credible estimates

682 US Troops dead in Afghanistan
4,295 US Troops dead in Iraq
All of the rest are civilians mainly

breakdown http://www.unknownnews.net/casualties.html


First off, thanks for clarying the fact you're Canadian antimatter..It just really gets me goin when people that live within America,brashly down the ways of the government. Hell a few of my friends are French..one of them is living is west africa ,the other left for germany today haha..I do not support the decision the US government makes , I am willing to fight for the cause, I do love this country.that bein said...good stats there,its horrible I know bro..modern society is all,what can u do?

givadog thats the style im talkin about haha,sounds sketchy put worthy of pay off..wonder what the JAG laws are for cultivation muaha,considered.will be infantry if tho.

ran,sounds like you have great memories and no regrets of the Navy.somethin to consider,yet again though,rather not be on high seas for long periods. how many months a year would u say were spent on ship?

great advice there nugget. once again,im not plannin on makin a career out of anything..as stasis restated, so much competition ,need grounds before moving to growing..regarding funds I have about 7000$ in my bank account..talkin go for broke need to pay rent here haha.

statis, good advice and you really reinstate the idea that the industry over there is already so developed..a new ,some what novice, grower would be fucked...to put lamely haha..without knowing anybody atleast :/

payaso..! obviously I am doing my best to stay for my final year none the less..I turned in an academic financial aid appeal today. as you say though,this is about finances really..if joining the services is what I wanted to do with my life I would have joined at 18, I do respect it for all it is though. Very good advice from a good man though, as far the Whore-he cervanted plagarism scandal goes, I think your literacy in text speaks for itself,besides,thats none of my beezwax..haha

filo, good advice, im looking for a long term ,benefits included, life long kind of thing.Job corps and the peace are both extremely good alternatives though I will keep in mind.

JJ..two words stick out at me in your paragraph..platoon leader.. regardless if he's frustrated ,seems like he's ranking up ,succeeding..I understand why he would be frustrated,wonder how he will feel when he comes back this time..probably the same eh? best of luck to him, not that I believe in luck, or karma...it's all him and he seems to know what hes doin. u feel me ?

lazyman , good call man..I understand as many of u westerners are tellin me ,thanks dude

antimatter..first come first serve mutha fooka !! haha take care bro

lemme just end this set of replies by sayin...this is why IC is the best of the best canna forums on the web..run by the best, that produce an educated magazine..no bullshit !!
thanks again buds


btw,if i wouldn't have gotten my scholarship to play football, I was gonna join the marines...


Active member
I just wanna state I don't think there is anything wrong with serving your country just the recent wars are nowhere near as noble as fighting in World War 2 if you catch my drift, evils gotta be put down but just not with civilians getting in the way that is all. If we have invaders in Canada id become a violent sob with flip of a switch, im not peace and love all around lol :joint:

Owl Mirror

Active member
I have nothing but respect for those serving in our military. It is the decisions made by the leadership in washington I question. I would be willing to place my life in the hands of a career officer but, never would I place my life in the hands of any politician, especially a Chickenhawk.

That said, if this is your option I wish you the very best and God speed.
If it doesn't work out, just pull a Klinger ;>}


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