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My Home Town



Quit banging your head against the wall. Ms. Taylor's 'reasoning' is so buffoonish that its very existence is a positive for us. We need to encourage her to write more, and to help distribute her work to the widest audience possible. Upon reflection, I have decided it was short sighted to view her work in any other way, and I regret posting her work in another thread as potentially influencing the borderline voters to vote against us.

And it was the Darling of the Letters to the editor until late.. Now even Linda's N02 is calling for Linda's Head in bringing the Wrath of Equal Access to The Turlock Journal ; I read.


Again I will try not to be too dramatic about this.. I trust we all realize that I am not just reporting the news now I am the news.

We shall see.. How else can I reach people I don't know but can be a part of a collective with if I cannot access the local forums and the local paper?


Patient Grower
I imagine it's very frustrating being in her general vicinity. You have my condolences for your bad luck.

Hmm, you know this means she's violating your Constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. Think about it!


I imagine it's very frustrating being in her general vicinity. You have my condolences for your bad luck.

Hmm, you know this means she's violating your Constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. Think about it!

Actually The Linda, i assume, doesn't bother me.. I met several "Linda's" while gathering signatures at the walmart.

What is going on here is a lot of economic pressure and a rich history of sharp division in Stanislaus county.

This is a county that has had some interesting struggles over the years.
If one describes a political force as left and right then this county has both .Both sides have pockets of activity further up the hill; so to speak, as well.
We are also one of the last counties to implement a medical Cannabis ID program. A program who has at least one employee who doesn't like to be near cannabis people, she told me over the phone.

I do wish to offer my respects to my fellow citizens over this issue. They can expect me to come to the peace talks prepared with the latest of news about the laws and the State of Cannabis in California. They can expect an honest enquiry into serving my county with medical Cannabis.

The Haters may not be any where near able to deal with what is really true about the State of Cannabis in California but, all is fair in Love and War they say.. If they failed to learn anything in 13 years all I can do is feel sorry for them. I do not have to abandon my liberties because it's something some have failed to deal with personally.


So this Rabbit Chase has led us down the Rabbit Hole!

Are we there yet?


great show Jack, keep up the good work.

I think I will get to meet the people behind the magic mirror or maybe get arrested?

But where do I go to find like minded people? My efforts on Craig's list helped me to understand more about the actual Cannabis Community at large here but I'm just too soft as a medicinal cannabis person to learn how to claw my way into a realm of drug dealing. And Trust me no disrespect intended to those who have kept the cannabis flowing it's that I feel afraid of that level of interaction. Mostly the fear is due to a lack of interactivity since I've grown my own for 10 years and outside of two trips to Berkeley I have not bought any cannabis except for my trip to Amsterdam last april.

So Bigger than life? Not really just wanting to stand erect.

This Show has me balls on the line. gawd help me!
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Hey Guys.. When I was in the Airforce I read a plaque in the Commanders office wall that read "Bloom where you are planted."

I just got the true meaning of that expression.

It means Stand your Ground and do a good job.

Funny I'm just now getting it completely.

2010 is the year of "Bloom where you are planted" for each of us like no time before.


A little looksie and Oh My... Blog Deleted again.

So these guys are digging in!

Lord help us if this is ground Zero in the Show-down..

The Bomb has been dropped.. WWIII has started..
wow just got done reading the blog....what a disgusting bitch.
im just glad people like JackTheGrower are on our side of the debate and not with the prohibitionists...


This woman is most probably a Scientology-person.

They don't listening fuck to what you have to say... so be carefull Jack. They messed with a lot of people over here in switzerland when we tried to get it legal over here.

They have the money and the connections... and are really presistent on their "no drugs" policy...


Okay the Editor of that tiny site is stuck on a Collective is a business entity and therefore any discussion of forming one is a free ad from their POV.

So I think the obviously competent voice of the Pro-Canabis people is over spent on the value of this site.

With the novelty of it being my home town, I hope it has been enjoyable to read about.

This is the last blog I plan to share here as it's obvious that this "editor" is not as good at "moderating" a site than the worst moderator I know of and that would be "Me."

The example is just this thread alone has generated more reads than that site gets in a week and maybe a month.

So this is what is called pouring good money after bad.

Not that I wont check on the local page from time to time.
What I see is the Local Cannabis Haters feel they are allowed Time to Fight the Fight still, when they have spent the last 13 years failing to accomplish that task.
It's like the last bits of a long Party where no one wants to go back to some boring life if Medical Cannabis is legal so, they pretend to be having fun when in fact the excitement waned at 11:30 and it's going on One.

I feel sorry for those smart enough to know better and are truly caught off guard. I do not feel sorry for those who are smart enough to know better and choose Hate over True growth in not only the local community but the State as a whole.

This is the last copy of any blog I will post here unless it's really important and related.

I thank the readers for their kind readership.
I find the activity of interacting on Icmag,com to be an important part of my day because it is my "Cannabis Home Town" and you are my Cannabis friends and Internet neighbours.

