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My Home Town



Now I know I am asking for trouble but who cares these days.

This is a paper that serves my home town. Now the real humor is that our local paper went out of business and is published by a company that publishes several small town papers if I have my info correct.. My bad if I don't there but I think that is how we still have a paper.

So what's with the long winded paragraph.. Well Welcome to Linda.. Linda is the example of a Local style Hater.


I just can't "NOT" share my local area politics since it's on the Google-dar ( pun on radar )

Enjoy.. Oh and what the long paragraph? You will see..

This one may well be the primo example of hater-ville Callifornia



Active member
What a narcissistic bitch!!! Only those who don't smoke mj desrve Constitutional protections in her book.

Someone should write a response to Linda's letter and point out a couple of salient facts. 1) Almost all of the crime and deleterious societal effects cited by Linda are due to mj prohibition, not to mj use itself, and; 2) The rest of what she says is bullshit with no scientific backing. (They might also point out that the FDA that has declared mj has no medicinal value is the same FDA that approved thalidimide, Vioxx and a plethora of other harmful and/or deadly drugs, so their edicts don't really come down from the mountain written on tablets of stone.)




I laughed a good laugh having just finished posting there..


I live here so hey there it is... :xmasnut:

I just had to choose between a great thread or exposure and I choose the thread..

I must be a soldier..

Anyway The worm is on the hook will the fish bite?


Active member
I just read most of that thread - man, that is one dumb bitch!!! But, she's a good example of a fully indoctrinated drug warrior. Doesn't matter how many facts you hit her with, she's the energizer bunny of regurgitating the same propaganda over, and over and...



Or a clever Rabbit that has all the Hounds on the chase.

It does represent a unique voice so in that I have much respect.

I know it's easy to hate but I will try not to.

There are folks who don't have a "Purple Haze" connect to Cannabis they don't much value hazey thoughts in principle I figure.

So fine to them if they never drink or screw or any other thing that is a habit of some form but, I figure somewhere along the road of life some temptation gets them and they get wise and get kicked out of that garden of eden of theirs.

Anyway any true aggression towards anyone is not intended by this thread.

It's close to home but so be it. That Linda and Myself share the same area would make for an interesting mix at the Ho-Down at the Fair!

So what do you think of the term Hater in this context?

I mean there isn't any position medical or recreational people can take to make this group happy. All we can do is keep them busy I guess.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
What a dumb C*nt. I didn't even read past her 3rd "reason" why my plants make everyone's life hell. What a fuckin' joke.

That whore has never even hit a joint I bet.


I would like to know the exact address of this Linda Taylor individual.


LOL Miss Blunted!

Ya know, Jack, when you have people advocating the death penalty for drug use, you go way beyond hate - that is pure evil, on the same scale as Nazis.


I am thinking the Linda character is reaching as fast as they can..

We may be assigning too much credit here.

I'm waiting for a reasonable answer if the "Linda" can't do more than quote texts it's a Rabbit IMO.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this lady needs to read the article about how the drug cartels in mexico became so powerful due to current american policy



I think that is her...

I didn't know she was such an ass. I thought it was an isolated thing but no!



Patient Grower
She's such an idiot it almost makes me think it was written by someone on our side to make the propagandists look bad. If not, why the heck hasn't Darwin done his friggin' job?


Well there you go.. Welcome to Stanislaus County and my realm of reality.

LOL Linda is out there but there are other forms of the same hater mindset.

Some of the Church people, some rednecks and even some of the Mexicans all have something they cling to, related to hate in this county.

That's the one thing that is true here.. The hate is a vibe you can feel.

If you remember the movie Grapes of Wrath, I can show you a place by the river in Modesto where there was a huge "Tent" City just like or worse than the ones portrayed in that movie. Now it's a trailer park and much the same sort of lifestyle in a modern context with roaming police at all hours of the day and night.

This area grew up around rich land owners and poor farm labor.

About 15 years ago there was a push to "Save" The "Farm" land from being used for schools and parks. Go figure.. They wanted to save their land for future profits I assume. The elders were rich enough already i would hazard a guess.
So it's natural to extend that to anything the People want.

It's so obvious in how employers treat workers and especially Union workers in this area that the respect of their fellow humans is a low priority.

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