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Sorry---I could "NOT" read anymore after the 1st statement.

"1. An individual’s drug use is not confined solely to the user, rather it rudely intrudes on the daily lives of law abiding citizens throughout the state."

R .U chiting me man....*)(*&^%$!$@#%$&%*^&()*_()+))(*&^%$#@#@#@$^


It's sad but it's not an isolated view here in Stanislaus. Sure she seems to be on the wild and whacko side but she wouldn't feel brave enough if the Din she is creating wasn't semi-acceptable to this "Red State" county.

Sort of like opposing gay people's marriage this is just another flavor of hate for these poor indoctrinated people.

Still I gathered one signature to legalize every 5-6 minutes at the Walmart.


Active member
reading through these threads allow me to see another side to the discussion over these initiatives.

I really often forget that there are too many that have to live in other than green friendly areas.

How tough it must be to put up with people with these "reefer madness" thoughts in 2009.

I brought up those red places in a conversation with one of my city council members just yesterday, its people such as these that will never adapt to 100% legalization, without proof that their worst nightmares will not come true.

This is what makes it so important not just to point to them, call them names, but to open the real dialog between our two sides, so that we can finally bring forth change.

I see people like her all the time, the only time they change is when the serious illness has either them or a close family member knocking on deaths door, then all of a sudden marijuana does have medical purpose, and isn't all that bad, and for the first time in their lives they see that marijuana users aren't that bad overall.


Sad.. She could have made some good points.. Something about American culture and saving the White anti-cannabis class or something.
She seemed to be upset that she is the lone voice of opposition. I don't think she considered she might be a minority when she posted that or that Google would pick up the link. Hell i wasn't reading my local papers web page.
This county is a part of the front lines to a much more reserved society further up the hill, so to speak. That change I am alert to and i know the culture well. I am excited and also fearful of the impact on some of the more genteel communities in the Foothills.
I am also concerned that cannabis people will still live under the mental gun even if it's decriminalized on this side of the State.
The area up there, I know, has spent the last 30 years, I know of, getting rid of that "Hippie element."
My 94 year old Father still looks down on the River rafting company because they look the part i guess.

I thought if we are to kill Cannabis prohibition then the best thing to do is to kill it quickly and mercifully so people can get on with more important things.
I do see your point of the half way compromise. It may be the way. It's just a long way around and it will be hard on many to adjust. It would be easier I feel, to have it in black and white, on paper and in the news that the Cannabis war is over.
We won't get that with the half way method for many years or never I fear and the Cannabis people will pay the price of bad laws.
I fear It will just get dirty. By that I mean dirty tactics like evicting people because it's socially okay to hate if you live in some places, for example, or, firing a guy because he is too happy and not suffering enough under some employment situation. It's weird to work for some of these places and unhealthy stress wise especially if a person has that Cannabis Noose around their necks.

Anyway it's a "big world" and a "small world" all at the same time here in California and this "Cannabis issue" is like a search light on that Sea of division we call a State from what I can tell. I see the ships and the shore, the rocks and the chop.

It is true we need to start the cease fire talks. But, Karmical, just who do we talk to?
No one has come to the party of any significance, I can see, and, I fear the war will go house to house, life to life with that proverbial "Burning Cross" on the lawn of Cannabis Freedom for many because of an incomplete legalization.

Yet the "biggest thing" any of us can do is just start living in the "new moment." Especially in the Red State areas. I know it's hard.
By that "Be the Change." No mater if any laws get enacted or we are waiting for 2012.. Be the change.. Live outside of the Fear mindset; Come out of the cannabis closet.


The first blog was deleted after I stood upto what must be a partner of the Linda.

So it has now become an issue of free speech.

Can this small town mind exist Internationally?

Stay tuned.. We go deep into the heart of darkness over Medical Cannabis

Oh and the photo are gone too.


I want to open a Cannabis Collective In Turlock I am asking for public debate.



nice pics, showing town stuff, but when I looked a little further that linda chicks' blog is crazy.

at first it was funny, then reading more absurd, she's really got issues.

Well I fight the fight online and in public but the Turlock Journal is ground Zero of forums in the heart of haterville.

The first round was deleted and I guess I can take it the distance.

If they can post hate mail why is peace mail deleted?

http://community.turlockjournal.com/blogs/detail/203/ is the URL

If you make a comment please keep a copy as it would be nice if you reposted it once the blog is deleted.

I can use some friends here.
should i post an article about why Linda Taylor is violating my pursuit of happiness? o0r should we all just meet at her house and have a massive, intrusive, and unconstitutional smoke out!?


Patient Grower
If you're local, start a bunch of plants and sneak into her yard at night and set them in her flower garden. Then call crime stoppers and report her. Hey, you might even get $1000 reward!


They are deleting not only the request for input on opening up a medical collective but also that I am posting that they are doing it.

Any suggestions?

"I pick apples from the tree of legalization posting at will and shine them up for folks who say thanks for posting the beauty of an article. They give me reputation for some post I make here or there. I find that flattering. I also work again for such a "poster treat." "

The Turlock Journal is it the prime example or an example of Hillbilly ignorance in the acceptance of Legal Medical Cannabis and the issues of allowing safe access in all parts of the state for qualified medical cannabis people.


Patient Grower
Quit banging your head against the wall. Ms. Taylor's 'reasoning' is so buffoonish that its very existence is a positive for us. We need to encourage her to write more, and to help distribute her work to the widest audience possible. Upon reflection, I have decided it was short sighted to view her work in any other way, and I regret posting her work in another thread as potentially influencing the borderline voters to vote against us.


Any Attorneys in the readership?
Also if this is too much drama let me know.. I don't have to post it if it offends.


The Go Away Letter I have been sent.