So As Paul harvey often said "And now you know the rest of the Story." "Good day"

Since this is, what, my fourth attempt to exercise free speech on cannabis collectives at the Turlock Journal Web site; it will be the final instalment of those blog copies for my article on Hate in Turlock against Medical Cannabis people in "My Home Town."
Unless things change we can expect the cultural growth of Turlock to be stalled and kept low by the very print media intended to serve and inform.
Most of you already know their claims that "any cannabis collective is a business" are false and I thank you all for the email support on that. I needed that reminder since I was falling into a dark patch over the ignorance I am dealing with here.

You know what they say " Ignorance in Ignorance out."

I will try to bring it all home with this final report of those blog posts

So Best wishes TJ .. I am not paid to raise the intellectual Bar at Turlock Journal and those who are, may well be doing what will keep there jobs for them as long as possible in the face of a declining print media industry; from what I can tell.
Change is too risky in hard times? I in I out?

I wish them well for their income requirements but this is American Freedom we are talking about not money.
You all remember that Flag waving.. I will die for your rights to be free kind of America?
Where has it gone? To Pot? Yes it has.. It has gone to Pot.

I offer my Voice as a upstanding member of the community on the experience of growing medical cannabis and my articles have been deleted one after another on the grounds that I am a business or I am forming a partnership when I am clearly not doing that
You see I don't believe those actually editing my articles understand what they are ruling on here; California Law.

TJ you need to know what the law actually means. A Cannabis collective is not a form of a business under the H&S and you are violating an American Ideal of Free Speech in a Forum designed to serve the community.. Wait is it about serving the community or just profits?

Nor does our State Supreme court consider citizens forming a collective to be a business entity from my understanding of the ruling.

So Enjoy one and all.. I thank the readers of my own article about this situation at the Turlock Journal and rest assured you all outnumber their readership by multiples and thankfully so.

The Times have changed in the 13 years of Legal Cannabis in California. Turlock Journal is resisting that change by pretending it isn't already here, in my opinion.

Private Citizens can form Cannabis Collectives and they do not have to be a business. So , Ergo ; It's legal to talk freely and openly without paying an advertisement fee in a public blog!

Now just how long will it take that Red Blooded American Time Honored News Paper, The Turlock Journal, to figure that one out?

We may be waiting for Jesus.

I'll try to update if things improve and if I don't die of old age first or they.

Ask yourself What would Jesus do?

Jesus wasn't about money, now was he?

And Turlock Journal? If you aren't selling papers it's because you are not actually serving the community, It's that simple.

Best wishes for an Enlightened and Cannabis Happy Year

P.S. Obviously you may need to hurry to actually see the article on the Turlock Journal site..


This woman is most probably a Scientology-person.

They don't listening fuck to what you have to say... so be carefull Jack. They messed with a lot of people over here in switzerland when we tried to get it legal over here.

They have the money and the connections... and are really presistent on their "no drugs" policy...

I can counter that concept.

Think more like a small child in big shoes.

In my theme of Down the Rabbit Hole expect more metamorphic constructs as well.

I haven't had the pleasure of knowing what was being talked about so "locally." I actually was looking out to the "Events Horizon" when my own home town came on the scope of my StarViewer port aka the plastic jesus.

Oh hell I could be homeless and jobless but, I can deal with that if I must. I'm a man with skills after all.
They did it in the Great Depression; I can withstand a few less Hot Pocket meals if I have to and focus on survival.

I just want to be open and honest about it in the town I call home for over eight years that is in a county I was born in.

So If not I then who can have respect on the streets and in the public eye as a Medical Cannabis Grower for Medical people?

Hell it is a skill and ask any one who has ever grown the plant just how much time some people put into learning everything they can about it.

I'm at the 10 year point with my speciality in Organic Soil growing, IN I add the "local Clime."

So is this Hater point of view and the subsequent refusal to allow public discussion of forming a Turlock area Collective an example of that Cloak of Cannabis Fear over the population?
Are who ever stands up now after 13 years of it being legal going to keep telling other Citizens who are legal and consume Cannabis,that they have no right to State law in Stanislaus county like some counties are telling the rest of the State.

Not Here.. You can't sit here medical cannabis Forrest Gump.

Are Turlockers going to resist that "Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge" that Cannabis is already legal and I don't need the community permission to have State Rights.

My Guess they preach leaving any Fruit alone around here.
Any "Fruit" has to be forbidden, naturally, in a meat and potatoes town would be my pun on that.

Is it really a forbidden fruit of knowledge thing to openly publish pro-medical Cannabis articles and emprace the Cannabis Community? They can't legaly shoot us on sight.
It is actually.. Shiny apple for us all.. Polished just so and put on display but not offered.. It is also called Truth.
The Paper is conspiring to only support a version of the truth. A reality that brings them revenue I assume.

We can form Collectives.. Associations of individuals and grow and share collectively.
We can have members and pay Dues.. It's all good and it's all not a business.
Oh maybe it could grow big. But then I would be sure not to try and play the trick of free advertisement in a low hit count web site on the Honorable Turlock Journal.

That would feel wrong to me right to my core. I'm not that kind of person.

You guys do understand that in communities like this they have a problem.
For years the non-acceptance and resistance against medical cannabis in some areas of the state can almost be considered local culture.
In reality it is more about being all about killing the Mouse that Medical Cannabis is, when they should be helping the State do something about the Monster Catels and gangs and let us do the local thing locally and in plain site. Legal it is.. Smart they are not.

This media outlet here are actually hiding the bigger monster issue of legalization Peace Talks behind the guise of killing the mouse that is of, locals Cannabis Collectives and POT SMOKERS in general.
It will change because of a Majority vote to legalize this year or even 2012. That I am sure of.
If this year is a failure then I will do my best to scream at people to get active or don't cry about it.

About them getting me? Eh.. getting me doing what?

I mean this town has a plaque honoring the stool George Bush Sr. sat on to eat a hamburger.
It must not have been a great experience because he never has come back.

I don't much bother anyone around here and they in turn like that I am a good neighbor. What am I doing to worry..

But thanks for the concern.. I see what is really true for them.. They are a declining paper as Turlock finds it's not a small town nor an important one to the cause and there is no real "news" paper there. The Blogs are real action if I am posting tho...

Again thanks for the concern.. Your words were taken in...


I know what you mean, mid-40 mothers with too much time on a quest for justice... justice for... they usually don't know neither for whom they fighting for, their own kids usually don't care.

But this woman in the blog is just too whacky to be just "that" in my opinion. If the foto is real in the blog, she has most probably no kids and no man on her side. Ugly, alone and no selfrespect (style yourself like that is like cutting yourself), that makes her a major target for scientology. There has to be something else what drives here... religion is usually the most simple answer.

And those fucks don't get one of their own most simple tales... the forbidden fruit. It's clearly about prohibition not working... ;)


I busted a gut when I read this reply to Linda on her page there...

5 weeks ago | HDG

BTW Linda - How are you making Stanilaus county a safer place when you have all those domestic violence charges on your rap sheet. If your own home isn't even safe, then how can you possibly think to make your community safer?

Damn that's funny... cold... but funnnnyyyyyy


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Is that a chick or a he/she either way i have concluded a theory that LT's parents might of been hippy's and LT was dropped on the floor head first as a baby several times from what i can gather after her mum/dad had consumed some lebanese blonde hashish...

On a serious note there is one word that describes that person/thing and that is DELUSIONAL...


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Linda said:
Yes, drug use intrudes on our daily lives, in a number of ways.

I'm sure if you think about it, you can name a few yourself. It is a fact that drug users commit crime, do I really need to spell it out for you?

1. They commit residential and commercial burglary. I'm sure you can figure out how that would impact law abiding citzens.

2. Drug users steal identities. I'm sure you can figure out how that would impact the lives of law abiding citizens.

3. Drug users steal cars. Can you figure out how that would impact us?

4. Drug users steal anything not nailed down. Can you figure out how that impacts us?

5. Drug users commit murder. Can you figure out how that impacts us?

How much proof do you need?

What a moron !


Thanks for the reads today.. Having coffee and a smoke after a party night. Yes I woke at 1:30 ,,, PM

Well not going to church I can tell.

I've done all I can in the forceful way there. The Moderator .. Oh excuse me.. Editor is removing all threads she doesn't approve of.
Is that editorial power or old fashion censorship?

We have it so good here. Really when I see that sort of forum I usually move on ( pun intended) but friends.. Like me personally or not this is the Year of Cannabis! We need to go to our local areas and raise hell.

In our Icmag realm we just tell our friends that some post bothered us and then that friend doesn't repeat that speech.
Why? Because we are Cannabis people and we are getting the Community thing right!

We don't need to delete threads to save face! If it's a boring thread we just go to another.

This look at TJ, in "My Home Town" is a good peek into the "Homes and minds" of those still thinking that by Saying No they have been prepared to fight the good fight. That's so far from the truth as we all know no Governmental force will overpower the people's will forever!

Cannabis in 2010... Just say YES! <-- Pass it on.

Just Say Yes!
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Hey Jack:

If you could find out where she lives, I need some bricks for a BBQ that I am building in my back yard.

When the legalization initiative passes she is going to be shitting bricks for days.

Go by and pick some up for me will ya!

I'm sure Turlock will be over flowing with bricks, I remeber reading somewhere where that at one time Turlock had more churches per capita than any other city in the US. I have a feeling they are slightly conservative.

Keep fighting the good fight although at times it may seem like you are banging your head against a wall.

Linda is a self proclaimed anti activist, she posts up her anti rants on BBS up and down the valley but she never stays around to debate her weak arguments. Coward she is.