From: kmassey
Sent: January 01, 4:09 p.m.
Subject: Take your business solicitation somewhere else, and post your pictures of cannibas somewhere else. [Delete Message]
Ernst, while I appreciate your comments in the past you are now gowing over the line for a community newspaper. Our readers are tired of the commentary. You have been pretty civil through these sequences of discussion and I have no problem with your position on the debate, please keep your solicitation of a "growing" business in Turlock off the site. That is inappropriate content, once we look at cannabis like asparigus, then it does not matter but right now it does. Let's let the legal system decide if your hybrid plants are going to be legalized or at least refer to them on another site. I have grown tired of this discussion dominating the site. Which I think is what you guys want but I am not trying to censor just keep it from going over the top so I don't have to spend my time babysitting the marijuana debate. Which I have found myself doing again. Can you at least respect that?


It looks like Free speech isn't allowed here if you are a member of a locally unpopular group of people.

No I am not talking about African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans or Gay Americans I am talking about Medical Cannabis Americans.

So far our California Medical Cannabis ( marijuana ) laws have withstood all challenges in court for over 13 years and even the Federal Government is now Backing off of arresting Californian's and all of the other 14 State's Medical Cannabis people plus the District of Columbia.

Why is it then that a Turkocker is denied the freedom to discuss forming a Cannabis Collective, an entity defended by our own California Supreme court, with such diligence when Hate articles and deleting of complaints of discrimination are deleted?!

By the way these letters and blogs are posted elsewhere on the Internet as a backup to the Turlock Journal efforts. In fact Turlock is in the light of International view over the hateful articles by Linda Taylor allowed to be promoted by the Turlock Journal. Just to share the news about the news locally.

Let me tell you a little about me.

I am 48 and found Cannabis to be an effective treatment where pharmaceuticals failed.
I have been a medical cannabis person for over 10 years.

I work hard when I have a job, pay my taxes and even give pedestrians the right of way; Can you say that about your driving?

So what will it take to have equality in our local press?


Active member
Don't become the barking dog. Fight her arguments point for point with logically sound examples. The idea that other citizens smoking pot infringes upon your right to pursue happiness is a joke to us but it might not be to others. Address these topics one by one thoroughly in a legalistic manner rather than a oppositional or confrontational manner. Since I brought up the point that it infringes upon others' pursuit of happiness, address that. How exactly does it do that? Does other people drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes inhibit her pursuit of happiness? What if smoking pot is part of my pursuit of happiness? By preventing me from doing so isn't she inhibiting my pursuit of happiness? Take it down the line, point by point.


Actually it is now someone from the Turlock Journal telling me to go away.

They are tired of: They say... Don't want your business ad the say..

So I post all over the world and expose myself to the public over Medical cannabis.. I feel I have more than earned the right to freedom of speech in my home town on this issue!

Who in Turlock knows as much about the topic than I?

Who grows the better Organic Cannabis in Turlock, I do!

Damn these people practising some perverted form of a "news" paper if they do not allow competent discussion on the issues of local concern by local people.

I am unaware of Oppression of Viewpoint as being a proper business model for a news paper.

That it is some how a crime to discuss the formation of a legal collective in a public forum in the area effected, Is the crime. A Crime against the community.

If allowing Hate News to be published and to forbid Love News on the issue of Medical Cannabis is what they are all about then they need to say it publically.

I call this "Killing the Hippie Spirit in all holistic Herbs and natural substances as medicine or other things" as a rule of the land. I don't like Murder.

Oh Boy 2010 is off in Flames for me so far how about you?

Light Speed Scotty!

I am the Egg Man!
Last edited:


If this gets too dramatic I can knock it off.. But this is my modified attempt to open local discussion on the local area paper's site.


I do understand how this topic is going to be avoided. Maybe at all costs! However, I believe I am the most qualified person in Turlock to lead such a discussion.

Medical Cannabis is Legal in California for qualified Citizens.
The Collective is an organization recognized by the California Supreme Court as a valid organization.

Turlock may not be up to date on these issues and I can understand if they are never allowed to be discussed.

This is not a request to debate my legal rights to form a collective it is an attempt to access free speech in the community using this forum provided by the Turlock Journal and I thank them for the valued freedom our first amendment allows us without punishment.

So if you have the need to hate legal cannabis don't do it here. They do not want to play them games any more!

We will work within the bounds of the law but we will discuss the issue!


I am a 48 year old man who has been a medical cannabis person for over 10 years in our local area.

My skills are such that I wish to employ myself in the task of providing quality organic cannabis in a safe access setting for other medical people who need it.

A cannabis collective is allowed by our laws.


So Hello I am Ernst and I would love to meet you! Please share your input with me so I may understand my community better.

I am hoping to find land or a facility to expand my garden size and I could use the support and wisdom of my fellow Turlock residents.

Happy New year Turlock!


P.S. Who is that Ernst guy anyway Wink


Yeah Karmical those were very nice pictures.. Art quality if viewed in full size..

Many of my images would make nice art prints!

I don't get that.. I mean why delete such nice prints? It's just a plant and many haven't seen my photos locally. It's like an exclusive scoop on a local Medical person and they bail... Man..

Silly paper!

No news is good news when it comes to medical Cannabis?


Hehehe! Happy New Year, Jack!
That it's kicked off with flames just shows how 'controversial' this 'argument' is in some areas.
I suspect the folks monitoring the rag (Journal) just don't want to work harder, so (quietly) escort you out of their blog zone.
They'd have to read all the links to ensure that there were no subversive messages to their rag populace.
They've got enough trouble w/LT and the ire she's generating from other reader/blogger folk.
(I've been following this whole sidebar from the get go...lol...props to you, 14th, wm97, et. al.)

Keep up the good works and sally forth.
A good change is in the wind...just not sure when the wind will consistently blow the 'right' way.

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